(no subject)

May 16, 2006 02:44

Anyone: If I ever bum you out because of anything at all, please tell me. I will talk to you about it and hopefully gain some insight. Nothing necessarily happened to me but I'm just seeing the "fruits" of dishonesty.

Tonight, I hung out at a very drunk Amber Shaw's house. I saw some people I liked seeing but dealt with what I talked about above. But it's ok.. I said what I needed to say to my friend and that's all I can do. It was good to hang with Skyler, Candice, Amber (who ended up being really sick), Josh and everyone else there. It made me realize hanging out and sitting around a dead campfire is the kind of thing I love doing and it's too bad that I'm leaving but at the same time I've never been around much anyways. I've always been doing whatever else.

After having a conversation about Billy about being able to remember things, I've been making an effort to try and remember some things. Past relationships and really odd moments in time. Candice and I talked about when we "dated" in junior high and it was just so rediculous to think that everything was so serious back then, or so we thought. I need to do something like in High Fidelity how Rob is organizing his record collection in autobiographical order. I need to do that. That is absolute crazy but it'd be interesting to see what I remember and actually write it down.

Lately, I'm just feeling grateful and humbled. I got in trouble at work today but it's not THAT bad and I just felt like it was God's way of saying "Dude, you're getting too cocky here, sit down, shut up and be grateful". I doubt God would actually say that to me but once I felt like thats what God was trying to say (hopefully in a nicer way), I felt alright about things. Everything is copacetic. Everything is good. God is good.
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