
Nov 18, 2005 17:33

Basic Info Name: Andy Liu
Age: 16
Gender: male
Ethnicity: chinese
Location: austin tx
 Occupation (If you're in school, please specify year level/major. If you're working, tell us a little bit about your job.): junior in high school
Relationship status: single
Describe yourself in 3 words: intellectual, easygoing, lazy
What does your LJ username mean? same name i use for everything, got it when i was in around 3rd grade registering for my first AOL account and typed in andyliu and it suggested andyliu52 because someone already took it

3 Favorites Books: fiction i like anything by salinger, kafka, borges, on the road by kerouac, steinbeck, non fiction i read alotta ward churchill, i like reading nietzsche, slavoj zizek is alright occasionally, favorite poet is walt whitman
Movies: american beauty, goodbye lenin
 Bands/Artists: classical music mostly, esp beethoven, whatevers on the radio, eg kelly clarkson, kanye, i also like josh groban
Sports: rowing
Foods: pizza, french fries, hamburgers

Random What are your interests? debate, native americans, piano
You are what you rant about. What is your ultimate pet peeve? discrimination, saying "fag" or "gay" as insults
If you were to lose your bag or wallet, the person who found it would be able to determine what things about you? dont have a wallet but if i lost my backpack they would find out what classes im in from my textbooks
Do you have photoshop skills? prove it! (optional) no

Recommend One song or album: broken vow
One book or movie: nine stories - jd salinger
One piece of advice: slack off as much as possible in middle school cuz it doesnt matter

Opinion Give us your opinion on an issue of your choice, something you feel strongly about.i feel strongly against the ongoing genocide against native americans, i feel that we are all standing on stolen ground and that we need to recognize that, i think native liberation is the first step towards any positive social change, i think when people say nuclear war and mean an apocalyptic first world war they are ignoring the true nuclear war that happens all the time in the form of nuclear testing and uranium/plutonium mining on native lands

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