I Can't Do The 1,2 Step 13/16

Nov 13, 2009 17:44

Title: I Can't Do The 1,2 Step
Author: desperate2break
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Caleb Turman/Zack Merrick
Summary: Caleb's getting married to a woman. He loves her. But then he meets Zack and has to relearn the definition of love...
Warnings: Graphic language use, sexual scenes, angst, humour, fluff
Disclaimer: Own everything in the world cuz I'm the Queen of Everything. Seriously. No wait, I DO own Kate
POV: Third
Author Notes: I'm sorry it's taken so long to update. I fail; colleges and assignments have been chewing my ass. It's short but here, have some sex

Caleb glances up from his front yard's gate. It's stupidly dark and he can't even see the latch. By rights he should know where the fricking latch is by now but damnit, he's just made partner with another diaper company and he's drunk on triumph. And alcohol.
Some scuffling to his right makes him look up and he smiles slightly when he recognizes the muscular figure in a fedora. Zack.

Zack looks to his left and waves a little, grinning. His eyes widen when he sees that Caleb is now striding towards him with a manic gleam in his eye.
'Hey, wha-'
But he is cut off with a swift kiss.

'I want you to fuck me,' Caleb murmurs in between kisses, already struggling with Zack's jeans.

Zack shrugs and nods. 'Oky doky.'
He swings the front door open and goes to remove his hat but Caleb places a hand over his. The redhead shakes his head and bites his lover's lip slowly. Zack gets the picture.

In a blur of flying clothes and naked skin, Caleb is pressed up against the living room wall and is gasping for air as Zack sucks three of his fingers. Caleb groans impatiently, wanting more; needing more.
He inhales sharply and stiffens when all three fingers are thrust into him without warning, then sighs when they scissor against his prostate. Using every last bit of energy he musters up enough strength to moan Zack's name.
It acts like a green light and Zack slides slowly into the man, palms cradling his cheeks as Zack gently grinds.
All is silent apart from the heavy breaths, the sound of lips kissing, occassional giggles whenever Caleb slips down the wall. Because that's just what it's like when they're together. The world stops spinning.

'Love you,' Zack grins down into Caleb's neck as the redhead takes the hat and places it on his own head.

'Love you too, Sweet.' Caleb's standing on his own two feet now and his Armani suit is flung all over the living room, acting as clothes for the couches.

The two simply stare into each other's eyes for a while; needing this moment to remember, to enjoy.
There is a drowning-like sensation in Caleb's chest as his mouth parts because there's something he has to say but, Jesus, he can't get the damn words out and it's weighing a ton on his ribcage.

'Hey,' Zack whispers into his hair. 'I'm not your maid so pick up your clothes.' His fingers trace the other man's abdomen. ' And get ready for round two...'

At this Caleb's breathing stops and he feels himself colouring up; especially when Zack lightly steals the hat back and disappears up the stairs, leaving Caleb standing there facing a living room of two sets of clothes, and an achingly hard penis.

Zack is waiting for him upstairs, leading him by the hands to the bed. The sheets have been pulled back and the lamp has been lit dimly.
'Twice in one night, huh?' Caleb croaks shakily, trying to compress the cramped feeling in his chest.

'I fucked you downstairs,' Zack mumbles as he gently kisses Caleb's shoulders. He picks up the redhead's hand and turns it over to kiss the palm. 'Right now I want to make love to you.'
This makes Caleb melt into a human-shaped puddle and he allows himself to be laid on the bed like a blanket. Zack lies directly beside him and turns him over so he is no longer able to see the man. Warm hands caress his sides and arms, and soft lips meet the nape of his neck.
Caleb can hear light breathing in his ear and closes his eyes as Zack enters for the second time that night. He twists his body to kiss his lover's lips, fingers stroking his thigh.

The curtains are not drawn - Caleb knows they'll argue about it later - but right now it just feel right. He feels as though he is sheltered from the moon and the stars and the darkness of the outside. He feels safe.
He knows he never feels like this anywhere else; with anyone else. Yet he knows this can't last forever.
His thoughts turn to Kate and suddenly his eyes prickle. There is a week until the wedding.

'You okay?' a sweet voice asks.

He nods and allows a tear to spill from his eye, grateful that Zack cannot see.

chaptered: i can't do the 1 2 step, author: desperate2break, rating: nc-17, pairing: zack merrick/caleb turman

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