Need You [12/?]

Aug 03, 2010 00:26

Title: Need You, 12/?
Author: new_againxo 
Rating: Pg-13 
Pairing: [eventual] Jalex + rian/zack (Riack?), gabilliam, rydon, kyleb,  and more 
Summary: Alex Gaskarth is a nineteen year old college sophomore, living life the way he wants. One night, one decision, will make all the difference.  
Disclaimer: I don't own these guys. I never will. I swear. 
Warnings: MPREG, sensitive topics
A/n: Master Post in my journal!
If you have questions, or requests or whatever, I have a Formspring!

            Traditions aren’t meant to be broken, and the group of people sitting at Alex’s kitchen table tends to take them very seriously. So, even though both Gabe and William are pretty mad at Alex, and not to mention, are not on speaking terms, they’re still seated at the table. Opposite ends, yes, but still. They’re there and that sort of makes Alex feel a tiny bit better.

But at the same time, it makes him feel overly stressed. Because other than the little William and Gabe awkwardness, there’s also the Brendon/Ryan and Caleb/Kyle awkwardness. Basically, there’s an overwhelming abundance of awkwardness right now and Alex just wants to go back into his room, climb under the covers and go back to sleep. But he can’t.

“So…is it always this…tense?”

Alex tears his eyes away from Brendon, who looks like he’s about to cry, and sets his eyes on Jack. He shakes his head, squeezing the older boy’s hand tightly, “No…everybody’s just going through some bad times I guess…except for Sisky and Butcher.”

One look at the “star couple” as they are often referred to, and you’ll realize that there’s probably nothing in the world that could ever separate them. They hardly fight, and they don’t try and control each other. They talk things out - which is something that most couples (read: Brendon and Ryan) don’t realize they have to do.

Alex looks around the table again, trying to listen to all of the awkward attempts at conversation, even though the only thing everyone really wants to do is lock William and Gabe in a closet and force them to work things out. But that would be mean, Alex knows, and William is so stubborn that he probably wouldn’t even speak a word no matter what.

After a few minutes go by in which Jack tries to comfort him by tracing circles on his knee, Alex has just about had enough of the sad, pathetic puppy dog looks that Brendon keeps giving him. So, he stands up from the table motions for Brendon to follow, and then makes his way down the hall to his bedroom. Brendon shuffles past him into the room and Alex moves to close the door, but Caleb keeps that from happening. He slides past Alex into the bedroom and immediately sits down on Alex’s bed.

Alex frowns at him, folding his arms across his chest and asking, “Why did you follow us?”

“Because I need to talk to you,” Caleb responds softly, twisting his fingers into the fabric of his shirt, “And clearly you and Brendon are about to have a cute little heart-to-heart so I felt like I should be included.” The redhead leans back on his elbows, looking at Alex as if daring him to try and kick him out.

Alex sighs. “Fine. I’ll deal with both of your problems - but one at a time!”

Caleb huffs in annoyance but otherwise stays silent.

“Okay. So why do you looks like Ryan beat you this morning?” The blonde boy questions, looking at Brendon expectantly.

Brendon averts his gaze to the floor, biting his lip and shrugging his shoulders. “We’re fine.”

“You aren’t fine!” Alex shouts, “Clearly something is wrong! Now tell me, or I will … I will seriously hit you.”

“You would never,” Brendon calls him out, “You would never hit me. But, if you must know…I guess I should tell you.” He takes a deep breath and sits down on the bed beside Caleb, “I tried to talk to him last night - like, seriously talk. You know? Like, about everything that’s happened. But, he brushed me off, and told me he had stuff to do for class. And I sort of flipped out on him.”

“Sort of?”

“Okay, I really flipped out on him. I yelled a lot…And I made him sleep on the floor of our dorm room.”

“Good,” Alex says, “He deserves it. He needs to realize that communication is a huge part of a relationship. And if he’s not willing to talk to you about something that is seriously and obviously affecting the both of you, then he’s an asshole and doesn’t deserve you.”

Brendon blinks twice, as if he’s digesting all of the things that Alex just said. After a few more seconds go by, he slowly nods, “I uh…I guess you’re right…I mean…But…I love him,” he finishes weakly, his voice strained.

