My Good Baby Girl

Aug 09, 2014 23:20

Title: My Good Baby Girl
Author: cutiepieshi
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Daddy kink, crossdressing, whipping/spanking,
Pairing: Jalex
Summary: Jack has always been Alex's pet. But they never knew how out of control their fun little games would get.
Disclaimer: I don't own anyone mentioned. Although I'd like to.
A/N: This is kind of set in the 1950's/60's. Think black and white movies. Possibly "I Love Lucy" style. It's not really important but an old movie is what sparked this idea. Also, this is my first time working really hard on a one-shot and I hope it doesn't suck.

Jack has always been Alex's pet. His little baby girl that always followed his every order and direction, simply because that's how Alex trained him from a young age. Their filthy, scandalous relationship is all that Jack has ever known.

When Alex had first, let's say, "acquired" Jack, they were both young enough for everything to start out innocently enough. They had no idea their fun would get so out of control.

Alex was nineteen, a legal adult and old enough to take care of himself. Filled with a sense of freedom, he decided to become the greatest lawyer that the city of Baltimore had ever seen. On his last night before his new classes at his new law school started, his best friend Zack invited him to an underground party, which, in the end, turned into a ploy to get Alex some tail.

Back then, Alex was freshly out of the closet, but only to Zack and his mother. No one else was important enough to know. This particular party that they arrived at was quite obviously for homosexual men looking for partners, serious or not. Alex spent most of the night watching men kiss and grind on each other on the dance floor from his bar stool, thinking about who he'd need to throw under the bus if the police busted up the little rave.

Being homosexual obviously wasn't illegal, but it would either get you thrown in the loony bin for daily electroshock therapy and conversion therapy where they'd keep you pumped full enough drugs to kill a horse. The other option was getting your ass beaten mercilessly and left in the street to die. Neither of those sounded particularly great to Alex, so he kept to himself and prayed to whoever was listening that no cops caught wind of the party.

Just when Alex was starting to get bored of drinking beer and watching men leave together, someone in particular caught his eye. A splash of blonde hair against hair as dark as the night outside the club was what got his attention, but what held his gaze to the boy's face was how young he was. He didn't just look young, Alex knew he was young. Too young to be in a place like this.

Alex stuck around to watch the boy, biting his lip and sipping his beer slowly was he watched men try to take home the young man, all to no avail.

Time flew by and before Alex knew it, the club was almost empty, save for himself, the young boy and a few other men who were now at the point of desperation to have someone to go home with. Thinking that it was worth a shot and better to know and not wonder, he stood and straightened his crisp black shirt before sauntering over to where the boy was sitting.

He sat down and started with a very simple question. "How old are you?"

The boy looked at him with his large eyebrows furrowed. "Twenty," he replied, earning a laugh from Alex.

"No, really. How old are you?"

The boy sighed and shrugged, sipping what looked like iced tea. "Sixteen." He mumbled.

Alex nodded, more satisfied with this answer. "Not much younger than me. I'm nineteen." He took a drink, then continued. "What are you doing here?"

The boy laughed and smiled at Alex. "Looking for some tail, like everyone else here."

Now, Alex furrowed his own thick eyebrows. "Why are you looking for sex? You should be in school."

"I don't go to school. I came out to my parents and they kicked me out, so now I just look for jobs and stay with my friends."

"And go to gay clubs looking for older men to sleep with?"

The boy shrugged again and continued to sip his drink. When he didn't respond for a while, Alex tried again. "What's your name?"

"Jack." The younger's words were short and taut, like Alex hair when he straightened it too much in the morning and pulled it too tight. "Yours?"

"I'm Alex." He said softly, then bit his lip, swishing his beer around his bottle for a bit. "You shouldn't even be at a place like this."

"It's better than being homeless." Jack mumbled and immediately blushed. He didn't know why he was even telling Alex all of this.

Alex and Jack sat in a long silence before Alex looked at the younger boy and finished off his beer. "Do you want to come home with me?"

Jack giggled softly and he choked a little on his drink, biting his lip softly. "Excuse me?" He chuckled, thick eyebrows knit together one again.

"Well, the bar is practically empty and, unless you want to go home with the creepy bartender, I'm pretty much your only option." Alex smiled, but just the smallest hint of a smirk danced on his lips.

Alex had been with other men before, lots of other men in high school, but none of them were quite what he'd wanted. There was nothing about them that made him want to keep them around for more than a night.

And before he knew it, he was running through the dark streets of Baltimore with Jack's fingers intertwined with his own toward his apartment.

That's how it started. Innocently enough. But after they had had sex and Jack was asleep next to him, Alex was staring at the ceiling. He was thinking about Jack and how pretty he looked with Alex's dick slamming in and out of him, his perfectly pink and plump lips dropped open in the most perfect O. He was thinking about how they'd stared at each other when they were done, chests heaving and the wisps of their hair dripping in sweat.

