1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Prologue

Dec 23, 2009 17:09

Title: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Author: desperate2break
Rating: G
Pairing: Zack/Alex
Summary: When 12-year-old Alex's parents die in a sudden car crash, he has no other choice but to take his 7-year old brother, Pat, to live with their uncle, Zack - or does he? Seven years later he returns, haunted by secrets and seeking much more than just shelter....
Disclaimer: Everything belongs to anyone but me
Author Notes: Told you I'd be back with a new fic!!! GAH THE CUT IS KILLING ME. literally, i sincerely DO NOT KNOW WTF IS GOING ON WITH IT; if you wanna read, please click the cut cuz there's a whole paragraph that has actually BEEN cut...God, I hate my life

 Alex gazed down at the horrible linoleum-tiled floor. Why were hospitals always lined with this crap? And in such awful colours - orange and yellow...happy colours. Well they weren't fucking happy; they were miserable as shit, and so were hospital waiting rooms and smiley nurses who called you "sunshine". Alex felt like screaming: "I'm not your fucking sunshine, bitch, and I'm gonna rip your fucking titties out if you call me that again."
     It wasn't that Alex was a difficult child; he was actually pretty decent. Average, was the word. He liked football, Playstation, Nickelodeon...The one thing he didn't like, was waiting. And that was what he was being forced to do now: wait.

To his left he could hear his brother fidgeting with his sneakers, pulling the velcro on and off until Alex wanted to rip out his hair. He lunged sideways and placed a hand on top of Patrick's. 'Stop doing that,' he commanded.

Pat gulped and looked up at his sibling, wide-eyed. 'Mom lets me.'

'Mom's dead,' he snapped harshly. ‘You have to listen to me now.’

He felt a pang in his heart at his own words and watched Patrick’s bottom lip tremble. A sigh left him and he put an arm around his brother. ‘I didn’t mean it, Pat. Mom’s not dead; neither is Dad - the doctor hasn’t even come and seen us yet. I’m being mean and horrible and I hate myself.'

‘You should,’ Pat replied, but they both knew his heart wasn’t in it. The younger boy snuffled and burrowed into Alex’s side. ‘…They are dead, aren’t they. You know everything and you said they’re dead so they are -‘

‘Shh,’Alex hushed. ‘I don’t know everything. I -‘

He stopped, a familiar figure suddenly pausing in front of them. Make that two familiar figures.

‘Uncle Zack!’ Patrick crowed happily, forgetting his troubles momentarily. He jumped up and threw his arms around the man’s legs. Zack looked uneasy at the display of affection; uneasy at what he was about to do.

Alex rose slowly and stared at the young man, knowing exactly what was coming.


‘I’m not fucking going!’ Alex screamed, shoving the man.

Doctor Barakat glanced pleadingly at Zack, trying to take control of the child’s flailing limbs.

Zack knelt before Alex and sighed.

‘Alex…if you don’t come and live with me, what’s going to happen to Pat?’

‘Are you a child-molestor?’ Alex demanded. Zack’s mouth opened and closed incredulously. ‘Then he’ll be fucking fine; I’m not going to stay with you and let you fuck up my life - I’m an adult! You can’t make me do anything!’

He pushed his uncle roughly, losing balance himself. There was a thumping weight on his chest and he couldn’t breathe. Then tears began to course down his cheeks and he shook his head, dragging his messenger bag after him. He reached the hospital car park, wiped his face and turned back.

‘I’m going and you can’t fucking stop me.'

rating: pg-13, author: desperate2break, chaptered: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7, pairing: alex gaskarth/zack merrick

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