“I know that,” Alex responds, “But maybe you need to let him know that if he’s not willing to help you through the rough times, then a relationship is not going to work.” He knows that Brendon doesn’t want to hear it, but he really has to. It’s for his own good. Once he sees Brendon nod slightly, Alex turns to Caleb. “And what’s your problem?”

“I want to break up with Kyle.”

Both Brendon and Alex share a collective gasp, hands covering their mouths and eyes wide. Because seriously - what? That’s the very last thing either of them expected to come from his mouth.

“What the hell would you want to do that?” Brendon questions, his voice getting higher in pitch as he speaks.

“Because… we aren’t happy anymore…I mean…We just don’t trust each other.”

“Because of what happened over the summer?” Alex whispers, hand coming up to rub at Caleb’s back, “I know what he did was awful, and it was really big of you to take him back, but I really don’t think you should just give up.”

“But what more can I do? I mean, he still talks to that guy that he slept with and … and I just can’t trust him at all!”

The sight of the tears forming in Caleb’s eyes makes Alex pull him closer, whispering comforting words that he hopes helps at least a little bit. “Like is aid to Brendon - you need to talk to him.”

“I-I know,” Caleb whines, “I just can barely be in the same room as him without feeling sick.”

“You have to get past that.”

“It’s harder than it sounds.”

- - -

After he kicks all of his friends out of his apartment, Alex hides in his bedroom. He curls up in the middle of the bed, arms wrapped around his waist and tears making their way down his cheeks. His friends are falling apart, and he can’t let that happen.

“Alex, are you in here?”

The soft knock on the door comes from Jack - Alex knows that already. He smiles slightly, the fact that Jack stayed even though Alex was such a little bitch to him only ten minutes ago bringing his mood up. He hears the door open slowly, and he doesn’t bother to look up, because it’s Jack - duh - and he’s his boyfriend. So who cares if he sees Alex like this, right?

“Lex, why are you crying?” He asks, sounding overly concerned.

Alex wants to tell him it’s nothing, that it’s just the whole stupid pregnancy thing screwing with his emotions, but he already knows that Jack won’t by it. So he sits up, wipes at his eyes and takes a deep breath, “I just don’t like the fact that all of my friends are hating each other suddenly.”

“Alex…I’m sure they don’t hate each other-”

“Yes! They do! Because Ryan and Brendon are like, days away from self-destructing, and Kyle and Caleb basically already have, they just haven’t realized it yet. And then William’s not talking to me because I told Gabe he loves him, and now he and Gabe are acting totally awkward and it’s all my fault!”

“Hey,” Jack says quietly, putting his hand on Alex’s back as he makes himself comfortable on the bed, “You need to calm down. Nothing is your fault. You didn’t tell William to fall in love with his best friend. You’re not the one making Ryan not want to talk to Brendon, and you’re also not the one who made Kyle cheat on Caleb, so don’t ever say any of those things are your fault, please?” He pulls Alex closer, his fingers twirling a strand of his hair and his breath hits Alex neck softly, “You can’t let these things stress you out. It’s not good for you or your baby. It’s going to make your blood pressure go sky high, and that’s the last thing you need, okay?”

Alex nods slightly, “I…yeah, okay. I know you’re right. But I can’t help but worry-”

Suddenly Alex stops, eyes widening and hands immediately removing themselves from their spot on his stomach. He stares at Jack for a few seconds, before looking down again at his baby bump, an apprehensive look on his face.

“What’s the matter?” Jack asks immediately, “Is something wrong?”

“I…No…I don’t think - oh fuck!” He grabs Jack’s hand, placing it right beside his on his stomach and instructing him to wait.

Jack does as he’s told, not really understanding the whole point. But he goes along with it, because he doesn’t want Alex to get upset again and cry. Jack doesn’t like the crying. But then, he understands the point of the whole thing - he feels the slightest kick against his hand and he can’t help but pull his hand away as if he was burned. “What the fuck?”

“Did you feel it?” Alex asks excitedly, hoping up and down on the bed a bit, “It kicked me!”

“Shit, what’s it feel like to you?”

“Like…sort of like a goldfish swimming around in my stomach…”

Jack grins, “And how would you know how that feels like?”

“…It just seemed like the best way to explain it.”

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