I Can't Do The 1,2 Step 11/16

Oct 29, 2009 12:27

Title: I Can't Do The 1,2 Step
Author: desperate2break
Rating: nc-17
Pairing: Caleb Turman/Zack Merrick
Summary: Caleb's getting married to a woman. He loves her. But then he meets Zack and has to relearn the definition of love... 
Warnings: Graphic language use, sexual scenes, angst, humour, fluff
Disclaimer: Own everything in the world cuz I'm the Queen of Everything. Seriously. No wait, I DO own Kate
POV: Third
Author Notes: WOOH it's been a while. I've been "holidaying" so y'know. My journal fic will MOST DEFINITELY be updated on Sunday - sorry for the wait!

      'Caaaayyyyleeeeey,' Kate whines, winding arms around her fiancee's shoulders. The man tries not to sigh in irritation and shuffles his papers, turning to look her in the eye.

'Yes, Dear?' he says as patiently as he can.

'It's been such a long time....'

A heavy thunk lands in Caleb's stomach as it dawns on him what exactly she's talking about. He convulses internally as she runs a finger along his jawline and then undoes the first button on his blue shirt.

'I'm busy, Kate,' he replies but it comes out strangled. She's pushing herself against his back and he can feel the swell of her breasts. It's making bile rise in his throat. 'Some other time.'

'But...you love me, don't you?' she whispers in that voice that he used to blush at. She dots kisses along his neck and for a moment Caleb forgets who lives next door as a moan escapes him; his jeans are growing tight.

Something takes over the redhead and he suddenly grabs her and kisses her roughly, yanking at her top. He figures it's now or never; this is his opportunity to figure out whether it's her or Zack - and he hopes to God it's not Zack.
But then at the thought of the man Caleb's heart races and he pushes Kate up the stairs, knocking her onto the bed so hard she squeals. He shudders.
He keeps his mouth on hers so that he doesn't have to kiss any other part of her body and  his eyes are tightly shut as her manicured fingers slide down his naked torso. Her legs wrap around his waist and she moans into his mouth as he tugs off her skirt - his fingers dance lightly across her flat nether-regions, searching for something that's not there and he convulses yet again.

'Condom,' she pants, and Caleb screws up his face at the wetness between her legs as it touches his thigh. He finds it disgusting; even putting on a condom is hell for him - it's been such a long time; he hates it. 
       He desperately wants to get this over and done with but - isn't that wrong? If he's with the woman he loves, shouldn't he be enjoying this and wanting it to last forever, like he used to?
He shakes his head; he doesn't want to spare any extra time thinking about this - the longer he stalls, the longer he has to feel her breasts and curves under him. 
               With no further thought, he thrusts into her and frowns painfully at her crows of delight; her hands are snaking along his shoulders and back and all he wants to do is shrug her off and run away. He thrusts harder, knowing that it's going to be so damn difficult for him to come with her so he thinks of Zack.
Zack's beautiful muscles, his strong arms, the sound of his rapid breaths in Caleb's ear with every pound, the soft kisses afterwards....
   Before Caleb knows it, he's at his climax - though Kate has reached hers already long ago. He thrusts into her even harder, waiting for the sweet pleasure of his prostate to kick in - but it doesn't and he wants to writhe with contempt for the woman beneath him.
With one last memory of Zack's lips, he comes.

'I love you, Cayley,' Kate murmurs, trying to take his hand. He allows her to grasp it for a few seconds, then moves away and gives her a quick smile.

'Right back atcha.'   Okay, not quite "I love you and would die for you" but better than nothing, right?

Wrong. Kates eyes search his and her forehead furrows. 'Is everything okay?'  
He forgot that she knows him better than he knows himself. He smiles again and slides out of the bed.

'Course. Just - er - need some coffee. You know me; I'm a totally different person when I'm high on caffiene. You should, um, go through some last minute wedding stuff. I'll - I'll be right back.'

Usually Caleb takes the quickest showers humanly possible - when he's with Zack especially. Because Zack always has something waiting for him - whether it's food, a warm kiss, or even just one of those little smiles.
Today Caleb spends an enormous twenty-five minutes in the shower, water boiling hot, until he can see and feel his skin shrivelling up like a prune. He scrubs himself until he's raw, trying to remove all traces of Kate from his person - though he feels guilty with every stroke of his loofah. It's clear he shouldn't be this disgusted with the idea of touching his fiancee.
          A small smile lightens his features as he strokes the wall gently. The very wall that separates him and Zack.


'One....Two....Three....' Zack pants as he raises himself up off the floor. He has been doing press-ups for the past twenty minutes, having reached four hundred and then started again. It's to get his mind off of Caleb. He heard every single muted exchange between the redhead and his fiancee; heard the headboard, heard the groans. Well, from her anyway; Caleb didn't make a sound.

Zack wonders if this should be considered a triumph; wonders if Caleb enjoyed it as much as he says he enjoys being with Zack. The thought of this throws off Zack's counting and he stops exercising completely, taking a seat on the living room floor. Caleb must love her if he's willing to have sex with her; make love to her...Zack wonders which one it is - was making love? Having sex? Fucking?
He knew that he and Caleb never fucked.
Yet even if what he witnessed through the thin wall was just "fucking", he knows that it was a sign that Caleb is slipping from his grip.

And the thought of that makes Zack curl up and cry.

chaptered: i can't do the 1 2 step, author: desperate2break, rating: nc-17, pairing: zack merrick/caleb turman

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