so, it's 5.39am and i can't sleep. alanna woke up once needing to be changed and i fell asleep with her on the couch for about an hour. that's it. i wanna sleep, but i'm not tired. damn night shift. i pray every day that in a few years workin like i do will pay off.
anyhow, i just made a post on bebedawl where i mentioned some of the idiot people that i deal with at walmart. brought to mind this ignant ( not ignorant, just ignant) female that one of my asst. mgrs. had me deal with.
so, asst. mgr. mark comes into the office and says he needs me to handle something out at the service desk. it's 7.45 and i'm supposed to get off work at 8pm. i think "this won't take long, and i know kay (my co-worker) sure as hell can't handle customers fast. and my dumbass doesnt think to ask mark what the problem is to i just grab keys and go outta the office.
the situation-- lady was checking out at the register and the transation got tendered out the wrong way. i had to fix. not hard when someone is willing to listen to what the hell you sayin and not actin like it's you that's wasting their time. the lady had a foodstamp card and a debit/check card. when both are swiped, on the cashier side of reg, they both say debit. so we dont know the difference. she swiped her debit instead of foodstamp card and was upset cause it was all gonna come outta her account.
i walk up behind the desk and tell the lady i'm gonna take care of her and i'll explain anything she wants to know if i can. conversation goes as follows....
lady (with hands on hips, huffin and be all dramatic) -- oh my gawd!!! i gotta deal wit someone else? you gotta be shittin me. ohh i cant believe this. ya'll wastin my time!!! ohhhh...
me- ma'am, i'll have this taken care of if u give me a second. ( so i tell the cashier that she needs to refund the whole purchase to cash. then ring it all up again. )
lady- how is a refund gonna help me. what are u doin? i just want the stuff on my access card. ohhh i cant believe this.
me- ma'am just let me explain this to her and i'll get u taken care of. ( i have cashier refund , then ring it all up. i have the lady swipe her access card , then pay the rest wit the cash from the refund.)
lady- wait wait wait!!!! that's wrong. why do i have cash back?
me-- there is no way we can put money back on a debit card. credit card , yes. debit, no. so you'll have to take the rest of the money to your bank.
lady--- now why you gonna give me cash (rolls eyes and looks at me like i'm stupid) you know all i'm gonna do is spend it. you know that's what's gonna happen
me (after i pick up my mouth from floor) --- i have no control over what you do with that money now that it is in ur hands. i did what i had to do. if u get overdraft charge on this transaction, my mgr. said he would take care of it.
lady- all i'm gonna do is spend it. tomorrow is sunday and monday is the 4th of july. my bank is closed sunday and it's already 8pm. what am i supposed to do?
me- take the money to your bank as soon as it opens on tuesday and keep checkin on the transaction to post to ur account. other than that, it's not my prob.
i'm just gonna stop right there. now tell me....does it make sense for her to tell me she's just gonna spend the money? personally, i could care less what she did with it. i just couldnt believe that she had the audacity to actually say that. plus, i didnt leave work til 8.45 that night. i wanted to smack that broad, but that's not allowed. so, i think i'm gonna try to catch a few more hours of sleep before alanna wakes up. have a great day!!!!!