Back to Heaven!

Jun 09, 2008 00:54

Th...they're back! Me, I'm back to normal! FINALLY. Thank you, Goddess!

Tck, why's everyone freaking out about memories? I just remembered a sweet lavender-haired girl I met back home~ Poor thing was starving, too. Got some dumb oaf to give me some food 'cause he thought I was hot and fed her~

[Filtered to Subaru]

Hey, Subaru! How are you feeling? Back in your good  adorable ol' body?

[Private; Fairly Easily Hackable]

My...mother is sick? Really sick. I...

[Private; Much harder to Hack]

...I'm a thief. I can live with that. I figured I'd be something like that, what with being so good at silently sneaking around and whatnot. Oh, and always wanting to take things. Oh, and really liking money. Oh, and--tck.

...My mom hates thieves. Why would I...? How could I do that?

subaru, priscilla, dino, memory regain, franzi, maya, gokudera

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