April may be the cruellest month but November's the most depressing.
Need cheering up? Here's a collection of all the random cracky ficlets and things I have left littered about the Sherlock fandom.
Some of these are pretty clear responses to prompts, but others have a more convoluted evolution. If you're curious, keep working up the parent thread, or else just ask ;-)
As always, comments (there or here) = :D :D :D
If a joke is told in a forest, and none of the trees fall down laughing, is it still funny?
Honey for Honey On Souvenirs, Lack Thereof Team Cute Untitled, because I am crap at titles From
Ballet mini-fill mini sequel (mine's just the micro mini sequel :-)
Can't Write Lighten up Blogging for Science Basic Astronomy Wrong x5 Mycrepillar Mycroft Always Wins NSFW
angrysex with tea OT3 ASIP quotes The first comment in this thread and many of the succeeding ones are not mine. The whole thread's hilarious - worth reading if you haven't yet. My comments are the ones titled: "The Great 'Gasm (lame contribution)"; "More TBB QUOTES" and "More TBB contributions".
Relax and Enjoy It NSFW Picture Mycroft Stamford's funeral