Welcome Home [1/?]

Oct 19, 2010 20:12

Title: Welcome Home [1/?]
Author: veebeeseesyou
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Jalex, durrrrr
Summary: Alex is on his way home from a trip. Jack waits impatiently.
Disclaimer: THIS IS LIES. LIES AND SLANDER. The people are real though, obvs.
A/N: Uhm... I'm not entirely sure if anything is really going to come of this story. Mainly I'm just giving it a go. This is just a short update to maybe get some feedback to see if I should continue it. This is my first try, so sorry if it's crappy. ; ^ ;


Jack's POV

The social buzz had always been a little too much for me to handle. I’m the life of the party no doubt, dancing - I’m known for my rendition of the funky chicken and the running man-and drinking like there’s no tomorrow, but when it comes down to actually talking to people I’ve never met, I am beyond inept. I fumble with my words and I stutter endlessly, so I basically just end up word-vomiting all over a conversation. I get way too nervous when meeting new people. I just want to make a good impression, but I normally end up scaring people away. Partying is great, but socializing isn’t really my thing. Instead, I prefer sitting here in my self-made isolation.

So here I am, sitting alone on the couch in my apartment, eyes closed, listening to music. Familiar choruses from cliché pop songs poured from my laptop’s speakers. It wasn’t quite loud enough to drown out the sounds of cars as they drove past or the people chatting loudly on their cell phones outside, but enough to keep me content. I love being alone, but I hate the silence.

I was just dozing off when I felt something vibrate on my lower stomach. It beeped loudly and I scrunched up my nose in frustration, not really wanting to be awake. I tried to ignore it for a few minutes, but a little voice in the back of my mind kept nagging me to get whatever it was. With an exasperated sigh, I felt around blindly on my chest. When my hand brushed metal, I opened my eyes groggily and picked up my phone, sliding my finger across the unlock button. I ran my fingers through my hair as I waited for my inbox to load, encountering a few knots as I went. It was always a catastrophe when I woke up, even from a nap, and today was no different. I made a mental note to at least brush it before going anywhere, not like I had a place to go or anything.

I tilted my phone up to my eyes as I slid further down into the cushions. 5 new messages. The first one was from Zack, asking if I wanted to go to a party, one from Rian wondering if I was going to aforementioned party, two from twitter, and the last being the one that woke me up. My heart skipped a beat as I read the name of the sender. Finally. A text from him, and a picture text, no less. It’d been less than twelve hours since I talked to him last, but I already miss him so much that my chest aches when I think of him. I watched the loading sphere whirl ‘round and ‘round as I waited anxiously for the text to load.

I smiled and let out a soft chuckle when I finally received the image. A mirror pic - Classic. It was cute, but it hardly did him justice. His light brown hair was a mess, sticking out in all directions, but it was too perfect to be accidental. A look of longing burned in his eyes as he bit his lip, smirking. The photograph wasn’t full length, but it was just long enough to display his naked torso. His chest was lightly toned and the “V” just above his groin stood out strongly. A grin played on my lips as I scrolled down to read the text below the picture. “Miss you. x”

I replied with a terse “Ditto, bro.” before tossing my phone down on the pillow next to me. I closed my eyes and let myself drift back to sleep.

Alex's POV

I checked my watch for what had to be the thirtieth time as I tapped my foot impatiently. 6:13pm. It’s only been one minute. Joy. Fifteen minutes have gone by since I first sat down to wait for the bus. It’s not so much that I’m on a strict schedule or something, I just have somewhere I really want to be. Why can’t public transportation stop being such a D-bag and hurry up?

“Ughhh…” I groaned in annoyance, leaning back against the cold, metal bench. I pulled my phone out of the pocket of my black skinny jeans. If I’m going to be stuck here, might as well do something productive. I slid my finger across the unlock button of my new iPhone, and smiled as my background image lit up. A tall boy with dark, messy hair stood grinning with his hands outstretched in the shape of a heart. I already felt a little bit better.

I let my thoughts wander for a minute, delving into memories of the past couple weeks. A dreamy grin tugged at my lips as I remembered the warmth of his arms around me, the sweet, smooth sound of his voice, those deep chocolate eyes that sparkled gold in the sunlight, waking up next to that face... I was living in paradise. No doubt about it. But I missed his embrace, and right now, I was sitting in New York City, a good 200 miles from it.

I snapped back to reality when a car blared it's horn at some slow moving pedestrians. The driver screamed obscenities at them before speeding off. I shook my head dazedly and returned my attention to the task at hand.

I tapped the SMS icon to create a new message. I stared at the empty screen for a while, contemplating what to write. What do I say? It hasn’t even been seven hours since we last spoke. “Hey sexy.”? No. That could be sent to anyone jokingly. “I love you.”? Is that too forward? “I miss you.”? And risk sounding clingy? Definitely no. Finally, I decided a picture would say it better and inserted one I’d taken this morning - just for him - and added a short caption before clicking send.

Just as I did, I heard the screech of the bus’s brakes as it slowed to a stop in front of me. I grabbed my bag, tossing it over my shoulder, and slid my phone into my pocket. I nodded at the driver as I climbed onto the bus then paused to look for an empty space. I settled for a seat near the back and pulled my black beanie tighter over my head. I slipped in my headphones and closed my eyes, thankful for Tom Delonge’s voice in my ears to drown out the hum of the engine for the next three and a half hours.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: nc-17

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