*insert title here*

Mar 23, 2011 02:50

Oh, it's been awhile hasn't it? I'm not really a diary person (I know, shocking right, you had no idea), not really, deep-down. I think of things to write but I don't write them. I don't want it used against me someday. I don't want it used against me now either. I can think of so many things I'd like to say aloud (or write aloud in this case), but I just can't make myself do it. Things I think, things I feel... but I can't.

So I write fairly useless updates instead.


My heel-clicks got here at the end of last month. :D It's so cool, I got mail from Latvia. I'm so keeping that envelope. <3 They're in really good shape and the right size. :O Srsly WTH is with this, everything's the right size.....  I haven't had them put on yet though.


Uh what else, my WiFi decided it wasn't going to verify my IP address anymore and I've been using dail-up since Feb.22. I am SO not looking forward to my DA mailbox. X_X

I placed a bid on a nice cross medal last night and if I'm lucky for the next 5 days it might only cost 10$(including shipping). AND it comes with a picture. :) (I am so not normal. XD And I revel in it.)

On less good news I did the math, and I might not have enough money to get everything I need to get before Kumoricon in September. Which would suck, because I need those things to finish 2 of my planned cosplays. It also means I won't have enough to make Lud's green uniform, which in turn means I'm going to be wearing wool. Yes, I'm THAT idiot, not the one with their arm in the air. I don't do that. Although I admit to doing it all thru elementary school whenever I had a question. XD Yeah, I was THAT kid. (shut-up it got me thru school. My school was not a good place for the kindergärtner who asked the teacher "If it's quiet time, shouldn't you be quiet too?" or brought that same teacher a pebble almost everyday in her own quiet stoning, because that teacher was mean and horrible and should not have been teaching Kindergarten.) I never got in trouble though, none of the teachers thought I was allowed to watch that stuff. XDD. Lady getting run over by a lawnmower in a lame horror flick no, Holocaust and flame-throwers yes. I AM SO MESSED UP. lol. Also Indiana Jones (original 3 only) FTW, ja? Poor Germany, you weren't all Nazis. TAT People forget that every county's done something similar, just look at America's treatment of Native Americans. It's not all one sided and easy. It's just not.

I have also discovered I'm one of the FST people. :O I really am, and I've got it bad. I've finished 5 since the last two and have 9 accumulating songs ( oh god some of the songs, finding/having/listening to them is so embarrassing. I really felt like I was doing something wrong downloading them- like they were really horrible pron or something. #>.<# But- if the beat's good and they're catchy it's OK right? ##-.-## Right??)  If only I could up-load right now.... but MF keeps restarting the load and MU hates me. I also have 2 finished Doujin waiting.

In less random cosplay news I'm nearly finished with Halloween!Prussia, and I have until 29th to sew four cobbled-together pockets onto my jacket. Which still needs to be lined and re-hemmed. Again. m(_ _)m But I got the new collar on already so yay me. BTW I made some really badass wings for this you guys~ I wish I could get a pic up in here! And the all the hand embroidery was a bitch but it's finally done too (4 little skeins it took and all, four).

Damn I'm boring. It's just that this is the only place I can really talk about cosplay (and ...stuff). Look, the real reason I don't have any good cosplay pics is that I have to take them all myself, and that really limits what I can do. I'd like to do more, I'd like to be the person who makes silly YT vids with her friends, or goes on awesome photo shoots, but I don't have anyone I can do that with. And it sucks. So this is my outlet.

I'm not making this "Friends only" even though I probably should, but If there's any more of this I will. :|

EDIT: Wow I thinks this wins the coveted "Longest Journal without pics" title. :3

scanlation, cosplay, Proißen, Scheiβe mit reis!, booooooooots, fsts, hetalia, kumoricon, germany, damn wifi, sewing projects, rant

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