But most of all, he was thinking about how he'd like to keep Jack. To cuddle and hold and buy pretty things for and maybe love in the future if fate decided to have that in store for them.

And now, two years later, neither of them could be happier. Alex was working at a pretty notable law firm as an intern and as much as he hated the small, menial tasks given to him to do by his superiors, he was making leaps and bounds in the industry.

Jack spent most of his time at home, his things stuffed into Alex's small apartment. He was happier than ever to be wanted and loved like Alex did for him. And Alex really did love him. He loved all Jack's little ticks and habits, like leaving his wet towel on the bedspread after he got out of the shower.

But most of all, Alex loved the way Jack let him love him. The first time Alex brought up what he was into, Jack was a little surprised and a little off-put by the idea. But he warmed up to it and now, sometimes Alex thought that Jack got a kick of out everything they did together, locked up in their little love nest, more than he did.

Alex was walking home on a cool fall day, a scarf that Jack had crocheted for him wrapped tightly around his neck and his thin windbreaker tugged tightly around his thin torso. He walked faster when he imagined what dress Jack would be wearing today, how it would swish around his hips and fall down his long legs when he greeted Alex at the door like he did everyday.

A grin was plastered from one of Alex's ears to the other as his key slid into the lock and he pushed open the door.

"Jay? I'm home, baby girl." Alex called, shedding his outer layers and briefcase onto the hooks next to the door as the sound of heels clicking across the wooden floors got louder before Jack was flinging himself into Alex's arms, burying his face in the older man's neck.

"I missed you so much today, Daddy." The younger boy whispered, his arms wrapped tightly around Alex's neck, playing in his light brown hair as Alex rubbed his back slowly.

"Mm, I missed you too, baby. I always do." Alex purred into Jack's ear.

Alex pulled away first and looked over Jack's slender body, smiling widely to the fluffy baby blue dress that clung perfectly to Jack's upper body, then flowed over his legs, hiding all the best parts underneath the light fabric, then down to the short white heels that Jack wore around.

"Do you know what today is, sweetheart?" Alex cooed in a sweet tone, but Jack knew better than to assume that the older man didn't have some underlying intention.

Then, the day came to Jack and he sighed softly. "It's Thursday, Daddy. Punishment day."

Alex grinned wider and let a dirty smirk leak into his smile. "That's right. Don't look so disappointed. If you didn't like it, you'd tell me to stop and I would, but you don't, so I don't."

Jack just shrugged and leaned forward, pressing his lips to Alex's. The elder let his hands fall to Jack's hips, rubbing his thumbs in hard circles around his protruding hip bones that were just so much fun to bite and bruise. Jack pressed closer and groaned into Alex's lips as he felt the brunette's half-hard cock press against his stomach.

Alex moaned and slid his tongue into Jack's waiting open lips, pressing back on Jack as they started an awkward shuffle/waddle movement to their bedroom. Alex was always the one to initiate those kind of movements because Alex was always in charge. Always.

The moment the back of Jack's legs met the bed, Alex was pushing him down and crawling on top of him, rutting his hips against Jack's hotly, eliciting shrill, girlish moans from the back of Jack's throat.

Alex's mouth dropped to his pet's neck, biting hard enough to leave fresh marks over the slightly faded ones that marked Jack as no one else's but his own. Jack slid his fingers through Alex's hair and bit his lip as his back arched off the bed, pushing his hips into Alex's more.

Suddenly, the heat of Alex's body on top of his own and Alex's teeth nibbling on his sensitive skin behind his ear were gone. Jack opened his eyes slowly and saw Alex slowly unbuttoning his shirt, his tie lying in a crumpled, careless heap at his feet.

"You know how this goes, kitten. Strip." Alex murmured. Jack followed the order immediately, tossing his dress over his head and to the floor before kicking off his heels. Alex growled at him, shaking his head. "How many times do I have to fucking tell you?"

Jack knew exactly what he was talking about, but he was hoping Alex would let him get away with it just this once, although he never did. So the younger pushed himself off the plush mattress and grabbed his shoes and dress, then padded softly to the closet. He slid his shoes back into place on the top shelf, then hung his dress up next to all his other clothes of all bright, vibrant colors.

Jack hated leaving the house because he couldn't wear all of the pretty things that Alex brought home for him, but instead he had to borrow Alex's "gender-appropriate" clothes, which never made him look the way he wanted to.

After everything was back in order, he crawled back on the bed and tucked his legs under himself, looking to Alex for direction with his big brown, falsely innocent eyes that always made Alex's cock twitch in his tight slacks.

"You know how this works, Jacky. What have you done wrong in the past two weeks?" Alex purred slowly, palming himself slowly with soft whimpers.

