it's 3.41am and i'm awake. this isnt unusual for me, but after the day I had and not sleeping all day after work til almost 10pm, I thought i'd sleep longer. i'm still tired as hell. why am i awake? errrrr..... so frustrating. anyhow, this is gonna be a very random post. just whatever comes to mind as i type and wait for my water to boil so i can make my ramen.
i just turned in my first late assignment for one of my classes. I did the reading and typed it up on time, but my silly ass saved it and forgot to post it. so I lose a point. i'll live. hope it doesn't happen again. I think i'm gonna have to pick a day from the week and do all my homework so all i have to do is post it on the due date. that's an idea. i'll see how that goes. These online classes are goin better than I thought they would, but this is only week 2. hope i stay motivated.
Had to change a tire for mom today. damn trucks!!!! her durango is freakin heavy!!!!! puttin that shit up on a jack and the tire itself....holy crap. as if my back wasn't already hurting from bending over the counter at work to sort change while the machine was broke. but mom is good to me. gave me money to get the nails done. i took off the last set cause i didnt think i would get them done til next payday and one was broke. but mom said my hands looked nasty and i should go get them done. at 2pm, i go get rid of my hair's nappiness, and i'll feel ( and look) like a new person. I always feel pretty when i get the hair and nails done. if i could just keep the hair looking decent and not be lazy with wrapping when i sleep, i'd be fine. I'm really considering gettin the hair braided up. it'll be so much easier. we'll see....
thats my mom and alanna. see where we get our big, loud mouths from? hahahh love that lady.
anyone have a way to make uploading and resizing pics faster for a dial-up connection? i hate my dial-up, but can't get sbc dsl. not yet, anyway. I use photobucket, but that shit takes forever. anyone have ideas, let me know. i'd love to post more pics if it didnt take so long.
so, i think i'm gonna get off the computer now. gonna eat and read a book. have a great day, everyone.