Jul 07, 2008 18:54
I'm damn relieved that I managed to avoid all the crap that happened this last week. Seriously, the bouncing was bad, but apparently the food was making people sick? Luckily for me, me and Subaru avoided the brunt of it all while staying out in the tent together. Too bad not everyone caught on to the idea, eh?
Thank you again for such a wonderful week, Subaru~ I can't begin to explain how thankful I am! Spending so much time alone with you, looking at the stars, strolling about the forest and park, looking around town, and sleeping with togeth- near you...we definitely need to do it again sometime, whether the apartments are acting strange or not!
Although...in the future, just mention something before eating all the food? I mean, I don't mind and all, it was...simply quite a surprise in the morning. And food costs money. I'd just like to know beforehand if you're going to...gobble all the food yourself in one night, k, hun~?
((Note: Subaru didn't eat the food. The bears did. Heather was just asleep.
Mods:Please deduct a week's worth of pay for Heather along with $60 for a tent and $40 for food.))