Girls Do What They Want [part 1/2]

Nov 27, 2010 16:16

Universe: Don't Fall In Love With Me.
Disclaimer: Don't own the boys, but the story is entirely mine :)
Pairing: Jalex.
Rating: Pg-13.
Summary: Who would have thought a trip to a play park could be so devastating?
A/N: hello! i hope you enjoyed the first standalone of the newly made DFILWM universe, judging by your comments you did :D im back with moreeee and let me tell you i havent ever been this excited for my writing, but i think turning DFILWM into a universe was the best thing i could do.

My tumblr.
Don't Fall In Love With Me ~Universe~

“Ellie do you want to go to the park” Jack asked, walking into the little girl’s room. She was sat in the middle of her bed, various different plushie toys sat around her. He could hear her mumbling so he just assumed she was making the toys talk to each other. A smile fell to his face as he felt his heart swell up with happiness. She was so damn cute. She looked up as Jack entered the room and smiled at him
“Jacky!” She squealed, crawling off her bed carefully and running across the gap between herself and her dad.
“Hey darling” Jack smiled, kissing the top of her head as he picked her up, resting her on his hip. Her little arms circled his neck and clung to him tightly, which really wasn't that tight.
“Do you want to then?” Jack asked, leaning back slightly to look at the little girl. Her big brown eyes shone brightly with excitement and she nodded, squealing again.
“Yes yes yes!” She smiled, wriggling in Jack’s arms to be let down. He put her on her feet and she quickly ran back to her bed and grabbed something.
“Can meow-meow come with us?” She asked, holding out a little ginger toy cat. Jack laughed and nodded.
“Of course meow-meow can, I wouldn't imagine leaving her here” Jack winked.
“He’s a boy stupid!” Ellie giggled, hugging the cat close as Jack rolled his eyes fondly.
“Either way, come on, put your shoes on” Jack ordered, pointing out of the room. She squealed and skipped over to the door.
“Be careful on the stairs!” Jack called after her, but he didn't receive a reply. He rolled his eyes again and looked around the little girl’s room. He was so glad she wasn't a pink sort of girl, he didn't mind pink he just didn't fancy it being all over the house. Ellie was more of a purple kind of girl and small things like that just made Jack love her more. He smiled to himself and turned around, coming face to face with Alex, literally. Jack hummed against Alex’s lips and wrapped his arms around his neck as Alex’s arms snaked their way around Jack’s waist, pulling him close. Jack felt Alex’s tongue try to enter his mouth and he quickly let it. Their tongues ran smoothly along each other for a while as their lips moved in sync. They only pulled away when they heard Ellie shouting for Rian downstairs. Jack smiled and leant his forehead against his boys.
“We’re going to the park, want to join?” Jack asked. Alex scrunched up his nose because he’d love nothing more than to go to the park with them.
“Me and Zack are working on a song, if you’re there for long as we finish early I’ll try come down” Alex promised, smiling to Jack before pressing another small kiss to his lips.
“Okay babe, well have fun with the song, I plan to hear a masterpiece when we’re back” Jack winked, causing Alex to roll his eyes fondly.
“Yeah yeah, just go already” He grinned. They quickly kissed again and Jack detached himself, walking past Alex (but not without Alex hitting his arse) and down the stairs.
“Come on El, you up for it Rian?” Jack asked, tugging a jacket on. Rian looked up from his seat in the arm chair.
“I totally would but I'm watching The Hills” He said casually, causing Jack and also Zack who was on the sofa to burst into laughter.
“What’s funny?” Ellie asked from her place on Zack’s lap.
“Just your uncle darling, he’s a funny one. I miss you living here man, and you Zack” Jack said wistfully as he beckoned Ellie over so he could put a coat on her. Zack scoffed a little and turned his head to look at Jack.
“Dude that was like two years ago, time to move on from us” He winked. Jack grinned lightly and shrugged.
“I will never move on from you until you move back in” Jack said, zipping up Ellies coat and standing up again. Rian rolled his eyes which never left the TV screen.
“Yeah well we’ll see” Zack smiled, turning his eyes toward the stairs where Alex was walking down.
“Are you still here? Go already!” Alex laughed, leaning against the banister. Ellie ran up to him and hugged his leg tightly. Alex grinned and put a hand on her head softly.
“Go on El, go have fun, don't give cause hell okay, promise?” Alex asked, holding out his pinky finger to her. She stretched up onto her tip toes to link their pinkies together.
“Promise!” She giggled lightly. Alex smiled and nodded at her before averting his gaze to Jack who was looking at the two fondly.
“Come on El let’s go before I change my mind” Jack said, opening the front door. Ellie ran past him and out into the fresh air. Jack used his index finger to signal Alex to come closer. Alex smiled and walked up to him, cupping his cheek.
