You're Not Sorry [1&2/?]

Mar 13, 2010 17:55

Title: You're Not Sorry
Author: redhotshorty 
Rating: R [Overall]
Pairing: Jack Barakat/Kyle Burns[Forever The Sickest Kids]
POV: Kyle's
Summary: Jack was a god in my eyes.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the people in this story, they rightfully belong to themselves. This is purely fiction and never happened to my knowledge in real life. Please don't sue.
Warning: First time poster.
Dedications: For summerdownturn  because she made all of this happen for your veiwing pleasure and she's the best BFFL ever =]
Author Notes: Don't hurt me. I'm a first time poster and I'm not the best writer, but I try. So I hope you enjoy it. And please comment =]

Chapter One
There comes a time in your life when everything changes. I don’t mind change. I like new and exciting experiences, it’s the one reason I joined a band. The other is because I like to meet new people and travel. I grew up in a small town and made a promise to myself at the age of fourteen that I would get out and see the world.

I never knew it would come true!

I now have five best friends who also are in my band. We call ourselves Forever The Sickest Kids. I play drums and all my pals say that the reason I’m always smiling and happy is because I get to beat the crap out of the drums every night, and I can’t disagree to that. It does relieve stress. We hit it big a year ago and now we are a touring with big shots like All Time Low. I’m so excited for this tour coming up in two weeks. I’m sure the other guys are excited too, but I’m the most excited and only my best friend Caleb knows why. About three months ago I confessed to him that I was gay. It took some time before Caleb finally understood the words coming out of my mouth. He didn’t mind it one bit and I was relieved. After confessing that I was gay I confessed that I had a crush on one of the members of All Time Low. Caleb excitedly asked who. I blushed, my palms went sweaty, my breathing pitched, and finally I said Jack Barakat.

Oh Jack Barakat. Guitarist for All Time Low. Jack was a god in my eyes. We’ve never met before but I’ve seen him dozens of times in videos, interviews, and in photographs. I have all their CD’s and you could say I’m just an overly obsessive fan! I fell for his tiny smirk and childish laugh. His long, skinny, tall figure made him stand out in a crowd. His eyes were oval shaped and brown colored. His hair looking like he just got out of bed but you knew he spent sometime on it making sure every piece was misplaced instead of placed. He always looked like he needed to shave but it looks good on him; he can pull it off well. I’ve liked him for sometime now and now I get to meet him and tour with him for months! Caleb says I should tell Jack how I feel, but I told him that was a terribly horrible idea. I was not going to screw this up. I would keep quiet for awhile to see if he showed any interest in me before I went spilling my heart out and looking like a fool. I wouldn’t know where to begin anyways. I’ll just wait, I can do that.

Chapter Two
The time has come! It’s the morning of the big day! We are finally leaving for tour! I didn’t sleep one bit last night, I had too many butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t stop thinking about Jack! Jonathan is annoyed with me, I can tell, but I don’t care at all. I’m in my own world right now. We are to meet up with All Time Low in seven hours and the anticipation is killing me! I couldn’t stop moving. I bounced all around in my seat. Jonathan had finally had enough and before we took off he switched seats with Caleb. Caleb didn’t say a word to me he just watched me twitch. As the plane took off, everyone settled in for the flight by listening to their iPods, watching a movie, or sleeping. I’m assuming Caleb waited for silence to talk to me because it was the next best thing to being alone and in private.

“Calm down.” He told me placing a hand on my thigh to stop the tapping.

“I can’t!” I said trying to relax myself.

“Stop thinking about him. You’ll drive yourself insane.”

“Too late.”

He laughed. “And you’re sure you don’t want to ask him out?” He asked me.

“Yes.” I said right away.

Caleb just stared at me with disbelief in his eyes.

“I’m not sure,” I whispered looking down.

“That a boy, now you’re thinking correctly.”

“How is that thinking correctly?” I asked, looking up.

“Kyle.” He sighed. “One of these days you’re going to have to grow up. I think this tour and asking him out is a good way to start.”

I looked back down. I twisted my fingers together. I looked out the window and looked at the land below me. My stomach didn’t feel too good. Grow up? Who did Caleb think he was talking to? There’s no way I would manage to get the words out. I would freeze in front of Jack and that would be embarrassing. I’ve never even met Jack either! That adds onto the list of reasons why I’m not telling him.

“I know what you’re thinking.” Caleb interrupted my thinking process, bringing me back to reality.

“What?” I said all casual-like.

“You don’t fool me Kyle Burns.” He laughed.

I laughed with him because I knew I didn’t fool him either; he knew me to well.

I feel asleep shortly after that conversation, I suppose, because the next thing I remember, Austin was shaking me awake and yelling in my ear while Marc was doing the same for Caleb.

Ugh. I needed more sleep.
I was sleepy and starving so I wasn’t so jittery as before. I calmed down just like Caleb had asked me to. After we got some food, we went to explore our tour bus. I took the bunk furthest to the back and the one of top. I climbed in it right away and got all cozy. The next thing I know I’m being shaken awake by Austin yet again. What was with him today and waking me up from my dreams?

“We’re at the hotel. Let’s go.” He told me.

I got up and grabbed my stuff and headed towards my hotel room. Once inside I saw that I was sharing a room with Jonathan. He didn’t look to happy to see me.

“Hi.” I said with a sleepy smile.

“Are you going to spaz out again or are you okay?” He asked.

I laughed, “Sorry about that. I guess I’m so hyped up for this tour to start I can’t sit still.”

He laughed at me. “I understand. I’m excited too!”

I smiled and set my stuff down on a bed.

“Hey you better shower and stuff, All Time Low will be here in an hour.”

My eyes went wide and my breathing sped up. I turned around quickly so Jonathan didn’t see my reaction.

“Okay.” I managed to squeak out.

I ran to the bathroom for shelter. I turned the shower on to hot water, stripped down, and jumped in. The water burned my skin so I turned it down a little, letting the water wash over me as I stood there.

The jitters came back.

author: redhotshorty, rating: pg-13, chaptered: you're not sorry, pairing: jack barakat/kyle burns

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