Don't Fall In Love With Me [18/30]

Nov 03, 2010 17:00

Disclaimer: Unfortunately i do not own these boys, but i do own the story, and trust me it isnt good enough to steal haha.

Summary: Alex tours the world with his best friends in an amazing band. He has such a good life that it's easy to forgot the little things. But when Jack and Alex share an intense, out of the normal kiss, it all comes back to him and it's not going to be pretty for anyone.

A/N: so this is really another filler. im going through a really tough time right now and im really worried its affecting my writing, but i hope you guys still love it. they also seem to be getting shorter, im really sorry. thank you for still reading and commenting :)

My tumblr.

“Jingle bell jingle bell jingle bell rock, jingle bell sleigh and I don't remember the words!” Jack screamed at the top of his lungs. It was 8pm on Christmas Eve and Alex had been taking a lovely nap...until Jack decided it was time for Christmas songs.
Alex’s eyes fluttered open slowly to find Jack’s face right next to his. He closed his eyes again and groaned, stretching his arms and legs out. He was so warm and comfy and he could have slept for another hour or so if it wasn't for Jack.
“Did I wake you?” Jack whispered. Oh now he was being quiet. If Alex’s eyes were open then he would have rolled them.
“No shit” He mumbled. He pulled the cover up to his chin, trying to preserve the warmth. But next thing he knew the duvet was being ripped away from him and goosebumps automatically started appearing on Alex’s bare chest. He shivered and opened his eyes, Jack was grinning at the end of the bed.
“Morning sleepy head” He laughed.
“It’s evening which means sleep time” Alex grumbled, curling up into a ball.
“You slept all afternoon, if you carry on sleeping you won’t sleep during the night and then Santa won’t come because you’re awake” Jack complained. Alex really didn't know whether to take him seriously or not. Because this was Jack he was talking about.
“Jack it’s freezing and I'm tired, put the duvet back on me” Alex sighed, looking at Jack again. He just stood there with a blank expression. Alex frowned.
“Jack for fuck sake stop being a prick” Alex shouted, causing Jack to jump a little. Alex regretted his words as soon as they left his mouth. But when a smile flittered across Jack’s face, he didn't regret anything. Jack started crawling up the bed and lay on top of Alex, his chin on his bare chest. He found Alex’s eyes and smiled.
“We don't want a grumpy Alex tonight” Jack said sweetly. Alex looked away.
“Don't make me grumpy then” He mumbled. Jack’s hand reached out to grab Alex’s face, pulling it back to face Jack.
“It’s Christmas eve, we’re meant to be watching movies, getting drunk and getting fat,” Jack said, “God knows you need some food on you” He added, poking at Alex’s rib cage. Alex cringed away.
“Well I'm sorry if my appetite isn’t up to its best standards, don't know if you remember Jack but I'm going through some shitty stuff right now” Alex said, shoving Jack off of him and rolling over to face the opposite way. But Jack just pressed kisses to Alex’s back.
“I do remember, I was just saying Lex, don't be pissy with me” He said calmly. He kissed between Alex’s shoulder blades and down his spine. Alex shuddered at his touch. He slowly turned back over to face Jack. He reached out a hand to stroke Jack’s cheek.
“I'm sorry” He said. It was simple but Jack knew it had a lot of meaning.
“I love you” Jack replied. Alex smiled and leant forward to press a kiss to Jack’s lips. He went to pull away but Jack leant forward to keep their lips connected. It took Alex by surprise but he didn't mind, he wrapped a hand around Jack’s neck, pulling him closer. He rolled to lie on his back and pulled Jack on top of him. He put his other hand on Jack’s neck also, running his fingertips across it. Jack placed his hands at Alex’s hips, tracing patterns into the bare skin. He ran his tongue along Alex’s lip and they made out softly for a while.
And then Jack’s fingers clung to Alex’s hip in a desperate manor. Alex’s breath cut in his throat as Jack’s fingers run up his side and all his blood went straight down to his crotch. Alex mentally cursed himself for it. It was going to be so obvious in the mostly nonexistent clothes he was wearing aka his boxers. Jack didn't seem to care as he sat up a little, pressing kisses along Alex’s bare stomach, running across his chest and subtly over his nipples. Oh fuck fuck fuck, well there was no point hiding it now. Alex was fully hard and wanting Jack more than ever. Alex grabbed Jack back to re-connect their lips and Alex kissed him with fierce desperation. Jack’s hands ran over Alex’s body, scratching his skin slightly. Jack’s lips travelled down Alex’s jaw line and to his neck. He bit down and sucked until a shiny purple patch was revealed. Jack kissed it before once again kissing down Alex’s chest. He nibbled along the line of Alex’s boxers.
“Jack...” Alex whined. Jack giggled and feeling his breath on his skin made Alex shiver all over. The butterflies in his stomach were fluttering around happily. Jack’s hand went to Alex’s boxers and started to pull them down. Alex leant back and closed his eyes, trying to not scream out with happiness.
“Lex...” Jack asked, looking up. Alex opened one eye and looked at him.
“Yes?” He mumbled.
“Do you love me?” Jack teased. Alex groaned.
