Need You [29/30]

Sep 26, 2010 18:36

Title: Need You, 29/30
Author: Reina [new_againxo]
Rating: Pg-13
Pairing: Jalex + rian/zack (Riack?), gabilliam, rydon, kyleb, and more
Summary: Alex Gaskarth is a nineteen year old college sophomore, living life the way he wants. One night, one decision, will make all the difference.
Disclaimer: I don't own these guys. I never will. I swear.
Warnings: MPREG, sensitive topics.
A/n: :D

“Hey, enough out of you, Eisner!” Jack reprimands, calling out the last name of the boy turned around in his seat and throwing paper balls at Zack, “Turn around, face the front, and finish your test.”

The senior smirks, fist curling around the crumpled piece of paper in his hand and shrugging, “Sorry, Jack,” the boy says, and Jack really regrets telling his classes to call him by his first name.

When Jack makes eye contact with Zack, who’s seated three seats behind Adam Eisner, the boy shrugs and bites his lip, telling Jack that the bullying doesn’t even faze him anymore. Not when Rian is sitting right behind him, drawing small circles on his back to comfort him.

To be honest, Jack is fed up with teaching this senior class. He can’t wait until they graduate in a month - then he won’t have to see them anymore and he’ll be free to go, seeing as he’s only a student-teacher. He’ll have to be graded on how he did, but he’s pretty certain he’ll pass. And as long as he passes, he’s all set to graduate.

But of course, he’s getting ahead of himself. As he leans back in his chair, watching his class take their test, his cell phone starts ringing in his desk drawer. He rolls his eyes, because seriously, everyone knows not to call him while he’s at school. Unless, of course, there’s an emergency.

The word ‘emergency’ repeats itself in his head as he reaches to pull the drawer open, ignoring the light laughter from the boys in his class. It can’t be anything bad…right? Nothing could have happened to Zack, because he’s sitting less than twenty feet away from him. And Alex is fine. He has to be. But when he reads the name flashing on his iPhone screen, he feels his heart drop.

Brendon. He doesn’t think twice before unlocking the touch screen and pressing the answer button.

“Hey, is everything okay?” he asks quietly, not giving Brendon the chance to speak, “Tell me you’re just calling because Gabe did something stupid, and not because something bad happened.”

It’s silent on the other end, save for Brendon’s breathing, for a good thirty seconds, “Uh… Yeah, no I can’t say that. You really need to get your ass to the hospital, because Alex just went into labor and they’re like, freaking out.”

“Freaking out?!” he shouts, not even caring about where he is anymore, “Who is freaking out?!”

“I’ll explain everything when you get here, okay?! Just - fuck, just get here fast, okay?”

Before Jack can ask any more questions, Brendon has hung up on him and Jack can’t even figure out what he’s supposed to do next. He stares at the phone, mouth open and thoughts blurring together, until suddenly, it all clicks together. Alex is in labor. Alex is in early labor. Nearly two months early. And Jack’s not even there yet. Fuck.

Jack throws his books and papers into his bag, not even caring about being unorganized. He shoves the cell phone into his jacket pocket and stands, eyes meeting Zack’s worried ones across the room. He’s not really sure what he’s supposed to do with Zack - but he’s pretty certain the school won’t let him take him out of class. Because he’s not his guardian and they just won’t let it happen. He decides that once he gets to the hospital, he’ll have them call and talk to the principal, or something. If he remembers.

He’s out of his classroom and across the hall in two seconds, knocking on the Math teacher’s door. He asks her to watch his class for him, and she agrees quickly once she hears his situation.

Jack has never been more terrified in his life.


“Well thanks for joining us!”

That’s the first thing Jack hears when he gets to the maternity ward on the fourth floor of the hospital. He finds a large group of people sitting in the plastic chairs, and they’re all looking pretty fucking nervous. But they can’t possibly be as nervous as Jack is right now.

He throws a glare towards William and says, “Fuck you, okay? Just tell me what’s going on and where I can find my boyfriend.”

“Talk to the nurse - but good luck, cause she’s a fucking bitch. I tried to flirt with her to get the info…but she just stared at me like I was crazy,” Gabe mumbles.

