Sep 29, 2004 16:09
Not much time so...
Well I'm feeling great, even though last update I might have been a bit down and bored. Now I'm feeling great. Tonight I'm going to a Dodger game with my brother, Dad, and (I'm waiting to hear if my friend Kyle can come) Since some people (cough cough April Cough Cough Dustin) decided they had better things to do. Just kidding! :)
School wise I'm still very bored with school, but hey that's life, luckily I'm starting to get into "school mode" so now homework etc. doesn't seem to be taking me as long now that I'm getting used to it. Not to mention I'm having fun with the time I get to spend with friends during school. Also I'm way happy that the weather is cooling down, it was too hot during lunch and stuff.
All in all I'm happy with how things are going. The lesson for today is.... (Drum roll)
Be content and happy with what you have, because we are all really blessed with alot of things in life, the fact that we have a home, meal, friends, and family, other than I'm just learning to be happy with the situations I encounter in life.
Well thank you once again for tuning into Sam's Journal.. I hope you'll join us next time, but for now this is Sam Richins
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