“Yes!” He said. Jack giggled slightly.
“How much do you love me?” He continued.
“Oh my god Jack, so much! More than anything on this planet!” Alex shouted as the tension was killing him. And Jack’s breathing on his penis was not helping one bit.
“Thought so” Jack grinned before sliding his lips past Alex’s head. Alex groaned and tried not to arch his back at the feeling. Jack knew exactly where to suck and lick and nibble and he had Alex eating out of the palm of his some sense anyways.
“Holy fuck” Alex shouted as Jack’s hand came to the base of his dick to hold the part Jack’s mouth couldn't reach. He pumped it whilst flicking his tongue over the head and he soon had Alex squirming over the bed, grabbing the sheets and pushing his hips up off the mattress. He came into Jack’s mouth and shouted his name. Jack always felt good about himself when Alex shouted like that. Alex lay back down, breathing heavily and closing his eyes. Jack smiled and crawled up to lie beside him. He wiped Alex’s hair out of his face and kissed his cheek.
“God you’re beautiful” Jack whispered, mostly to himself. But when Alex opened his eyes and looked at Jack it was obvious he heard.
“You can talk” He smiled lazily. Jack rolled his eyes and placed a soft kiss onto Alex’s lips before laying his head on the pillow. They lay in each other’s arms in silence for a while until they heard a knock at the door. Jack quickly pulled Alex’s boxers up.
“Come in” Alex called. Rian opened the door slightly and poked his head around the door.
“I thought you were coming to get Alex?” Rian addressed Jack.
“I was, but I got distracted” Jack smiled sheepishly. Rian rolled his eyes but smiled at his best friends.
“Well when you’re not distracted, how about you both come down stairs and watch films with us?” Rian said. Alex and Jack nodded and he left the room. Alex sighed and kissed Jack’s neck before standing up. He found his clothes which he had put on the floor before having his sleep. He started pulling them on, Jack watching his every move.
“Pervert” Alex mumbled, a grin stretched across his lips. Jack laughed and shrugged.
“Not going to deny it” He smiled. Alex reached over the bed to press a kiss to Jack’s lips softly.
“I love you” He said when they pulled away. Jack rolled out of bed and wrapped his arms around Alex.
“I love you too Lex” He said, pulling him tight into the hug. Once they broke apart they walked downstairs hand in hand and went into the living room where the others guys were. The living room looked amazing. In addition to the decorations they had put up the other day, the Christmas tree was standing tall and proud at its place in the window. Jack had gone crazy with the baubles and tinsel but strangely enough it looked really good.
“Hey you’re alive!” Zack grinned from the sofa. Jack sat next to him and pulled Alex into his lap. Alex grinned clung onto him.
“Of course” Jack laughed.
“I was thinking that tomorrow it should just be us four” Zack said. Rian looked at him and raised his eyebrows.
“How come?” He asked.
“Well we’ve been through a lot these past months and I just love it being the four of us, trust me I love everyone else obviously. But you guys are my brothers and I want to spend it with you” Zack explained. Alex reached over and squeezed his cheeks.
“That is so cute!” Alex cooed. Zack pulled away and rolled his eyes.
“I was trying to be serious” He laughed.
“No I defiantly got the seriousness, but it was so cute” Alex said, causing Zack to yet again roll his eyes. But he was smiling.
“Can I cook?” Jack asked.
“No” Rian said straight away. A frown fell on Jack’s face.
“That is so unfair” He mumbled, burying his face in Alex’s hair.
“Baby I'm sorry but I am not eating nachos for Christmas dinner” Alex laughed, leaning up to kiss Jack’s cheek.
“You can help cook I suppose” Rian sighed. Jack grinned again and held Alex tight against him.
“This year has gone really quick” Zack commented.
“Yeah, seems like yesterday that it was Christmas...remember we got Flyzik really drunk and he starting stripping for Jacks mom?” Rian laughed. The boys looked back at the memory and cracked up because it was hands down the funniest thing on the planet. The look on Jack’s moms face was priceless.
“And Vinny started crying and telling us how much he loved us” Jack pointed out and the guys doubled up again at the memories.
“Last Christmas was fucking rad” Alex said. The guys nodded their heads in agreement. Alex would love to have everyone round again, but it was already decided to be just the four of them. And he loved that, he really did, but he missed his families, his blood family and his tour family. There was plenty of time to see them though, so he didn't dwell on this.
“Ahh good times. So what are we watching?” Rian asked.
“Don't mind” Jack shrugged.
“We should have a party on new year’s” Alex suddenly said. Everyone turned to look at him and he blushed a little.
“What?” He said.
“Where did that come from?” Zack laughed. Alex shrugged.
“Just thought it would be a good idea” He said.
“Let’s do it! I haven’t partied in ages...I’m going crazy” Jack shouted. Alex looked at him and raised his eyebrows.
“You already are crazy” He said. Jack grinned because yeah, he was. They spent the rest of the night watching Christmas movies on TV. They had all agreed to the New Year’s party because they defiantly threw an epic one.

