In Love with Acoustics [S/A]

Apr 22, 2009 21:52

Title: In Love with Acoustics
Author: scenery_poetry
Pair: Alex Gaskarth/Travis Clark; implied Alex Gaskarth/Jack Gaskarth
Rating: NC-17
POV: Alex Gaskarth
Summary: Alex thinks he is falling for Travis Clark when they create We the Low/All Time Kings.
Disclaimer: I do not own/know these boys. I do not own the lyrics. I do not own the videos that have inspired me. I just own their CDs.
Warnings: Boysex. ^.^
Author's Note: This is once again beta'd by the still ever so wonderful can_i_weep.

I have never been interested in another as much as I was when I first heard him sing. I think what makes him so attractive is his voice, because physically, he's just average. But it was when we did our acoustic sets for the fans together that I really fell for him.

"Check yes, Juliet. Are you with me? Rain is falling down in the sidewalk. I won't go until you come outside."

"And I'll never second guess the thing that I have done. I've got it too much left to say and too much to become."

"Cause if you jump, I will jump, too. We will fall together from the thing building's ledge, never looking back at what we've done. We'll say it was love."

"Soft kiss and wine what a pretty friend of mine. We're finally intertwined, nervous and shy for the moment. We will come alive tonight."

"When it all comes down to a sunrise on the east side, will you be there to carry home?"

"Let's burn our dreams into the skyline. We'll make believe that forever."

"Don't make this easy. I want you to mean it, Jasey."

"Run baby run, don't ever look back. They'll tear us apart if you give them a chance."

Those lyrics sung these nights have never felt more real. We decided that this was the last night that we would do this. Actually, it was me who suggested it. My head swims every time we perform. I want to kiss him so badly afterward. I know the reactions from the bands wouldn't be a horrible one, but his reaction could be. Travis hasn't even hinted that he is even remotely interested in guys.

So after the small set, we put our guitars back into their cases. Travis and I sign autographs and take a few pictures with the fans. It's when a fan asks us to do the one thing I've been dying to do.

"Can you two maybe possibly kiss?"

Travis looks shocked but amused at the request. There is no telling what my face looks like, but I can feel the butterflies fluttering in my stomach. We make eye contact for a silent permission. I'm obviously okay with it and he just shrugs.

The next thing I know, his lips are on mine. The only other guy I have ever kissed was Jack, but I felt nothing from it since we're such good friends. He's almost like my brother.

But this -kissing Travis- is something entirely different.

What only last a few seconds seems like heaven to me. But I am the one to pull away as I see hundreds of flashes and hear ear-deafening screams from the fans. I have to hold back from licking my lips to savor the taste and feel of him.

"Well, thank you for coming. See you at the next show!" Travis says to the fans.

We sign a last autograph and hug a last fan before picking up our instruments and head back to our buses.

The walk there isn't a long one, but we take our sweet time. Too many things are running through my head right now for me to be able to think straight. But the one constant is the way Travis smells.

"This tour was a fun one," Travis says suddenly. His tone is soft and calm.

"It was. It's a shame it ends the day after tomorrow," I say as a response.

"We'll tour together soon, right?" he asks.

I shrug. "Hopefully. You guys are fun. I especially had fun doing our song mix-ups. I'll miss being We the Low."

Travis stops and I do too. We are just a few feet shy from being by our buses, but neither one of us aren't in a hurry. We probably won't leave until morning anyway. I take this time to really observe him. His greens eyes are looking thoughtful, as if he wants to say something but doesn't at the same time. His long, reddish-orange hair is falling on his shoulders, and slightly covering his face. His bottom lip is being bitten by his teeth, which also indicates that he wants to tell me something. I don't prompt him at all; I know he will tell me.

"I- I'll miss you when the tour is over. I don't know any other way of saying it with out it sounding cheesy."

I put my arm around his shoulder and pull him towards me. He's shorter than I am, so it's easy to rest my arm across his shoulders. "I'll miss you, too. You've become a great friend to me. Well, actually more than that to be honest."

