Still Painting Flowers Chapter 4!

Mar 20, 2010 12:41

Title: Still Painting Flowers (4/?)
Author: chasingxrabbits 
Pairing: Jalex, Implied Gabilliam, Past pairings for both Jack and Alex
Rating: I'll go with R for potty mouth. (Over all NC-17)
Dedications: My favorite person in the WHOLE world, beside Alex Gaskarth, Lydia (altuni )
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the sexy boys beneath the cut. Only the story.
Summary: Jack's life sucks. Alex comes along and sucks in a different way ;D
Authors Notes: Finially it works~! I only had to try seven times! I think I'm getting better at cut whispering. ^^

Remember to tell me if anything if effed up. Cuz I'm sure it is v.v

Alex's POV

It had hit me like a ton of bricks and it almost physically hurt.

Doubt and regret. Not a good combonation.

What was I supposed to say? I had no fucking idea how to even start to tell him what I felt.I like you, Jack. But I'm not sure this is going to work.

How horrible does that sound? It sounds so...cliche.

You'd think that I'd have this memorized by now though. I get the same exactly feeling everytime I try to move on.

And it's not like I want to end it with him; that's kinda the opposite of what I want. But I don't want to get hurt again.

This whole thing was a horrible idea. I don't even know anything about the boy, really.No...Alex. I stopped my train of thought. You always do this. Every fucking time. Just give this a chance."Alex? alright?" Jack asked a bit sheepishly, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I swallowed a bunch of spit that I didn't even know I was holding in my mouth and then nodded.
"Yeah, everything's fine." I averted my eyes to anywhere but his.

"Ok." He didn't look convinced at all. He looked scared, like..a deer in headlights. "Can I use your bathroom?"

"Yeah, there's one right around the corner." I pointed to the hallway near the stairs.

He nodded and got off of me, slowly walking to his destination.

"God dammit," I said out loud.I should have never asked him for a date. The last thing I want to see is that boy upset.But maybe he doesn't have to be...Maybe I don't have to be either. There's something here with him that I've never felt before.

Something growing inside me, like a seed that's starting to take root in my heart. I had to stop for a second and laugh a little. Did I just come up with one of the cheesiest line ever? Ok, seriousness.


I deserve a fresh start and I'm pretty sure he does too.

Maybe he'll be my fresh start....

Jack's POV

Maybe there's something wrong with me.

I looked into the large, framed mirror in front of me.

I didn't want to go back out there, because I could almost predict his next move. I knew that face; that horrible look of regret. I looked down into the squeeky clean sink and started to wish that I could just slip down the drain. Or maybe the air vent, if there was one. I'd always seen that on TV.

But, soon enough, I felt like staying in there for that long was only getting weirder so I slowly opened the door and,

without meeting his eyes, sat back onto the bed beside him.

He was quiet, but I was getting a new vibe from him. I kept my eyes down until I heard him speak.

"Sorry about the awkwardness there." He gave me an apologetic smile. I looked up at him, my heart racing and bracing for impact.

But the only impact I felt was his lips on mine.

It was soft. Probably the most gentle thing I'd ever felt. I had to open one of my eyes to make sure it was actually happening.

In a second, he pulled away.

His face was just inches from mine as the silence dragged on. His eyes were closed, but there was no smile on his face.Maybe that was just a test!

I gained back all the panic that I previously had.Did I pass it?

He opened his eyes a few seconds later and I leaned back, still not wanting to hear "It's over".

I kept my eyes down on his neon yellow pillow, just waiting for something, anything.

After another couple minutes of this, I couldn't stand it. I had to say something, or I knew I was going to start crying like a baby.

I opened my mouth but he beat me to it.

"Jack, stop shaking." He smiled a little and looked down at my hand. I hadn't even noticed it, but hell, they were shaking like crazy.

"Sorry," I whispered, so quietly, I wasn't sure that he heard, but I couldn't justify speaking any louder. Not when I felt this this.

"Don't be sorry. About anything." And then he pulled my into a tight hug, taking me off guard.

"Are you going to break up with me?" I tried to ask calmly, but my voice squeaked and gave away my nervousness.

I felt him laugh a little and I looked up at him, un-amused with his amusement. He realeased me from the hug.

He shook his head back and fourth, a little smile on his lips.

I let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding and then I reached out and gave him a tiny and pathetic slap aross the arm.

