(no subject)

Dec 31, 2009 01:48

Memory Regain: 018%

  • 'Works' as a thief. (1%)
  • Mother is grievously ill and hates thievery. (1%)
  • Meets Ilyana (has not remembered name), flirts, learns the girl is hungry and near-fainting. She finds a man (Gatrie) to get food from via flirting and gives it to the girl. (1%)
  • Her dagger is named Peshkatz; incredibly sharp and expensive; unbreakable. (1%)
  • Meeting Nephenee ('Recruitment' dialog and helping with the rebels in Oma.) (1%)
  • Dating Nephenee (1%)
  • Memory of Ike hiring her into the Laguz Alliance. (1%)
  • Remembers being from Crimea, Tellius. (1%)
  • Nearly everyone turning to stone (1%)
  • Daein invading Crimea in PoR (1%)
  • Fighting the dragon tribe in 4-F-3 (1%)
  • Bane (1%)
  • Mist (1%)
  • Knife-fighting skills (1%)
  • Volke (1%)
  • 3% unused

  • Several gold coins.
  • The indestructible, Goddess-blessed knife Peshkatz.
  • A dress purchased in Memento Eden.
  • Standard Whisper outfit.
  • Anonymous: A scarf-for-two.
  • From Agrias: A Labrador puppy, dog bed/collar/leash, vaccinations, and one bag of dog food.
  • From Erk: Whipped cream.
  • From Renge: A small bouquet of flowers.
  • From Subaru: Lingerie.
  • From Yuki: Book of naked women (one of Zapp's that Yuki had when he dropped).

  • Subaru: She loves her Subaru more than anyone else~ Even if that doesn't keep her from hitting on everything else that moves and has breasts. Definitely her closest friend, too.
  • Agrias: One of her best friends that she likes to be around for reasons besides being a hot chick. Plus, she knows Agrias is totally in the closet.
  • Franziska: Roommate and definitely one of her closest friends. She gets frustrated with Franziska being anal and stubborn, but only because she thinks it's keeping Franzi from being happy. Heather actually respects her quite a bit for being so smart and orderly.
  • Erk: Puts up with him as a guy for Agrias's sake; plus, he's easy to screw with. Has taken a liking to him now that she's aware that he makes a really, really hot chick.
  • Ike: Although she doesn't really care that he's a Crimean hero, she figures being on reasonably good terms with him would be helpful. Plus, he gives her money. And his sister is cute.
  • Aisha: Hot and exotic. Plus, Heather tips her well at the club.
  • Haruko: Gave up on hitting on her a looooooong time ago. Helps make Sakura question her sexuality and does various other hijinks that Heather enjoys and participates in.
  • Yuki: Due to her typical style of baseless assumptions, Heather thinks Yuki is a quiet, sweet, likely gay girl. Heather has taken her under her wing.
  • The Nanas: Just met them but they're cute (more so Hachi and not Nana O.) and she's already decided there's something between them.
  • Sakura: Adorable tsundere ninja; Heather is determined to make her question her sexuality.
  • Renge: Completely insane, but the fact that she wholeheartedly ships yuri (both terms she's taught Heather), Heather loves her. That and because Renge's always screwing with guys' heads.
  • chaos: One of the very few men so far that Heather actually considers a friend (aside from Erk, but the fact that Heather considers him a woman makes it a moot point) due to actually having some serious conversations and Heather pitying him a bit.
  • Vash: While annoying, she's grudgingly beginning to consider him a friend.

relationships, memory regain, possessions

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