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Email address: herlastsecret@hotmail.com
Mode of delivery: Self-collection
Shop name: Styllenanday!!饭团秋子
Item #1
Name: 韩国Stylenanda 完美女神棉麻舒适吊带显瘦S型修身背心裙连衣裙
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/537674583967.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.9FJ4Fs#detail
Color/Size: 黄色/M
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 52.86
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 快递 免运费
Alt: NIL
Shop name: Styllenanday!!饭团秋子
Item #2
Name: 2016秋韩国东大门复古性感魅力蕾丝拼接金丝绒宽松打底小吊带女
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540036911283.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-14116488206.106.0etkWR
Color/Size: 模特色/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 38.86
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 快递 免运费
Alt: NIL
Shop name: Styllenanday!!饭团秋子
Item #3
Name: 韩国代购2016秋季复古时尚气质旗袍式侧开叉碎花雪纺高腰半身裙
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540089188153.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-14116488206.37.SWXWhB
Color/Size: 酒红色/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 53.20
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 快递 免运费
Alt: NIL
Shop name: Styllenanday!!饭团秋子
Item #4
Name: 韩国代购2016秋冬韩版时尚气质淑女优雅纯色开叉层叠半身裙长裙
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540245158700.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-14116488206.55.9HiB2a
Color/Size: 粉红色/S
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 68
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 快递 免运费
Alt: NIL
Shop name: stylenanday 韩国站
Item #5
Name: 曲潇潇同款欢乐颂王子文酒红色上衣格子半身裙套装裙两件套女夏潮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/537534363007.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-6458566791.39.t9EEYe
Color/Size: 酒红色/L
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 45
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): RMB 26
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 靓装美衣服饰
Item #6
Name: 2014莫代尔开叉修身半身长裙 一步裙女半裙包臀裙子半身裙长裙
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/38574435503.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.thDXSt#detail
Color/Size: 宝蓝/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 14.80
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): RMB 26
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 奔走的小白兔
Item #7
Name: 欧洲站2016早秋针织半身裙长裙开叉欧美时尚修身显瘦包臀一步裙潮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540799634507.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-15404719877.38.tEdnIT
Color/Size: 灰色/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 36
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): RMB 26
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 奔走的小白兔
Item #8
Name: 欧洲站2016早秋针织半身裙长裙开叉欧美时尚修身显瘦包臀一步裙潮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540799634507.htm?fromSite=main&spm=a312a.7700824.w4002-15404719877.38.tEdnIT
Color/Size: 黑色/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 36
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): RMB 26
Alt: NIL
Shop name: AMJyy潮流
Item #9
Name: ulzzang韩版一秒变女神 的条纹上衣一字领显瘦T
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/532877090940.htm?spm=a312a.7929832.0.0.6h3I9B
Color/Size: 条纹/均码
Quantity: 1
Price (RMB): RMB 21
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): RMB 26
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 夏夜星空化妆刷
Item #10
Name: C50【尾单】美国Si*ma化妆刷F80平头粉底刷 包邮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/44186796873.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.pkEav1#detail
Color/Size: F80
Quantity: 2
Price (RMB): RMB 30.40 x 2 = RMB 60.80
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 中国大陆境内包邮
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 虫虫美妆店专业分装
Item #11
Name: C50【尾单】美国Si*ma化妆刷F80平头粉底刷 包邮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/521000117347.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.3awRLB#detail
Color/Size: 人造纤维/竹杆圆头刷(软毛)
Quantity: 2
Price (RMB): RMB 8 x 2 = RMB 16
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 中国大陆境内包邮
Alt: NIL
Shop name: 星空家化妆刷
Item #12
Name: C50【尾单】美国Si*ma化妆刷F80平头粉底刷 包邮
URL: https://world.taobao.com/item/540971633455.htm?spm=a312a.7700714.0.0.WWL55U#detail
Color/Size: f80
Quantity: 2
Price (RMB): RMB 30 x 2 = RMB 60
Domestic Shipping Fee (广东): 中国大陆境内包邮
Alt: NIL
Total number of items: 15
Total number of shops: 8
Total Price in RMB: RMB 632.52
Total Price in SGD: (RMB 632.52) * 1.08 / 4.6 = SGD 148.50
Payment details:
From account: POSB Savings
Amt transferred: $148.50
Date/Time: 11 November
Transaction reference: 4838
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