I'm a Sucker for Lovers [2/2]

Mar 28, 2010 14:46

Title: I'm a Sucker for Lovers
Author: summerdownturn 
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Caleb Turman
POV: Jack's
Summary: Jack has an issue. He has fallen in love with one of his best friends.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Please don't sue. Title and cut are from I Don't Know About You, But I Came to Dance by Forever the Sickest Kids.
Warning: Unbeta-ed. Language. Slight sexual situations. Maybe some OOC-ness. Some minor Jalex.
Dedications: To any one who commented my previous posts ;D And to redhotshorty  for demanding that I write Jack/Caleb.
Author Notes: Had a crazy night last night. Bestfriends are awesome. So tired. Anyways, part deux of this twoshot. I feel like it could be better but whatever. It needed to be done. Please enjoy =]

(Previous Parts)

That night was another night I would never forget. Minus the beating of course. Although, the outcome left me broken all the same. We didn’t go to a club, but we did all hang out in mine and Alex's suite.

With alcohol. Lots of it. But that's just how we roll.

I wasn't watching my alcohol intake, like I probably should, but there was no one to kick my ass if I said something bitchy. We were all friends here. In fact, I wanted to get wasted. It was still the beginning of the tour, and I was suffering from Caleb relapse. Too much Caleb after long spans of withdrawl time from not seeing him didn’t work out with me. So that's why I basically just drank a whole bottle of liquor.

Rian sat down next to me on the couch. He was being the reasonable one who made sure no one got hurt or got alcohol poisoning.

"I think you're over your limit, buddy," he said, taking my drink from me. I slurred back a response that even I didn't understand and leaned over to try and grab it from him, but Rian stood up and walked away, leaving me sprawled out on the couch trying to use my Jedi force to return my beverage to me. I dropped my head in defeat once I saw him dump the cup's contents down the bathroom sink.

Now I was left with myself to create my own entertainment. Which is never good.

I wonder if there is any duck tape around?

My thoughts were interupted when music started blaring out of a stereo system and I instantly sprung off of the couch and ran over to Alex who was talking to Zack, Kyle, Jon, and Caleb.

"Lex," I whine, pulling on his free hand. The other was holding his drink. "Come dance with me. Pretty, pretty, pretty, pretty pleaseee?"

"Sure," he smiled and downed the rest of his beer. I eagerly tugged him over to the spaced out living room where a makeshift dance floor was. I smiled and put my arms around his neck, pulling him in close.

His hands went to my waist and pulled us even closer. We moved against each other’s bodies to the fast beat. Alex smiled down at me and our eyes locked.

You know that moment where time just stops and it feels like just you and that other person in the room? Well, that was what this felt like as I stared up into his eyes. Sure, Alex and I fooled around all the time; holding hands, giving pecks on the cheek, cuddling. I was even used to our drunken make out sessions. But still, I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach right when our eyes connected. And the fact that we were so close didn't help either.

As I knew he would, Alex leaned down and his lips met mine, our eyes slipped closed as I kissed him back. I felt one of his hands move up to cup my face and our bodies stilled and I melted into him. But when I pulled back, it felt funny.

It felt like his hair should be a different shade. Like his eyes should be lighter and playful. His lips should be fuller and pink-er, beautifully complimenting his pale skin, and he should be taller.

I tried to hide my frown behind a smile, even though Alex probably wouldn’t care if I hurt his feelings. He would just blame it on the alcohol. And anyways, it was just one kiss. I know I wouldn't remember it in the morning.

We danced together for a few more songs until I got bored and tired and decided to try and sneak a drink. But as soon as Rian saw me headed for the beer, he intervened and shooed me away.

I sighed as I made my way to my room. The party was dying anyways. Might as well go to bed. I plopped down onto my bed, not even bothering to take my clothes off and get comfortable. I was almost getting to the point of a calm dark abyss when I heard the door open and close and footsteps tiptoeing over to my bedside.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head, turning slightly so I could see the figure beside me. The moonlight shined through the window and landed upon the figure, highlighting his pale face and making his eyes gleam as he looked me over. I sat up to face him, my eyebrows knitted and my face showing my confusion. What was he doing here?

"Caleb-" I started, but he interrupted my by quickly sitting down next to me and placing his hand on my cheek. My eyes went wide as he leaned forward and carefully placed his lips onto mine.

I think my heart stopped.

Caleb pulled back before I could blink, but when I did, I stared at him with even more confusion. Why did he pull away?

When Caleb stared at me for a reaction and I didn't give him much, he started to back away. My hand shot out and grabbed his shoulder, preventing him from leaving. He stopped his movements and looked back into my eyes timidly. He was so cute.

I smiled and pulled him in closer, just so that our lips were an inch apart. Caleb smiled in return and I hungrily connected our lips once again.

