Nov 03, 2004 23:26
i cant be here anymore im going crazy. this school, this every thing. i dont know if i even want to be an artist anymore it seems pointless to me. art is something that is being turned into what it shouldnt be. i dont even feel artistic when im making art, if that makes any sense? but now im stuck here and i dont knwo what to do. im hoping this passes and im thinking it most likely will but i dont know when. and in the mean time im pretty miserable and can hardly get through a class with out having to leave, my heart/ mind is just not in it anymore. it makes me really scared cuz im completely unsure of who or what im sopposed to be doing.
it is soo fucking lame how college students still act like they are in middle school. but what ever people who do things that fucked up will never lead a happy life and probably be miserable inside forever, and thats exactly what they deserve.
correct me if im wrong but i think ive completely lost all creativity.
i hate being mad when i dont want to be but i cant help it