"Really?" he asks in a curious tone.

"Yeah. But we should probably get back. The guys are probably gonna start to celebrate without us," I say as a change of subject.

"They probably already have," Travis responds just as casually.

We get back to the buses and noticed that everyone decided to party on my band's bus. Travis and I climb aboard. I take his guitar from him and put both of ours in a safe corner. I see Rian hand Travis a beer and bring him into a conversation with Hunter and Zack. Jack comes up to me and smirks.

"What were you two doing?" he asks with a slight slur. The poor lightweight is almost drunk.

"You know what we were doing. There will probably be videos of it on YouTube. We played for a small crowd of fans."

"Is that all?" he asks.

I knew it was a bad idea to tell Jack about my secret crush on the red-head. I'm just lucky he hasn't said anything about it yet, especially while he's drunk.

"Yes, now leave it alone."

"Okay, but you only have two more days to tell him. There's no telling when you'll see him again."

He hands me a beer and goes off to chat with the other guys. I open the bottle and take a swig on the bitter drink.


I've thought about Travis many times within the last days of the tour. And now it's my last night to say something. I haven't been given many opportunities to do so, so on the night of the post-tour celebration I make sure to drink enough to make my tongue loose and get him away from everybody else. We head to the back of the bus. I shut the door to the small room. My vision is almost a little fuzzy around the edges, but other than that, I'm fine.

"Are you okay there, Alex?" Travis asks me.

I sit down on the dark leather seat so I can focus more on my goal. I just end up saying the first thing my mind can think of.

"Your voice makes me hard," he says in an obvious awkward amnor.

"Um... thanks?" he says awkwardly.

"No, that sounded creepy. What I meant to say was that I like you, a lot."

"Really? And you're telling me this now?" he asks in slight disappointment.

"No time like the present," I reply a bit louder than I meant to.

"So, you decided it would be alright for you to tell me on our last night?"

"I wanted to before, but I didn't know if you felt the same. I swear, every time I came back for our shows, I had a massive boner. I've jerked off every night thinking about you."

Man, I feel myself harden slightly just thinking about it. And Travis standing right in front me isn't helping.

"So what are you going to do about it?" he asks.

I grab a hold of shirt and pull him into my lap. I kiss him hard on his lips. In response, he opens his mouth for me so our tongues can dance together. I nip lightly on one of his snake bites and tug it gently with my teeth. Travis lets out a small moan and grinds into me. The friction of our clothed erections makes me come slightly undone as I lean my head back and moan.

Travis decides to take control since he is less inebriated. I wrap my arms loosely around his waist as he slides his hands under my shirt. I let out a surprised gasp as I feel his calloused fingertips rub against each of my nipples. It makes me arch up to him more. Travis tugs at my shirt and I left my arms to help him take it off. I watch as he drops it to the floor. Next those nimble fingers of his start to fumble with my belt. I keep my eyes glued to his clouded green ones.

I feel the waistband on my jeans loosen a tiny bit before I hear the belt sliding out of the loops. Next is the unfastening of the button and the zipper sliding down bit-by-metal-bit. I left my hips slightly to help him more as he starts to slide my jeans down my thighs. I moan as I feel the pressure on my erection disappear.

"You look so gorgeous," Travis says. "I've dreamed about this just as much as you."

He pulls back the waistband of my boxer-briefs and takes a hold of my erection. He rubs his thumb along the head. I bite my lips as the pleasure builds up. I could cum just like this, but I want to see just how far this can go. Pre-cum starts leak out from the slit.

Travis starts to pull away from me. I watch as he starts to take his own clothes off. He strips slowly for me. He looks so much better naked than clothed. He straddles me again and brings me into another kiss.

"Have you done this before?" he asks.

I shake my head. "No, not with a guy. You?"

"Once. Just relax. I will do all of the work."

