And I Feel A Weakness Coming On, It Never Felt So Good To Be So Wrong Chapter 2

Feb 09, 2015 05:09

Title: And I Feel A Weakness Coming On, It Never Felt So Good To Be So Wrong
Author: 4anight
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Jalex
Warnings: None
Disclaimer: I don't own anything, title goes to Boys Like Girls.
Summary: It was a one time thing. Alex isn't gay. ...Right?I'v
A/N: So, I've noticed this site hasn't been getting much love lately... I'm a bit late to this site... is there a site that is more populated??

Alex was dying. At least he felt like he was. And as he dragged himself out of bed and to the bathroom and caught sight of his reflection, he certainly looked it. His hair was a complete mess, his face was much too pale, and he had dark circles under his eyes, and man, he reeked. Reeked of booze and… sex. What little color that was left in his face drained away as the events of the previous night came rushing back to him.
He just made it to the toilet before he heaved and emptied the contents of his stomach into the bowl. After about two minutes he finally reached out and flushed the toilet before collapsing back against the bathroom wall.
His pocket suddenly started vibrating and he jumped, realizing he had fallen asleep in his clothes and his phone was now going off in his pocket. He reached in and pulled it out before hitting the answer button and managing to croak out a “Hello?” into the receiver.
“Bro, oh my God, where the fuck are you?! Me and Zack have only called you about 30 times each, texted you I don’t even know how many times, where the fuck did you disappear to last night?! Are you okay?!” Alex groaned. Rian’s yelling was causing the pounding in his head to worsen.
“Dude, chill out. I’m fine. I, er, wasn’t feeling great last night after going to the restroom, so I just took off and came home. Sorry for leaving, but I couldn’t see you or Zack anywhere, and I really just wanted to get home to bed. I had my phone on silent, sorry.” He lied, hoping Rian bought it.
There was silence, and then “Oh. Well Jesus Christ ‘Lex, you had us worried. You should have at least texted to let us know you were leaving.”
“I know, I’m sorry.” Said Alex, feeling bad now for making his friends worry. “I’m okay though, so yeah. Anyways, I am in desperate need of a shower, so I’ll talk to you at work tomorrow, kay?”
“Alright dude. Glad you’re safe! See ya tomorrow!” And Rian hung up. Alex let out a groan and let his head fall back and thump against the wall, regretting it immensely as his head positively swam, and he had to concentrate very hard on not passing out, or being sick again.

Sunday morning came much too early for Alex’s liking, and as his alarm clock began to screech at him, all he wanted to do was pull his pillow over his head and nestle further into his blankets and go back to sleep. But, he had bills to pay, food to buy, a car that needed gas, and rent that was due in a few days time, so that was not an option. Oh, the joys of being an adult.
After much thought and beating himself up over it, Alex had come to the conclusion that what had happened Friday night had been a one time thing. He had been drunk, and not in his right mind, not to mention he hadn’t had sex in months, so obviously he had been extremely sexually frustrated, and the alcohol on top of that had caused him to act rashly. It had happened, and he couldn’t take it back, so the best thing to do was forget about it, he had decided.
As Alex drove to work he tried hard to be optimistic about today. Maybe, this new employee wouldn’t be as bad as the last one. Then again, maybe he’d be worse. Screw optimism, fuck his life.
He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel as he pulled into the parking lot and into a parking stall. He sat for a moment, just trying to get himself together before heading inside.
Finally, he turned the engine off and climbed out of his car, locking it behind him. He made his way into the pharmacy, reluctantly. He made his way to the back, nodding to the few coworkers he passed on his way.
He was just hanging up his jacket as Karen appeared in the doorway.
“Oh good, you’re here!” She exclaimed. Alex forced a smile.
“Alright, dear, this is Alex. He’s the one who will be training you. Alex, this is Jack, our newest employee.”
As Alex caught sight of the boy standing behind their manager his insides froze up as he found himself staring into a pair of familiar chocolate eyes.
“Hi Alex.” Said Jack with a smirk. “Long time, no see.”
Fuck his life indeed.
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