Kissing Caleb was not even remotely close to kissing Alex. His lips were soft and he was less rough, but he still had that edge that begged for more. I moved myself closer so I was almost in his lap, and he snaked his tongue out to gingerly lick at my lips where I quickly granted him entrance. His tongue danced with my own as I neededly tangled my fingers in those oh-so-perfect ginger locks of his. Caleb moved his hands to my waist and one of his hands moved underneath my shirt.

I quietly moaned and pulled back.

Now this was the part where I hate myself.

Was Caleb really interested in me? If so, would I really want our first time to be when I was wasted and wouldn't even remember it the next day? Or was Caleb just drunk as well and this would be just drunk sex to him? I know where my boundaries lay, but I was so damn confused on his part.

"Wait," I said softly, pulling back a little further to look him in the eyes once more. "What does this mean?" I had to ask at some point. Caleb hesitated and was reluctant to answer.

"I don't... I'm not sure," he whispered. I searched his eyes for answers and was about to continue when we were interupted. The door opened and Caleb freaked, quickly standing up with a shock expression while I just sat on the bed, blankly looking over at Rian who stood in the doorway. He quickly muttered an apology and closed the door, leaving a tense and fidgety Caleb in his wake.

"He wouldn't tell anybody if that's what you're worried about," I grumbled, getting frustrated. All I wanted was to go to bed. And now my Caleb situation was even more confusing.

Caleb slowly turned around to face me, clearly having a mental battle with himself. I frowned and sighed, laying down once again, facing away from the standing red head.

"Whatever. Just go," I mumbled into my pillow, silently wishing that he would leave but also hoping that he would stay. So fucking confused!

Everything stayed silent for a few moments before I heard shifting and footsteps walking away. Then the door opened and closed once again. My chest tightened and I wished I had more alcohol.

The morning after I felt like a zombie and even ten times worse than the previous morning. I probably looked like it too. I helped the guys clean up the room to make it look somewhat presentable for house cleaning, all the while my thoughts drifting back to last night. I managed to remember all of it. Which sucked on two levels. One; I got to remember the awkward and confusing situation of last night between me and Caleb. And two; even if Caleb and I did have sex last night, I would've remembered it and this would hopefully be a stepping stone towards hope. But now, I was just completely lost.

We had to check out that afternoon, so while Matt did all of that, the guys and I put the few bags we brought to the hotel back onto the bus.

As I was walking off of the bus to help Alex with his stuff, I saw Caleb approaching me from the hotel.


I turned around and headed straight back onto the bus, but unfortunately, Caleb managed to follow me.

"Can we talk?"

I hesitated in the hallway, wanting to turn around but also wanting to just ignore him. I ended up turning around slightly and nodded. Caleb gestured to the back of the bus and I continued past the bunk area to the back lounge, Caleb trailing behind me and closed the lounge door behind him.

We stood awkwardly facing each other but our eyes never met.

"So... I guess you remember last night," he stated. I nodded. Was this going to be the "mistake" speech? 'Cause if it was, I've heard it before.

I kept my comments to myself though.


Caleb let out a long sigh and started, "If you're wondering if I regret kissing you or where it was headed last night, then... well... I don't." His voice was small and quiet so I barely heard him, but it still managed to freeze me in place.

I looked up at him to see his eyes looking down at the ground.

"What?" I choke.

"I said I don't regret kissing you last night," he said a little louder, looking slightly even more uneasy.

Butterflies made their way back into my stomach once again, the good tingly ones.


Silence again.

Dammit, just tell him what went down and how you feel!

I swallowed and worked up the nerve to speak.

"Last night, when I asked you... I was drunk. I didn't want to do anything with you and not be able to remember it the next day. You didn’t deserve that," I said quietly, looking back down at the ground.

"So you wanted to kiss me?"

"More than that," I blushed, looking up at the red head who was staring at me, also blushing. "'Cause I love you, Caleb."

Why was I being so shy? I should be happy and excited! And I was. Just on the inside.

Caleb smiled and I couldn't help but smile too. Was this really happening? He walked over to me so that I was pressed up against his chest.

"Good," his smile widened and his hand moved up to brush my hair out of my eyes. "'Cause I love you too, Jack."

My heart soared and I could almost not feel my legs. He leaned in and kissed me once more on the lips, and it felt amazing to have no barriers, to have all confessions and cards out on the table. Caleb took both of my hands in his and our fingers intertwined. This was the moment. The moment where time stopped and it felt like Caleb and I were the only two beings in the whole entire world. And everything was perfect and right and fell into place. Exactly the way it was supposed to be.

The kiss broke when we needed air, and then Caleb rested his forehead against mine. We stared into each other's eyes, smiling like fools. But we were in love, so we didn't care.

Only fools fall in love after all.


A/N2: Awww, happy ending =D I hope you liked it.
So as for the sequal to The City That Reads, it is going to happen since I wrote the first chapter a year ago and planned the whole thing out somewhat, but I'm not working on it until I finish this Alex/Kyle story I'm working on. Until then, I'll be posting one/twoshots. Hope you don't mind the wait.

rating: pg-13, pairing: jack barakat/caleb turman, author: summerdownturn

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