All Black (2/?)

Feb 15, 2010 16:37

Credits: Title belongs to Good Charlotte. Two lucky chicks own Jack & Alex. :)
Pairing: Jalex
Author's Notes: Second chapter of All Black.

Yesturday had been very uncomfortable for Alex. The thought of him and Jack.. more than friends? Why had he felt butterflies in his stomach.. for that?

All day Alex hadn't heard from Jack. It was 1:00 in the afternoon. Maybe I should call him.. Alex thought. "It's nothing.. it's nothing.. it's.." his voice trailed off when his phone beeped, he got a text message.

Alex y did u Lve mi ystrdy?

It was Jack.

I had 2 go home. He lied.


He couldn't lie to Jack like this, but he couldn't tell him the truth, either.

I felt sick, ok?

R u bttr? Can I cm ovr? :)

The sweetness of Jack always made Alex smile.


In ten minutes flat Jack was at Alex's house knocking down the door.

"Hold on! Hold on!" he laughed at Jack's impatientness. Before he opened the door, he calmed himself. "Be cool, be cool.." he whispered.

He opened the door and Jack literally tackled him. "If you were sick I could have came over and watched movies with you and made popcorn and.." The child-like mind of Jack sometimes got the better of him.

"I'm fine, dude!" Alex laughed and pushed Jack off him.

"Are you ready to go to the movies, now?" Jack asked Alex.

"I thought you didn't wanna see Valentine's Day, 'Too much of a tear-jerker'," Alex teased him. He sat on the couch.

"Get your ass up, we're leaving now!" Jack pulled Alex up by his arm and walked out the front door.


As Alex and Jack walked into the movie theaters, he was scared that the cashier might do the same thing the chinese lady did. I mean, two young boys seeing Valentine's Day together? They were basically asking for it.

"Two tickets for Valentine's Day, please." Alex asked the cashier.

"That'll be $10." She held her hand out.

Thank God, Alex thought.

Jack handed the lady the money and she handed them two tickets. Jack pulled Alex to the concession stand.

"One giant tub of popcorn with lots of butter and two Milky Ways please." Milky Ways were both Jack and Alex's favorite candy, another thing they shared in common.

"Let's see.. one tub of popcorn, $5, two Milky Ways, $4.. That'll be $9, boys." Jack handed the cashier the money and they waited for their snacks.

"I hope it's good, atleast there's some hot chicks in it." Jack's brain sometimes went on loud speaker.

Alex just laughed. He took the snacks from the lady. "Enjoy the movie!" She told them.


It was near the middle of the movie, and Taylor Lautner and Taylor Swift were making out.

"I bet I can kiss better than that stupid Taylor Lautner," Jack claimed.

Alex turned his attention to Jack. "Oh, really?" WHAT HAVE I JUST SAID, I BASICALLY FLIRTED WITH JACK! Alex thought, but.. he liked it. "I'll be your test subject, if you want to prove that," Alex offered.

"No weirdness though, right?" Jack asked as he leaned in.

"Nope, not at-" Alex filled the gap between their lips. Jack opened his lips, letting Alex's tounge explore his mouth.

After a deep kiss, Alex pulled back. "Oh, he's got nothing on you."

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, chaptered: all black, author: ellielovesalexg

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