Apr 06, 2004 02:11
HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHAT A NIGHT!!!!!! I dont even know where to start.
I went to gample with a shit load of people...
Walked throught he insain crowd on fairfieldway, out kind of center of the campus, where there was a dj and peopel climbing in trees!!!
I walked to north,,, had a couple of beers... got tipsy (Now I have the song in my head "Underage drinking is bad. yeah but i got a fake id dough!!!!")
I got to see a fire woo hoo....
I finally walked the rape trial( ironic name i guess peoepl used to get raped there but now its the safest way cause its paved and completely lit up!)
I swear I saw over half the campus walk the other way or walk back with me....
Cause of course when I got there there was smoke and flashing light everywhere...
Apparently the cops had soem fun with tear gas and peper spray.... from what I was told by a coulle of people I went with, the entire place was filled with flipped and burning cars and cops!!
So i guess I missed the party there
I had to pee so bad I was barely paying attention anyways..
I must say, great job drunk people, cause havic off campus not on it! ilk!
SO there most liklely will be calsses tomorrow
But on a very funny note I got to watch one of the guys I was with run into mirror lake( disgusting place full of geese shit!)
All in all I have to say this was my favorite night here. I wish I didnt have to pee so bad earilier cause it ruioned my trip down the rape trail but what ever.