Sep 24, 2010 02:21
So yeah, I went to Kumoricon.
Day one wasn't too bad except that the pre-reg line was fucking LONG and I missed most of the panels I wanted to see as well as Boffer. Wich I was particularly looking forward too. OH AND MY FRIEND TOTALLY BLEW ME OFF. srsly. We had Punk!Kuro cosplays planned ( I as Druitt and she as Ciel ), and I get there and she's not in costume. she in the fucking pre-reg line. SHE HAD A ROOM AT THE HOTEL WHY DID THIS NOT ALREADY GET DONE?!?! I get thru the line and go up to her room- STILL NO COSTUME. I ask her about it and she says "I got a wig yesterday but I still have to dye it blue, I bought it for the style." WTFHITS! Ihad gone to her house the prev. Wendsday to go thru our cosplays in advace. I had made her a really nice eye-patch and helped her pick out Punky jewelry. I had given her a site from which she could get a wig in plenty of time. WHAT IS THIS SHIT? You can BLOODY STYLE WIGS. fuck it. So I'm there all Punk!Druitt-ed up and she's a zombie from Left4dead. Plus she can't stay in costume for more than 20min at a time for some reason. Needless to say nobody knew who I was. -_-**
Day two was better. I went as Undertaker. ^_^ Loads of complements were given and I was semi-stalked by a Sebby-Ciel duo for a bit. Somany hugs LOL. So that was fun. I went to the Hetalia thing and had a blast. I'm planing to go as Germany next year (damn do I know his situation too well ^_^** ), I have a very similar personality so I think it'll come off well as long as I bleach my hair and buy blue contacts. ^_^ All my German blood and none of that or any culture to speak of really. -_- Oh America~ where hast your culture gone. Oh yes, the same place as our sense of "dressed-up". *is shot* Nu really. Still no Punk!CIel. I'm never doing a joint cosplay with her again. EVER. I went to the main cosplay thing and laughed so hard. ^_^
Went on day three as L...watched cosplay chess...went home and discovered the next day that I had caught my friend's cold. BUGGER.
Bought lots of good stuff in the dealer's room. I'll list it if you want but I'm tiered of typing right now. I also have pics but none of me- those are on my friend's camera 'cuz mein ist scheiβe. Still haven't gotten copies like I asked and it's been WEEKS. これはなんものじゃねぞ!
Scheiβe mit reis!