“Love you” Jack grinned, pressing his lips to Alex’s.
“Love you too” Alex said as he pulled away, giving Jack another warm smile. Jack’s stomach did summersaults and he walked out of the door before he decided that actually, he’d really rather just stay and fuck Alex senseless. He loved how after all this time he was still head over heels in love with Alex and he really didn't see that changing any time soon.
The walk to the park didn't take long, 10 minutes at most and as soon as they walked through the gate, Ellie pulled away from Jack’s hand and ran over to the swings. She put her small hands on one and looked back to Jack expectantly. He sighed heavily as if it was a huge inconvenience for him but in reality he loved doing anything that was slightly parenting-like. He crossed the park and joined her, lifting her into the swing then going behind her to start pushing lightly.
“Higher!” She screamed in delight, causing other parents to look over curiously. Great...he was probably going to be accused of paedophilia now. He pushed with more pressure and she was soon giggling happily. He kept pushing the swing until his arms ached like hell and even after 10 minutes Ellie was still enthusiastic about it. Small children were hard work, but Jack wouldn't change it for the world.
“Come on El, don't you want to go on something else now?” Jack asked, stopping the swing.
“No!” She whined, clinging to the swing as Jack tried to pull her out. But unfortunately for Ellie, Jack was a lot stronger then her and he quickly had her out of the swing. She crossed her arms over her chest and stamped her little foot, eyes filling up with tears.
“No, no no no don't do this Ellie” Jack said, eyes wide as he realised she was about to have a tantrum. He’d been on the receiving side of one before and it’s not pretty. The tears started to fall down her little pink flushed cheeks and her mouth opened to scream. It honestly broke Jacks heart to see his little girl like that, but he knew it was just because she wanted her own way and it simply wasn't going to happen. He bent down and picked her up although she tried her hardest to escape. She kicked and screamed to be let down but Jack didn't even flinch, he just carried on walking over to the bench that was in the centre of the park. He dropped down onto it and sat Ellie on his lap, clinging to her as she tried to fight her way off.
“Ellie!” Jack said sternly, causing her to stop screaming, but tears were still falling down her face.
“I want swings!” She whined, wriggling about in Jack’s arms, trying to make her way back over to her said desire.
“Well tough because other people wanted to go on them, it’s selfish to hog them, do you want to be seen as selfish?” Jack asked, looking at her and trying to wipe the tears off her face. She looked down and shook her head lightly. She was sulking but at least she wasn't screaming, Jack sighed to himself and pulled her close into a hug. Her little hands made fists into his shirt as she clung to him.
“I'm sorry for shouting darling but you have to understand you can’t just stay on one thing okay? How about you go play in the houses?” Jack suggested, pointing over to the little play houses near the entrance of the park. She looked over and nodded enthusiastically, any sign of tantrum completely disappearing off her face. She wriggled out of Jack’s grip and ran over to the play houses. Jack watched her and grinned. He was much better at getting her out of a tantrum then Alex was, he just bribed her when she went off on one. Jack had a feeling that's why she did it. He felt his phone vibrate in his pocket and he quickly got it out and looked at the screen to see Alex was calling him. He smiled and answered it.
“Hey baby what’s up?”
Zack’s gone to get some food so I thought id phone you, how’s the park? Miss me?
“Eurgh Ells just had a tantrum because I took her off the swings”
Why would you take a little girl from the swings?!
“Because she was hogging it! And my arms started to hurt. But that's not the point. I got her to stop and now she’s playing houses on her own bless her. And of course I miss you, what a stupid question” Jack grinned down the phone.
Did you bribe her? I miss you too baby
“No I just talked to her; I don't resort to bribing unlike you”
Alright alright, it always works though; she’s a lot like you
“Yeah whatever...Ellie don't even think about running off!” Jack called across the play park. He eyed his little girl carefully as she started edging towards the park gate.
What’s she doing now?
“She thinks it’s funny to run away from me because I always chase after her” Jack rolled his eyes although Alex couldn’t see him.
She does that to me as well except I don't run after her, I bribe her with sweets
“Predictable, you’re going to make her fat like you!” Jack grinned, his eyes never leaving Ellie who was clinging onto the gate, swinging back and forth whilst giggling. He heard Alex make a noise of protest down the phone.