“Oh, that could be because you were holding William’s hand. Just a thought,” Sisky, suggests, and then he turns to Jack, “Go talk to the nurse and tell her who you are. He’s only been in there, for like, an hour at most.”

Now Jack is freaking out, because what if he missed it? Would that be a good thing or a bad thing? He’s not very good with blood, and he probably wouldn’t have been much help anyway, especially when they’re cutting someone open. And what if there’s something wrong? Like, really wrong? Just the thought of it makes his stomach flip as he approaches the nurse’s desk.

“Do you think you could tell me what’s going on with Alex Gaskarth? He was brought in a little while ago. I’m his boyfriend-”

The nurse grins at him, “Oh so you’re the boyfriend he was talking about earlier!” she exclaims, “About time you got here.” She stands up and walks around the desk so she’s standing next to him, “I’ll take you to his room - but I have to warn you, you missed the delivery. He’s early, so it was sort of an urgent delivery,” She explains.

Jack’s heart drops. He didn’t even have the option of being there. “But…they’re okay?”

“Alex is okay - probably tired. Your daughter is in NICU, so I don’t have any info on her yet.”

They reach room 24M and Jack’s hand shakes as he turns the handle. His nerves are fucking shot right now.

Inside, he finds Alex lying in the hospital bed, staring at the ceiling. He looks exhausted - his eyes have dark circles under them, making him look like he hasn’t slept in weeks. His eyes are red, too, indicating that he had been crying. Jack’s heart aches at the thought.


At the sound of his voice Alex picks his head up, eyes landing on Jack and a smile is quickly forming on his face, “Jack.” His voice is shot - Jack doesn’t even have to wonder why. “Jack, I’m-”

“Lex, I’m so sorry I didn’t get here in time” Jack apologizes, sitting down in the chair beside his boyfriend’s bed, “Brendon didn’t call me until you were already here, and then there was traffic and-”

“Hey,” Alex says softly, “Don’t even worry about it. This was so unplanned - They told me it was because I was so stressed out. It’s my fault.”

“Don’t say that. It’s nobody’s fault, okay? But why do you look like you’ve been crying?” Jack fears the worst - he thinks that maybe Alex knows that their baby isn’t going to be okay, that she’s not going to make it. But he puts a small smile on his face to show Alex that he’s strong.

“Oh,” Alex laughs breathlessly, but Jack can still tell that he’s sad, “They took her away so fast, I didn’t even get to see her. I threw a temper tantrum.”

“Why’d they take her? Is she okay?”

“I don’t know,” Alex admits, his hand gently cupping Jack’s face, “I don’t know anything. But I’m thinking positive - I think she’s going to be okay.”

Jack nods, “Okay… But how are you feeling?”

“I don’t know,” Alex repeats, “They’ve got me on some serious shit - Nothing hurts right now. I’m afraid for when it wears off…I’m going to be dying. The stitches are gonna kill me…”

“You’ll be fine,” Jack laughs, “But the second they say it’s okay, you have to get up and move around a bit. That’s what Dr. Kessler said, remember?”

“Yeah, yeah whatever,” Alex waves his hand dismissively, “That’s the last thing on my mind. I just wanna know that Jasey is okay.”

Jack lets out a sigh and presses his nose against Alex’s cheek, “She’s gonna be fine. They’re gonna come in here and tell us that she’s healthy and perfect and awesome.”

He knows he shouldn’t be promising these things to Alex, because he really doesn’t know. But Alex just looks so worn out and tired and scared, that he has to.

“Hey…is Zack here?”

“Uh…Well, no. I couldn’t take him out of class…I’ll go tell someone to call up the school and explain everything. Gabe can pick him up.”

Alex nods, “Okay…” he trails off, turning over and lying flat on his back, “While you do that… I’m gonna close my eyes for a bit.”

“Okay… I’ll also try and get some info on Jasey. Maybe I can go visit her.”

At that, Alex snaps his eyes open and glares at Jack, “If you visit her without me I will cut your dick off.”

“Okay, okay. I won’t go near her until you do.”

“That’s what I thought.”