He begins to suck on three of his fingers vigorously. He gets them slick enough with his saliva that they glisten under the lights when he pulls them out. I watch as he shifts himself on my lap. My eyes widen as he starts to finger himself. He moans softly as he stretches himself with every finger. It only takes a few minutes before he pulls them out. I just gotten harder, if possible, while watching him.

Travis aligns himself above my aching and slightly discolored cock. He kisses me as he starts to sink down. I see nothing but a mixture of colors as I am forced to close my eyes. I can't hold back the moan that escapes my mouth and into his. Travis moans back, caressing my tongue with his.

I grip his hips as he starts to move slightly. He is so tight, it feels so incredible. I don't know how long I can stand this. I do notice the temperature of the room going up and my breathing gets a little hitched. I get so lost in the pleasure; I can't seem to stop the noises that escape through my mouth. I could care less who could hear us. And Travis doesn't seem to care as he slams himself to the hilt of my dick.

"Oh, fuck!" he screams out.

"Faster," I whisper. "Make me cum."

Travis obeys. I grip his hips tighter, my brittle nails digging into the skin there. I help him move at the desired speed. I have never felt something so amazing before in my life. I let go with one hand and grab a hold of his own leaking cock.

"Oh, shit! So good, so close," Travis mutters.

I feel him tense up a bit and he cums all over my hand and stomach. He slouches forward and rests his head on my shoulder. I continue to pound into him until I can't take it anymore. I release into him. We kiss lazily as he rides out my orgasm.

I rest against the back of the couch and try to catch my breath. Travis doesn't move either.

"That was amazing," he mutters softly.

"It was the best orgasm I've ever had," I tell him.

Travis smiles slightly and shifts slightly. I'm still inside him, but he does slowly climb off of me. I want to pull him back, but I know we can't stay like this forever. He slowly starts to get dressed again.

I do the same, but feeling a bit lazy and just slip on my shirt and underwear. I'll probably end up taking them off when I go to lay down in my bunk anyway.

"So...I'll see you some other time?" he says awkwardly.

I shake my head. I stand up and pull his body to me. I don't want to let him go just yet.

"I don't want this to just be a one night stand, Trav. I'm in love with you."

Travis tenses up slightly but relaxes again. He smiles a bit sadly. I don't like this look he's giving me.

"Well, we can't be much more, Alex. We have completely different schedules. It's not going to be possible. But I will always cherish the time we've had together."

With that, Travis kisses me sweetly before heading back out. I feel so crushed. It would have been better if this didn't happened, but I can't make myself regret it.

I don't go back out and join the guys. I don't feel like celebrating. I just turn in to my bunk. I plug in my earphones to drown out the noises coming from the front of the bus. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep.


I wake up with a huge headache the next morning. I go to turn around, but something warm and solid stops me. I turn quickly, hoping it's Travis. I only find the sleeping form of my best friend. I smile sadly at Jack and run my fingers through his hair. I guess he came here to check up on me after I had fallen asleep. Jack always makes sure I'm okay after I had a fall. Next to him I find a folded piece of paper. I pick it up and begin to read it while laying on my back. I am somehow able to recognize it as Travis' handwriting.

I know you are upset with me, but hear me out. Last night was one of my most cherished memories,but I know it will never work out for us. We're both constantly touring and when we're not, we're busy with other band-related work. I know it just sounds like excuses, but I trust you to know that I mean it sincerely. You, however, will remain my secret valentine.
Love always,

PS: Some times what is best for us is already there.

I put down the paper and finally realize that Travis is right.

Jack begins to stir. He slowly opens his eyes and smiles at me. I smile back.

"Morning," he says quietly.

I run my hand through his hair slowly, liking the silky feel. "Morning,"



A/N: This is one of the videos that gave me inspiration of this. It's been in my head since I first saw them months ago. If you haven't seen them, then do do. It's amazing!

author: scenery_poetry, standalone, rating: nc-17, pairing: alex gaskarth/travis clark

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