OoC Sign-Up Post! Important!

Oct 10, 2008 21:04

[Private; Unhackable]

Huh, she actually forgave me.


Tck. She's too forgiving for her own good. She's going to let herself get hurt by a lot of people...


Whatever. Guess all I can do is not screw up again and pound some sense into the people that do.

...Meh, need to get past this. Maybe stirring something up'll get my mind off things.

Hell, Subaru might even be amused~

[OoC Sign-Up! Heather--along with some help--will be going on a panty raid. Being a master thief, she will succeed in doing so; for the characters that would somehow not have this done to them, she'd realize that an avoid them. I simply need permission from as many ladies as possible to borrow their underwear. There is actually more to this than a simple panty raid, so, please, throw permission at me!]
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