I don't love you like I loved you yesterday (chapter 1)

Oct 25, 2010 20:01

Title: I don't love you like I loved you yesterday
Summary: Jack has everything he could ever want, he was in the biggest band in the world with his best friends, he was married to the woman of his dreams and he had the cutest children in the world; the only thing he didn't have was Alex. Alex has everything in the world he could ever want, he was the front man of the biggest band in the world with his best friends backing him, he was married to the woman he loves and he had the cutest children in the world; the only thing he didn't have was Jack.
Pairing: Jalex
POV: 1st switches between jack and alex
Rating: M-ish but it's pretty tame at the moment
Warning: Language, it's slash so yeah..
Disclaimer: It's all lies, so don't sue
Credit: Title to My Chemical Romance Cut to All Time Low
A/N: GAHHHH!! So like, thank you so much for the comments :] they made me smile like a fool. previous chapters are in my journal and other fic business is too.
Constructive criticism is appreciated :]

Chapter 1

Jack P.O.V

“DADDY DADDY!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!” I could feel Delilah jump onto the bed, bouncing about with her partner in crime.
“UNCLE JACK!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!” said Maddy her said partner in crime.
“DADDY!!! UNCLE ALEX AND MADDY ARE HERE!!!!!!!!!!!” Alex was here? I didn’t think he was coming over. I thought Lisa was dropping Maddy off.
“Uncle Alex? I thought Aunt Lisa was supposed to be coming?”
“Daddy you’re so silly”
“Yeah Uncle Jack, My mommy is on her book tour again”
“Yeah Uncle Jack, Mommy’s on her book tour again” I heard the ‘again’ drawn out in exaggeration.
I can’t believe I forgot about the book tour
I guess if we were allowed to tour 60% of the year, then I guess Lisa can take the other 40%.
Poor Maddy, she probably only sees both her parents a couple months at a time.
And that’s when I remember that Sandra is taking the girls into Baltimore to shop.
I open my eyes to see Alex in a blue checked shirt, skinny jeans and his signature beanie; he grabs Maddy in mid jump.
She’s giggling, my god she laughs exactly like Alex, and she is the female version of him.
Right down to the way she dresses; pink checked dress and white vans.
I don’t see any of Lisa in her except maybe the small in control eyebrows adorning her face.
“Maddy, why do you have your shoes on? You’re going to get his bed dirty you know?” Alex scolds.
“Aunt Sandy told us that she didn’t like the sheets and it was okay though” Maddy squirms out of Alex’s hold to stand up.
Right on cue Sandra walks into the room and my god is she stunning even this early in the morning.
She hugs Alex, kisses me and then leads both Maddy and Delilah into the kitchen to get something to eat.
“Jack are you just going to lay in bed all day or are we going on our man-date?”
“Eh… I guess we’ll go on our man-date. I forgot about Lisa being gone, how’s Maddy dealing with her being gone?” I get up and stumble over to the bathroom to brush my teeth. With a mouth full of Aquafresh Alex tells me all about Lisa and her book tour.
“She’s being such a bitch right now man, I never let the fame get to me ya know? I always came home to her, I always remembered who I was and she’s not like that. She barely calls anymore even to talk to Maddy. I’m just so glad she has Delilah and that Sandra kind of took over that motherly role. I just don’t know what to do” He’s sitting on the edge of my bathtub while I fix my hair and rummage through the attached closet to find something half way decent to wear.
His head in his hands.
He’s grieving in a way
Grieving over that bitch
Grieving over the person that took him away from me.
I guess you can call me greedy.
I love Sandra with all my heart
But I love Alex with every fiber of my being.
I love Sandra in the way a husband should
But I love Alex in the way a soul mate would
And I hate myself for my indecisiveness.
But there’s nothing I can do about it
I want them both for very different reasons.
Black Skinny jeans, black vans, and a white and red striped shirt that makes me feel like I’m Waldo from the whole “where’s waldo” business are what I settle on.
“It’s okay Lex, you guys will get through this and you know damn well that Sandra doesn’t mind at all. She loves Maddy like her own daughter.”
I walk over to him to give him a reassuring hug.
“I know Jack but it doesn’t feel like it right now. “
I like this closeness.
I shouldn’t
But I do
And it kills me.
We exit to the kitchen where the girls are busily eating grape uncrustables and Sandra sits at the marble countertop with a cup of coffee.
I kiss Sandra
I kiss Delilah and Maddy’s heads
Alex kisses Sandra on the cheek and thanks her for taking Maddy with them.
He leaves about 80 dollars with Sandra for Maddy even though she tries to refuse.
He kisses Maddy and Delilah’s foreheads
We get into the car and drive in complete silence for about 3 miles until
“Jack do you remember when we took the girls to ocean city?”
“Yeah I do why?”
“Do you remember what you said to me?”
“Yeah I do”
“Jack do you still?”
“Do I still what?”
“Do you still love me?”
“Forever and Always”
He lays his hand over the console separating our seats.
I lace my fingers through his noting how perfectly our hand fit together.
It’s not until then do I realize that maybe just maybe
I could be happy with Alex.
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