Jan 28, 2012 12:15
I somehow successfully guessed my username and password (that I keep forgetting...) on the first try.
Maybe I'll remember it again next time.
But probably not.
Anywayyy.. downloading AuditionSEA.
The patching kept not working, but now it seems to be working?
Even though it's the same patcher and I didn't changed anything...
But okay. Hopefully it works orz ;A;.
I want to play.
AP World takes up a super large amount of time if you procrastinate. So....... if you procrastinate a lot, don't take that class, ahaha XD;.
Idrk what else to say.
I can't remember what I posted in my last entry.
/goes to check/
I never did join that rp community. Since, obviously, I haven't even been on LJ since then, l o l.
Uhhh AP World and Tumblr. So pretty much same as usual, rofl.
I haven't been dragged into the Homestuck fandom completely, yet. We'll see how long that lasts. Then again, it depends on if I regain enough interest to continue reading it orz. I'm sure I will. I just don't know when..|D.
adfklj yeah.
Not much else to sayyy...
AuditionSEA why you no be easier to update OTL.
That's all.