Tell Me I'm A Wreck (11/?)

Nov 15, 2010 16:28



Jack’s POV

Jack is worried, to say the least. Neither him, Zack, nor Rian have heard or seen Alex since Thursday night and it’s now Wednesday. He doesn’t even know the boy really but his stomach does weird things every time he walks into English and sees the empty seat next to him. Alex didn’t even talk to him, but he always felt this weird sensation when he was around him. It was something he just couldn’t explain.

After the fight him and Zack had witnessed, well heard, he was a little shocked. He didn’t know really anything about either of the boys but what they seemed to be fighting about sounded serious. Even though Alex had pretty much shown resistance to trying to be his friend, or at least talk to him, he still felt the need to leave his number before they left Alex’s house. He stuck it under one of the magnets on the fridge because he knew he would go in there sometime, everyone had to eat. He wasn’t really surprised when he never got a call from him though. He had just been hoping.

Jack slouched his way into English Thursday morning. By this point he had stopped expecting to see anyone in the other seat, and today didn’t seem to be any different. He took his seat and pulled out the things he needed for class. He slumped back in his chair, keeping his eyes fixed on his desk just waiting for class to start. He felt the air around him shift as someone sat down next to him. His eyes shot up quickly, not expecting to see the boy that was now sitting beside him. He didn’t know what to say. What could he say? He didn’t want to make it seem like he was prying and he definitely didn’t want to make the other boy mad. So he figured it best that he just not say anything at all. Still, he was glad that Alex was back in class. He smiled in relief only for a moment, making sure Alex didn’t catch him.

He told Rian and Zack the news at lunch. Of course they already knew, and him mentioning it just seemed to make Rian’s frown turn down the corners of his mouth even more. He knew their fight was hard on Rian, he could tell. He probably would never know the reasons why, or even what they fought about, but he still felt for both of them. Just from being around them he sensed that they were all each other had, kind of like him and Zack. Something made him want to go find Alex and talk to him. He didn’t know what they would talk about though, he didn’t want to pry. He just felt like maybe Alex needed help and maybe he could help him. He had always been a great listener. Wait, what was he saying? This wasn’t usually him. He was the quiet, shy guy that didn’t talk to many people. He just had this gut feeling telling him to talk to Alex, get to know him, and maybe he could help him. The thing that stuck in Jack’s head was the fact that he didn’t know what Alex would need help with. He didn’t know the other boy and so he didn’t know his problems. He battled with himself on whether he should go find Alex or not. In the end, the coward in him won and he stayed put at the lunch table.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: r

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