Jack's eyes fell to the comforter pulled taut under his knees, gnawing on his lips gently. "I dropped some dishes while you were at work... They were your mother's dishes that she gave you as a housewarming present. And I..." He swallowed thickly and whimpered, his cheeks burning red with embarrassment. "I played with myself while you we're at work." He whispered.

Alex clicked his tongue and kicked off his shoes, then went over to the small dresser in the corner of the room. "I gave you these rules to follow when we started this, Jay, and now you just blatantly disobey them." He sighed in fake disappointment as he moved things around in the drawers of the dresser.

Jack didn't respond and just watched as Alex sauntered back over to the bed, his brown eyes widening as he whimpered loudly to Alex. In the elder's hand was a thin, bamboo switch, which he knew was Jack's least favorite of all the toys they'd acquired. It stung and left the most beautiful marks wherever Alex felt like hitting Jack with it.

"You know the drill. Get on your knees and hold the headboard. Don't forget to be appreciative." Alex said with a filthy smirk.

Jack did as he was told and breathed deeply, waiting for the first hit, trying to relax to relieve some of the pain the switch would leave stinging in his soft skin.

"You get five for the dishes and ten for being a dirty slut." Alex said shortly before bringing the cane back, then back down on Jack's ass. He hummed at the squeal that slipped from Jack's lips, followed by a very soft "thank you, Daddy."

The beating, if you want to call it that, continued until Jack was screaming in pain, tears streaming down his face as his dark purple panties pooled around his ankles and Alex whipped his bare ass. His master watched as his ass jumped with every hit of the whip, committing all of Jack's cries to memory, although this happened much too often for him to need to remember it.

When red marks where the blood had risen to the skin crisscrossed Jack's flesh and Alex was satisfied, he dropped the switch next to the bed. He carefully laid Jack on his back on the bed, watching as the younger's back arched to keep his sore ass from touching the bed.

Alex cooed lovingly and wiped away Jack's tears, kissing his cheeks gently. "All done, sweetheart. All done." He whispered, pressed a soft kiss to Jack's sweaty forehead as he stood up and undressed himself the rest of the way, moaning quietly when his fully hard cock slid out of his tight briefs.

He stroked himself for a couple moments, teasing his sensitive slit as he whimpered. biting his lip roughly. He let go of himself and crawled onto the bed, reaching over and grabbing a small bottle of lube. He coated his fingers as he kissed and nipped at Jack's hips, humming against him and rutting his hips against the mattress slowly to get some friction on his own cock.

His first finger slowly circled Jack's asshole, then slowly pushed past the tight ring of muscles, easily curling inside of the smaller boy.

Alex added a second, then a third, kissing over Jack's thighs softly all the while as he stretched out the warm walls surrounding his fingers,encouraged by Jack's moans.

A smirk unfolded on his lips when he felt that small bundle of nerves brush under his fingers, making Jack's gasp and curl his toes on the sheets, pleading, "More, Alex, god, please more, Daddy."

With that, Alex withdrew his fingers and spat on his hand, coating his aching cock with it, growling lowly to himself. He wiped off his fingers on the sheets, then positioned himself over Jack, just inches from Jack's stretched ass.

Without warning, which wasn't unusual for Alex, he slammed home, bottoming out in a matter of seconds. Jack's back arched off the bed impressively and he gripped the brunette's hair. their moans mixing in the heavy atmosphere of the bedroom.

Alex's thrusts were short and hard, his lips roamed Jack's neck as his teeth nipped at any spot he knew Jack liked. He panted hotly against his lover's skin, sliding in and out of the younger boy quickly.

He could feel Jack's dick leaking and rubbing onto his stomach as he fucked him, pushing his head up into the younger's hands yanking his hair.

Jack gave an especially loud cry of Alex's name when Alex angled just perfectly to hit where he knew Jack's prostate was, drawing an equally loud moan from the elder as Jack tightened around him.

"D-Daddy." Jack groaned loudly, dragging his short nails up Alex's back, leaving marks similar to the ones on his own ass. "Please."

Alex smirked and held himself back a bit, sitting up to look over and take in the pained but pleasured look on his pet's face. "Go, kitten. All over yourself."

Jack did, crying out a string of incoherent curses and cries, his head thrown back while he came over in hot, white strings onto his own and Alex's chest. Alex wasn't far behind and all he needed to come was Jack's muscles spasming around him.

They laid silent for a while after, the only noises Jack's small whimpers and the heavy pants from both men as they came down from their climaxes.

When they were both done, Alex pulled out and went to the bathroom, returning with a warm cloth, mopping up Jack's come from their chests.

"Thank you, Daddy." Jack giggled.

Alex smiled, kissed Jack's messy, sweaty hair. "Can't have my baby girl getting sticky." He chuckled.

standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat, rating: nc-17

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