Fuck you, I’m not fat
“Okay babe, denial”
I hate you
“No you don't, anyway I think she’s about to make a run for it so I best go, we’ll be back in about 10 minutes, I love you”
You might not be able to get in
“Why not?” Jack asked, anxious to put the phone down already because he’d gotten to know Ellie pretty well over the past months and he could just tell she was going to run soon.
My fat arse will be in the way
Jack burst into laughter, his eyes flicking down to stare at his shoes as he blushed slightly
“You’re perfect Lex”
Don’t try being nice now! Are you blushing? I bet you’re blushing
“Yes I am now fuck off so I can...shit”
Shitting in the park is not allowed I'm afraid...Jack?
“Ellie, oh fuck where the fuck is Ellie. Alex get down here now” Jack shouted down the phone, exiting the call and stuffing his phone into his pocket. He got up from the bench and sprinted over to where he last saw Ellie, but the spot was no vacant. His eyes adverted to the floor when something caught his eye...a small ginger cat plush toy. A broken sob ripped from Jack’s chest and he felt to his knees, he picked the toy up and held it tight to his chest. She had to be around here somewhere, she just had to. No way was he losing her when they’d only just got her.
“Ellie!?” Jack shouted, standing up and letting his eyes scan the area around them. He spotted other parents with their children, but not his little girl. He ran up to the other parents in the park.
“Excuse me...please help me, have you seen my daughter? She’s about this height, curly hair, she was wearing a purple dress...please tell me you’ve seen her” Jack gasped as he tried to catch his breath. The mom who he’d addressed put a hand to her mouth.
“Oh dear, no I'm sorry I don't think I’ve seen her...has she gone missing?” She asked, but Jack didn't bother replying to stupid question because obviously she’d gone missing. He turned and ran back towards the gate, to where Ellie last was. His heart was slowly breaking as he realised how selfish he’d been. He was too busy talking to Alex to keep an eye on her, and now she was nowhere to be seen. How many times had he told Ellie to not run off, one simple rule, how hard was it to follow?!
Jacks head popped up to see Alex rushing into the park, Zack and Rian quick on his tail. Jack burst into tears as he fell into Alex’s embrace.
“I’ve lost her” Jack choked, clinging to Alex tightly, sobbing into his neck and getting his shirt soaked. Alex clung just as tightly back and ignored the damp on his shoulder, he didn't care.
“Jack, tell me what happened” Alex said, pulling back to look at his boy. Jack rubbed at his cheeks to try rid the tears but it was pretty much useless.
“I...I was on the phone to you, a...and I looked up and she wasn't there” Jack cried, holding his face in his hands. Zack through an arm over his shoulder and squeezed him comfortingly.
“Hey Jack, we’ll find her, trust me” Zack muttered into Jacks ear to try reassure him, but Jack wouldn't be happy until he had his girl back in his arms. But he nodded to Zack anyway.
“She can’t have gone far, Rian and Alex you go that way, me and Jack will go this way, phone us if you find her” Zack said, pointing in the said directions. Rian nodded quickly, his face white as snow. This was one of, if not the most scariest thing he’d encountered, he didn't even want to think of where the little girl could have got to.
Alex felt Rian tug at his arm slightly, but before he turned to go, he walked toward Jack and wrapped his arms around him. Jack fell on him again and hugged him close.
“I'm so sorry Lex this is all my fault” Jack cried, taking deep breaths to try steady himself. Alex absentmindedly ran his hands through Jacks hair as he tried to calm his boy down.
“Hey Jack, look at me” Alex whispered, waiting for Jack to meet his gaze. When he did so, Alex smiled lightly and pressed a kiss to Jack’s lips.
“This is not your fault okay baby, this is no one’s fault, we just need to find her and everything will be fine, alright?” Alex muttered, stroking his thumb along Jack’s damp cheek then cupping it. Jack leant into Alex’s hand and shut his eyes, nodding slowly.
“I just want her back...anything could have happened to her” Jack whispered, his eyes snapping open wide, searching Alex’s worriedly. A million thoughts were also running through Alex’s mind, but bringing them up would only send them both crazy.
“Hey, don't think about it, just concentrate on finding her baby okay she’d a clever girl for her age I'm sure she’s fine” Alex said, leaning his forehead against Jacks. Jack nodded softly and leant forward to kiss Alex one more time.
“I love you” He whispered. Alex smiled lightly back at him.
“I love you too, so much. Call us if you find her” He said. Jack nodded and after a final kiss, they both went their separate ways in search for their little girl.

Part 2.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, standalone

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