1,2,3,4,5,6,7 (2/14)

Dec 29, 2009 15:55

Title: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Author: desperate2break
Rating: G? But I mean, there's a boner in there so....
Pairing: Zack/Alex
Summary: When 12-year-old Alex's parents die in a sudden car crash, he has no other choice but to take his 7-year old brother, Pat, to live with their uncle, Zack - or does he? Seven years later he returns, haunted by secrets and seeking much more than just shelter....
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to anyone but me
Author Notes: Told you I'd be back with a new fic!!!

  Alex awoke early the next day. It was probably because of the unfamiliar surroundings; maybe because he'd actually spent the night in a bed and not someone else's floor. Usually he'd sit up and knead his aching shoulders for a while but not this morning. Instead he stared around the room and wondered what that wonderful aroma was. Toast? French toast? Coffee?
His stomach gurgled in reply.

'Morning,' greeted a cheery voice.

He nodded, unused to such friendliness. There was a plate and mug awaiting him on the table and he took a seat opposite his brother. 'So. School today?'

Pat nodded. 'You don't. How come you're up so early?'

'I figured maybe I could go round looking for work.'

'Good luck - this town is dead. I guess there's always Mr Harris' Hardware, 'cept his wife is a real tool. Great ass though -'

'Patrick,' Zack's calm voice interrupted.

The boy glanced at his uncle apologetically. 'Sorry.' He turned back to Alex. 'What I meant to say is, she has a very aesthetically pleasing rear-end despite her less than agreeable personality.'

'Better, but you shouldn't be looking at her hindquaters like that,' Zack half-scolded in amusement. 'What if she did that to you?'

'I'd call the police 'cause then she'd be a paedophile. Duh.'  He stood and grinned at Alex, who was laughing. 'Catch you later man. Maybe tomorrow we can play hooky - I - I mean, er...'

'You can't dig yourself out of that one, kid,' Zack smirked. 'Get to school, and make no mistake, I'll be asking the principal for your attendance record.'

Alex sipped his coffee self-consciously. He heard the sound of the door and was well aware that only he and his uncle remained.

'Were you serious about that job thing?' Zack asked. His eyes twinkled approvingly as he gazed at the teenager.

Alex shrugged. 'You may as well earn something outa me taking up a room.'

Zack shook his head. 'Listen to me: I don't want your money. I just want you safe and here, and if you want a job, use the money on yourself but if not, take all the time you need.'   He looked at his watch and sighed. 'I gotta go; I'm in court today but I'll see you later.'


Two hours. Three? Three and half?
Alex had lost count of how many hours he'd spent simply lying here and staring at the ceiling. He didn't really mind since he'd already been into town and enquired about jobs. No one had a vacancy but it was okay. From the way things were looking right now, he was content to just lie around all day.
  Zack was real nice for taking him in like that, and not even demanding rent! What a guy. A guy with nice eyes and a nice smile and just...niceness.
       Alex suddenly sat up. Woah. What had just happened?
Dude, he reasoned. He's your uncle. Like, your Real uncle. Like, your father's brother. He's 10 years older than you. He's...Hot and nice and dreamy and sweet and a lawyer...
   He glanced down. Oh yeah, that's a boner. For fuck's sake, a boner from thinking about a smile?
A beautiful, charming, sincere smile...
Jesus Christ. This was going to be endless.

'Alex!' a voice called. 'Get down here; I have a surprise for you!'

Alex cringed and tried to push down his erection to no avail. Please don't come in, please don't come in...
'Um - Gimmie a sec!' he replied in a strangled tone.
He attempted to breathe evenly, trying not to imagine his "surprise".
Think of something not-hot, something....disturbing. Like granny-panties. Like boobs. Like....Your little brother taking a dump.

He almost flew down the stairs, feeling himself go soft - thankfully - and saw Zack waiting patiently at the foot of the staircase. Holding a tin?

'I thought we could paint your room,' the older man smiled. 'To make it more yours.' He brandished the tin, which Alex now recognized as Powder-blue paint. 'I - I dunno if this is still your favourite colour but I remember your room as a kid and it was...'

'Okay,' Alex said lowly. He shrugged and turned away uninterestedly.
But if you looked closely, you could see the ghost of a smile on his face.

rating: pg-13, author: desperate2break, chaptered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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