I've Got A Secret [4.1/?]

Aug 24, 2010 22:02

Title:I've Got A Secrect
Author: dudeimsehin aka Sehin
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own them, well not yet... Song by Bring Me The Horizon.
Warnings:Has some sexy scenes.
Summary: Alex hopes this will be just a normal new school year but luck isn't quite on his side....or is it?
A/N:This is just a figment of my imagination but it is half based on recent personal experiences.

I don't get the concept of starting school on a Friday,but then again I get to stay home so I'm not complaining. The only thing that sucks is that I don't have a thing to do tonight.

beep beep

hey, party 2night. wanna go?

My heart skipped a beat, it always does when he texts me.

sure. come by my house 'round 5?

I looked at the clock. Shit. Only thirty minutes to get ready! How the fuck am I supposed to look my best in thirty minutes?

I went straight to the shower; grabbing a shower cap so I didn't have to dry my hair. I decided to do my hair last since so I spent a good amount of time figuring what to wear. I went with a pair of shants; white v-neck; red flannel ; finishing it off my very old and dirty pair of chucks. I had an assortment of woven bracelets decorating my arms and a dog tag clinging onto my neck. My hair was especially messy but with a polished look. I'd bang me, I thought to myself when looking at my reflection.

I was spraying on some of perfume just as Jack had arrived. Yes, I know perfume is for females but it smells better than Axe. Jack didn't seem to agree, but It didn't matter.

He looked amazing. His dark black scruffy hair was done so perfectly and his extremely tight jeans left little to the imagination. I just wanted to run my fingers through his hair while making him moan my name so loud the neighbors could here. But, I don't think my parents would enjoy me making a bad name for myself in the neighborhood.

The house wasn't a long walk from my house so of course we walked. By the time we got there it was packed and more than a few people were already drunk. The girls looked like every typical "party girl" looked like. Or in other terms slutty. That was a downer but I wouldn't give up a chance to hook up with one of them. Unless Jack was willing to continue what they had started yesterday.

That got me thinking about that guy, Oli. This doesn't look like a scene he'd best fit in with. Probably explaining why I couldn't see him anywhere. Trust me, I searched everywhere.

I went over to the kitchen to grab a drink. I needed one in my system to loosen me up. I'd lost Jack earlier so I was pretty much alone. A cute blond, pixie like girl bounced towards me. She was clearly drunk the way she was giggling.

"H-hi, I'm Trish," she managed to say, or rather mumble.

"Hey, I'm Alex." I said awkwardly.

"D-do you have a girlfriend?" Trish asked whispering the word girlfriend.

"No?" I responded.

With that she practically lunged at me attempting to kiss me. Gross and slobbery were understatements of the situation. I tried to push her off of me but she was strong for a girl her size. It literally took all my strength to get her off of me. She wasn't to happy about that though. I walked away quickly because I felt a pink tint gracing across my face. I needed fresh air,badly. Upon exiting the dark,sweaty house I bumped into a surprised  looking Oli.

His devilish grin graced his face with eyes set to kill. I could tell what he wanted, and I wanted it too. The only thing stopping us was an unhappy Jack yelling at him to back off. I was stunned. Not only did he cock block me for no apparent reason, but he seemed more angry then he would if it would had been another person in Oli's shoes.

"What the fuck dude!" I yelled at Jack.

I could see the hurt on his face but it was washed over with deep lust.

"You're mine tonight Gaskarth," Jack said in a sultry manner.

Jack led me upstairs, stopping only to open and close the empty bathroom door. His lips brushed against mine. Leading kissing down my throat stopping at my Adams apple where he began to suck gently. He moved his lips letting the cold air breeze by the spot where his mouth had once been making me shiver.

"Moan for me Alex," Jack whispered softly into my ears.

Thay sent chills down my spine. He continued to suck ever so gently onto my neck leaving his mark on my skin. It wasn't until Jack had bitten me that I lost all of my control. I soon realized where we were. I knew if I wanted to have sex with Jack it wasn't going to be at a party, or for that matter a bathroom. Common, I do have some morals.

I slipped out of his grip, receiving a very annoyed look from Jack. I just chuckled, walked back to the party and out the door with a very displeased Jack trailing behind me.

"If we're going to do it, we are doing it in my bed." I explained to Jack.

This made him even more eager than before. And can you believe he said that he'd never wanted me yesterday?
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