So pathetic that he just laughed at the attempt.

"I thought about it," he admitted. "But I like you too much, baby."

I smiled a little and I knew that I was blushing.

"Plus, that would make dinner very awkward." He smirked.

"Well, what did I do wrong? I mean if this was about the thing at the movie, I can wait for a long time. Or at least a while, you know. Because I really just want you to be happy, you know? So yeah I-" Only when his lips were against mine did I realize I had been babbling like crazy.

"Shh. It's not you." he laughed a little once he pulled his mouth from mine. "You're perfect. And I know you can't help that you're a horny teenager."

His signature half smile played into his lips.

I laughed a little dryly. "Yeah, well."

"Dinner!" His mom called from up the stairs. I looked over at him.

He gave me a quick wink before pulling me up with him and leading me up the stairs.

There were four different plates set out across the table; all had a different type of...sushi? And one big plate in the middle, filled full with a pile of wild, seasoned rice. My mouth watered at the sight.

"Alright, you boys can have a seat," She gestured toward the two chairs in front of us. They were closer together than the other chairs and that made me smile. "And then you can dig in." Her smile was so welcoming and motherly.

Alex pulled my chair out for me with his adorable half smile then seated himself, scooting his chair even closer to mine. That's when I realized that we didn't have silverware.

It's like he read my mind, laughing then handed me a set of bright green metal chop sticks before taking a pair for himself. He got them situated in fingers before reaching forward and plucking a California roll from its respected plate.

I watched him as he lifted it to his mouth then placed it inside, chewing it with care before swallowing it. It was then that I realized that I had no idea how to use chopsticks and that I'd never even tried sushi before.

That thought sent a flutter of panic through my stomach. I watched his mom sit down as well before she began to eat with her chopsticks. I frowned a little as I saw him look over at me through the corner of my eye as I stared down at my chopsticks.

He stopped eating. "Do you not like...sushi?" he asked, a little smile on his face.

"I've never had it." I admitted.

"Well, maybe you should try it." he laughed.

"Uh....I would but I've never used chopsticks." I looked down at them in my fist.

He reached forward with his sticks and picked up a California roll and held it to my mouth, a cute grin on his lips. I hesitantly reached forward and took it into my mouth before I noticed his mom watching us with a slight smile. She quickly looked down at the table when I met her eyes.

"So, what do you think?" he asked a little smug as I chewed.

"I like it." I chirped. "But I still have no idea how to use these things." I held up the pair of chop sticks.

"Allow me." He plucked another one off of his plate and slipped it into my mouth, making me blush lightly when his mother laughed. I chewed it and a smile slowly appeared on my face. It might have been my favorite food ever, especially when it came from his chopsticks.


"Thank you, again," I paused and turned as he stepped out of the house after me onto his porch steps. "For having me over, Mrs. Gaskarth."

She grinned as he was shutting the door behind himself. "Anytime, Jack."

Then we were alone in the dark, the stars and moon, looking a whole lot like The Cheshire Cat's pearly white grin, smiling down on us. There was a slight May breeze in the air, making his caramel hair brush into his big brown eyes.

"I'll see you at school tomorrow, Jack." He gave me that adorable grin of his and it made me melt a little inside (if that's not too cliché)."Mhmmm." I grinned as I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself into him. I felt his arms around my waist. "You sure will."

He laughed a little as he leaned forward and pressed our lips together.

As soon as I was sure we was back inside his own house, I started to giggle hysterically, opening the front door of mine.

"What's so funny?" my mom asked, looking a bit suspicious.

"Heh. Just Alex. He told me a joke earlier and I just remembered it." I lied.

"Oh. What did you guys do?"

"Movie. Then I ate dinner with them." I started toward to stairs.

"Them?" Her tone was a bit surprised.

"His mom and him." I smiled. "Oh, and she says 'hello' to you."

"Ah." She paused. "That sounds an aweful lot like a date, Jack." She gave me a suspicious look.

"With Alex?!" I snorted dryly.

"Ok, ok. But I think he's a nice boy." She took a sip of her coffee. I never understood why she drank it at night, but she'd always been weird.

"Yeah, but he's...a friend, Mom." I disappeared up the steps to my room.

Damn, I'm a good actor

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, author: chasingxrabbits, chaptered: still painting flowers, rating: r

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