When Alex finally woke a sleeping Jack, he dragged him upstairs to bed. Jack flopped onto the bed and become unresponsive.
“Jack” Alex said, shaking him slightly. Jack grumbled and moved away from Alex’s hand. Alex grinned and started poking him.
“Oi Jack, get up so we can get into bed” Alex said but once again Jack didn't move. Alex smirked and jumped onto the bed to straddle Jack.
“You asked for it” He mumbled before tickling the shit out of Jack.
“Alex!” Jack squealed, wiggling around under Alex, trying to get away from prying hands.
“Oh my god Lex stop!” he giggled. Alex laughed and stopped, Jack turned over so that he was looking up at Alex.
“Are you going to move?” Alex asked. Jack grinned and shrugged.
“Are you going to get your fat arse off of me?” Jack replied. Alex pretended to be offended whilst Jack giggled away.
“You fucker” Alex smiled, leaning down to press a kiss on Jack’s forehead, his cheeks and then his lips.
“Mmm” Jack hummed whilst kissing back. His hands went up to tangle themselves in Alex’s shirt, pulling him closer. There was a loud thump on the door.
“Go to bed or Santa won’t come Jack” They heard Zack say. Jack gasped and shoved Alex off onto the floor. He quickly pulled his jeans off and climbed under the duvet. Alex’s head popped up from the floor and frowned at Jack. Jack giggled slightly and patted the spot next to him.
“You’re an idiot” Alex grumbled, he got up and pulled his jeans off before joining Jack. Jack opened his arms and Alex slid into them before being encased into a special Jack hug. He smiled and leant back into the embrace.
“I love you” Jack said, kissing the top of Alex’s head. Alex reached up to the turn the lights off, sending the room into darkness.
“I love you too”

Next Part.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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