Welcome myself =D

Dec 15, 2008 12:32

Hello everyone *-*

Gosh, i'm speechless X° Can't believe that i have my own LJ, i was dying to be a LJer lol X° I have to thank Elluh for explaining me everything i needed to know to start this blog <33 Thank you for being this patient hunnie *___* I can't say i know you well, your incredible helpfulness makes you look kinda special person though *-* Can't wait for when i'll have the chance to give you something in return. (Guess that lots of years must go down, lol X°)

Well, how will i use my LJ? I'll post graphic works, thoughts, news about my heroooes, everything's on my mind that deserves to be posted :P Also, I really hope to meet people from all over the world with my same interests/passions, so feel free to add me as a friend or Mp me. I apologize for not introducing myself, my life & suchlike here, you can take a look at my profile to know more about me.
See you soon,
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