It takes some serious self-restraint to keep himself from walking down the hallway that leads to NICU. But Jack knows that Alex will seriously harm him if he doesn’t get to see Jasey first, so he just hangs out by the nurse’s desk as they call up St. Jude’s and speak to Zack’s principal. Gabe is standing beside him, waiting for the okay to go pick the boy up.

“So you’re definitely going with the name Jasey?” one of the other nurse’s questions, smiling up at Jack, “That’s really pretty.”

“Thanks… My boyfriend picked it out. At first I wasn’t sure, but it just sort of grew on me. Now I can’t think of naming her anything else.”

“Is she in the nursery?”

“No, she’s in the NICU… She’s two months early.”

The nurse must notice the concern in Jack’s voice, how nervous he is, because she smiles kindly and says, “She’ll be fine. They’re probably just checking her to make sure she won’t have any problems in the future.”

“And what if she does?”

“Well, then that’s just something that’s going to be a part of your life from now on. And it’ll be totally normal for you.”

She’s honest, and Jack likes that. He doesn’t need people to lie to him.

By the time Jack gets back to Alex’s room, ten minutes have passed and now there’s a doctor in there as well. Jack’s heartbeat increases from his nervousness. He doesn’t know what this doctor is going to tell him.

“Jack!” Alex exclaims when he sees his boyfriend, “Jack, he’s here to talk about Jasey.”

The doctor smiles at Jack as he sits back down in his seat, holding his hand out, “I’m Dr. Wells. I delivered your daughter earlier and I was one of the many people taking care of her in the NICU.”

“I-is she okay?” Jack asks, scared for the answer.

“Yes,” Jack sighs in relief and leans back in his chair, “She was seven weeks early, but it looks as if, for the most part, she’s healthy and everything is developed enough for her to survive on her own. Her lungs are only things we’re concerned about at the moment. She’s having trouble breathing on her own, so she’s hooked up to a ventilator.”

“Will she be okay to breathe on her own soon?”

“Yes. Eventually. She’s being monitored at all times and we’ll take care of any problems that arise - but I have a positive outlook on her. I think she’s going to be just fine.”

“C-can we see her?”

Dr. Wells nods and points to the wheelchair that’s now occupying the corner of the room, “When you feel ready, you can use the wheelchair and go down to the NICU. I don’t want you walking yet, okay?”

“Right, no walking,” Alex is grinning ear to ear and Jack can’t help but laugh. Because he just looks really, really adorable.

It takes a few tries but Jack manages to get Alex into the wheelchair without hurting him too much. It’s not like Alex cared if he got hurt, anyway. He’s too excited. He finally gets to see his baby after nearly two whole hours.

“Don’t pee yourself, Gaskarth,” Jack warns as he wheels his boyfriend down the hallway, “That’d be embarrassing and I’ll never let you live it down.”

“I’m just excited, asshole.”

They reach the NICU and another nurse is quick to escort them to the opposite corner of the room. Jack doesn’t look anywhere else but at the back of the nurse’s head, because he doesn’t want to see any other baby and freak out about how small it is.

“Okay. Here she is. There’s a little opening over here where you can hold her hand. You can’t pick her up yet, just because she’s so fragile at this point. But hopefully in a week or so, she’ll be stable.”

Jack smiles at the nurse as she leaves them to it, and then he looks down, almost crying when he sees the little girl lying in front of him. She looks like a boy, he has to admit, but seriously, he doesn’t even care. She’s the most beautiful baby he’s ever seen. Granted, he hasn’t seen very many, but he’s just going to assume that she’s the best, just because she’s theirs.

He hears Alex sniffling and he reaches down and takes his hand, pressing his lips to the top of his head, “She’s amazing, Lex.”

“I-I wanna touch her,” Alex says quietly, reaching out and opens up the little space where he can reach in. Her hand is so tiny, that all he can do is place his finger in her palm, and he almost starts sobbing when she tries to wrap her fingers around it. Because he’s been waiting so long for her to finally get here, and yeah, maybe she’s a bit early. But he loves her so much more than he ever thought possible. And he’s only known her for less than three hours.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, author: new_againxo

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