Scream To Be Heard [2/?]

Aug 25, 2010 22:53

Title: Scream To Be Heard
Author: ylimexemily
Rating: R
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Alex is completely alone.Alone and suicidal,but too scared to do anything about it. He brought this upon himself,and he hates himself for it.
Disclaimer: This is completely true,but my last statement is completely false. Cut belongs to Jimmy Eat World.
A/N: This is a flashback,so it really should be in italics,but meh.
Chapter 1.

Alex storms out of the house,backpack slung haphazardly over his shoulder. His mother is calling after him, begging for him to come back inside. He's halfway down the street already,and she can't run as fast as he can. In fact,she can barely walk. Her leg problems have progressed rapidly,and she walks slowly and with a limp. She feels helpless. She watches him from the driveway until he rounds the corner,and stares at the spot she last saw him. She stands there for an hour,completely frozen in shock and sorrow,until her husband carries her into the house and lays her down on the couch. She's cold and her eyes are teary. She can't believe she's just lost her son. The only son she had left.

Alex runs for hours. He runs until he can't breathe. He has a painful ache in his side and it throbs with every movement and every shaky breath. He has no idea where he is and he thinks he's just made the stupidest decision of his life. He finds the nearest payphone,digs some spare change out of his pocket, and dials his house number. His father answers the phone.

"Hello? Dad?"

"Alexander. I hope you're happy with your decision. I hope you brought clothes and money with you and I hope you have a place to stay,because you're not welcome in our home anymore. You chose your own fate. Don't bother trying to call again,because no one will answer. Your mother and I are going back to Essex for a year,and we're leaving tonight. If you don't die before we get back, I'll give you the option of living with us again,but I doubt you'll last that long. We'll come to your funeral,but until then,have a nice life without us. Isn't that what you wanted?"

His voice is firm. He's serious. Alex feels hot tears glide down his cheeks and his voice wavers as he pleads.

"Dad. I-I'm so,so sorry. Please,just-"

"No. YOU wanted this. There's no turning back. Goodbye,Alexander. Maybe I'll see you in a year."

Alex opens his mouth to speak,but the line is already dead.

Now he's sobbing. What will happen to him now? Where will he go? What will he do? He never thought his father would be this cruel. And what about his mother? His mother wouldn't want to lose him...right? No,she wouldn't. But she'd go along with anything her husband said, and he's said to let Alex go. They'd already lost their favorite son, so it probably didn't matter that Alex was gone now,too. He'd never replace Daniel,anyway. God,he missed Daniel. The November air has a sharp bite to it, and he tries to be as warm as possible in his thin hoodie as he lays down and attempts to sleep on cold,hard sidewalk,completely alone for the first time in his life.
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