Remember to Breathe...

Jan 06, 2009 08:26

So hes texting me regularly again. I have no idea... I hate that I jump back to him like things are normal. I need to grow some balls.

Im driving my mom to the airport today the picking up Kathy :-) I think we are going to go ice skating later with Rocio. It should be a fabulous time. :-)

I need to go to the Apple store today and possibly buy some jeans... (not at the apple store).

Tomorrow we are all going out for Alex's birthday. Im really excited. I have not seen her since before Christmas because she has been on her cruise and in Florida. Re-united at last :-)

Yesterday was all kinds of awesome. I did nothing all day but then Tanner (friend from Milwaukee) called me because he was lost trying to drive his friend to O'hare airport and needed directions. After he dropped his friend off at the airport he said he hadnt been in Chicago since high school and wanted to hang out. We walked over to the shed aquarium so he could see the AMAZING view... and then he asked me this fantastic question:

Tanner: So ... this Chicago Pizza thing... is this a myth?
Emily: What?
Tanner: I hear all about it, everyone says its amazing, but I have never experienced it which makes me believe its a Myth.
Emily: Are you serious? We need to get some NOW!

haha so we went and got some pizza. I also found out where to park down town with meters that are 25 cents for 5 minutes (outrageous) but they NEVER I quote NEVER check the meters therefore it is free. I seriously mean this, not one person paid for the meters and no one had a ticket, apparently this is the case 24/7 365. Good to know :-) Its in a secret place on lower wacker... which is apparently to shady for even the meter cops to check.

I also looked through pictures from when I was a small child. Hilarious. I was such a little tom boy...

Another New Years resolution is in a joking sense.. be more of a girl. In a literal sense to stop wearing so many hoodies and to wear at least a little bit of make up mostly every day. I was wearing make up yesterday and Tanner immediately said, "You look dressed up, where did you just come from?" haha the only thing was I was wearing some mascara and not a hoodie... I dont think I ever do that at school. Its a new year I suppose.
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