my christmas list is pretty much complete. im positive i wont get most of the things i have on my list, but i thought it would be good to make one for my friends/family so they could at least get an idea of the things i'd like. i found this website,, and made an online wishlist. that way as i think of things i want i can just put it on there throughout the year. its helpful because i can never remember the things i wanted/needed. i hope i get at least a few of the items off the list.
i desperately want/need the new kurt halsey calendar.
i've been so broke, otherwise i'd buy it myself.
some of the other things i'd really like to get off my list would be:
-a starbucks giftcard.
-a new phone, the LG Vu would be my top choice (it has cable tv!).
-a few books
-some american apparel tube socks
-radiohead: in rainbows vinyl
-a&f flared jeans
-a plane ticket to nyc :)
i know that i wont get it, but i thought i'd add it anyways
im just excited to find perfect gifts for my favorites & brighten up their christmas days.
& i need to find something nice for mike.
only a month away.