survey thingy

Apr 26, 2004 15:51

Do you bite your nails: not anymore
Can you roll your tongue: yea
Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: yeah
Can you blow smoke rings: maybe if I tried
Can you blow spit bubbles: yes
Can you cross your eyes: no
Do you make your bed daily: yeah
Which shoe goes on first: don't know usually left
Speaking of shoes, have you thrown one at someone: yes (but not to harm them just joking around)
What's sexiest on a guy: eyes and smile
What's sexiest on a girl: eyes and smile
Would you rather be on time and look okay or late and look great: on time and okay; I don't need look good to impress someone I have to be myself t o impress someone
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it: twirl
How many many boxes of cereal are in your cabinet: 2 sometimes 3
What utensils do you use for eating pizza: hands

How long do showers/baths last: 15 minutes
Hair drying method: air, sometimes hair dryer
Do you swear: yes *glares* andrew's fault
Do you mumble to yourself: depends
Do you spit in public: somethimes

Person you talk most on the phone with: Christel or Andy
what color is your bedroom: purplish blue
Do you use an alarm clock: no
Name one thing/person you're obsessed with: hmm, let me think, Severus Snape, andy, umm DRACULA, julian sands, gabriel byrne so on and so forth. If you know me then you know who I'm obsessed with
Have you ever skinny dipped with the opposite sex: I want to
Ever sunbathed in the nude: no
Window seat or aisle: window
What's your sleeping position: usually on my back
What kind of bed do you like: mine
In hot weather do you use a blanket: yes but I have an ac in my room so it yeah I do
Do you snore: no
Do you sleepwalk: no
Do you talk in your sleep: no
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: Evee!! siberian husky stuffed dog that andy gave me
How about the light on: nightlight
Do you fall asleep with the tv or radio on: radio (or cd)

Watched Bambi: along time ago
Talked on the phone (to whom): my dad
Punched someone: umm purposely??

Is music important to you: yeah
Do you sing: yeah
Pop music: *shrugs* depends on the song
Rock music: yes,
Punk music: not realy
Rap music: no.
Hip-Hop/RB: no
Country: yeah alot (yeah for billy currington and josh turner)
Jazz: no
Classical: no
New Age: sure
What is one band/singer you absolutely love that no one else does or seems to have heard about: hmm ... let me thnk "black hawk"

(I'll assume that single music artists count as well)
Jon bon jovi

Have you ever had a song written about you: Yea, by a friend
What song makes you cry: "don't take the girl" Tim McGraw
What song makes you happy: "not sure"
What do you like to listen to before bed: Clay Aiken or country

Height: 5'5"
Hair Color: brown
Skin color: whitish tan
Piercings: ears
Tattoos: no

What color pants are you wearing: blue with gold writing
What song are you listening to: "This love" Maroon 5
What taste is in your mouth: umm no comment
What’s the weather like: raining
How are you: bad mood.

Get motion sickness: yes
Have a bad habit: not really
Get along with your parents: No.

T.V. Show: Charmed
Conditioner: panteen proV
Magazine: Paintball (what ever it was called)
Soda: Coca Cola
Thing to do on the weekend:umm I don't know
Rapper: none

Broken the law: not really
Ran away from home: tried to
Snuck out of the house: yes
Ever gone skinny dipping: no
Made a prank phone call: no
Used your parents credit card before: no
Skipped school: no
Fell asleep in the shower/bath: no
Been in a school play:: yes
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yes
Boyfriend: yes
Girlfriend: yes
Children: no
Been in love: by far
Had a hard time getting over someone: yes, but in the end we got back together so you know
Been hurt: yes. don't want to go throught that again
Your greatest regret: no
Gone out with someone you’ve only know for a few days: No

Do you have a job: nope
Your CD player has in it right now…: Clay Aiken (if my cd player worked
If you were a crayon what color would you be: black
What makes you happy: andy
Who makes you the happiest: Andy
Cd your gonna get next: umm Tool maybe

Time you cried: today
Time you got a real letter: not sure
Kiss: andy
Time you got email: Andy but he hasn't emailed me yet
T.V. program you last watched: baseball (with my dad)
Movie you saw at the theater: The Hulk (ugggh.) bab movie

Abortion: I don't care byut perferbly no
Teenage smoking: dont' really care
Spice Girls :nope
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