If You Don't Have a Hand to Hold

Nov 02, 2013 18:07

Part 6
Promise me that things won't be broken...
Pairing: Merrikat
Author: sorry_n0tsorry
Rating: NC-17 (for future chapter and part 5)
Disclaimer: I do not own Zack Merrick or Jack Barakat. AU fic.
Summery: Zack is a lost teenager who needs a home, Jack finds him.

A/N: Sorry that this took me so long but I was writing my other oneshot and my laptop broke so this is updated from my phone. Sorry if anything looks a bit weird because I uploaded it from my phone. (OMG this took me so long) English is not my first language. So sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors. Please comment and let me know if this is worth to continue.
A HUGE thanks to my beta reader: http://thanksforjackbarakat.tumblr.com/
my tumblr: http://sorry-n0ts0rry.tumblr.com/

"Good morning beautiful."

Zack was woken up by the older man's soft voice. He stretched his whole body before slowly opening his eyes. The teenage boy felt a slight pain in his lower back, which made him think of the previous evening.
A smile crept its way to his lips while memories of yesterday filled the young boy's head.
When Zack had opened his eyes he was greeted by an already fully-clothed Jack. The older man's hair was slightly wet, probably from showering.

"Mornin'," Zack groaned, stretching again.

"How are you feeling?" Jack asked, hovering over the younger boy.

"Sleepy," Zack answered.

This wasn't the answer Jack was looking for. He actually wanted to know if the other didn't have much pain from last night. But when Zack put his hands on the back of the older man's neck and pulled him closer to connect their lips, Jack wasn't really worried about that anymore.
Their kiss was soft, lazy and caring.
"You might want to take a shower," Jack said when he pulled away.

Zack gave him a strange look.

"After we had sex last night, you were about to fall asleep so we didn't really clean..."
Jack was biting his lip while looking down at the teenager.

Zack pulled the covers slightly down and saw the dried bits of cum on his stomach and further down, he was still naked.

"Oh..." he mumbled, blushing out of embarrassment.

"I'll help you up," Jack said as he climbed off the bed and held a hand out for Zack to take.

Zack took the older man's hand and he helped him up. The teenage boy groaned and grabbed his lower back when he stood on both of his feet.

"Are you okay?" Jack asked, sounding worried.

"I'm fine," Zack said, his hand still pressed to his back and his eyebrows crunched together, "Just a bit of an arch."

"Sorry if I was too rough." The older man was still a bit worried.

"You weren't too rough," Zack responded while he leaned in again, his lips millimeters away from Jack's. "I liked it." He gave the other male a quick peck on the lips before turning around and walking towards the bathroom.

Jack stood for a few moments in the middle of the room, staring blankly in front of him. There was a wide grin on his lips.
Memories of the previous night filled Jack's mind. They could consider themselves as a real couple. Maybe he should ask the younger boy to be his official boyfriend.
After a few more seconds of thinking Jack snapped himself out of his trance. He decided to make a special breakfast for the younger boy.

When Zack came out of the shower about 15 minutes later, his nostrils were greeted by a very pleasant smell.
"Did you bake pancakes?" he asked when he walked into the kitchen, rubbing his wet hair with a towel.

Jack was smiling wide, looking quite proud of his creation.
"I did, I hope you like them," he said.

Zack sat down at the table opposite of Jack.

"Will you quit staring at me while I'm trying to eat," the youngest boy laughed. He took a first bite.
"These are delicious."

"Thanks," Jack said; his own mouth full of pancake.

Zack closed his eyes and moaned at the taste of the food when he took another large bite.

"This reminds me of yesterday," Jack spoke.

"What reminds you of yesterday?" Zack asked, looking slightly confused. Did the older man mean the position they were in because they were also sitting opposite of each other at the restaurant.

"You moaning like that."

Zack felt his cheeks heat up.

"You let out the same kinda noise when we were eating at the restaurant yesterday," Jack stated. "I almost chocked on my food the first time you did that."

"Sorry," Zack mumbled; a bright red color on his cheeks and his feet shifted underneath the table.

"I didn't mean that as a bad thing," the older man said, sounding a bit flirty and winking at the younger. "It was really hot, especially later yesterday evening."

A smile and a pink blush appeared on Zack's face but the smile faded quickly after. The teenage boy ate his pancakes in silence.

Jack was studying the younger boy's expressions.
His eyebrows were slanting upwards and his eyes were fixed on his plate. The younger boy appeared to be deep in thought.
"Are you alright," Jack asked when he had finished his breakfast.

"Yeah," the younger boy answered, too quickly for Jack's liking.

"Zack, I've known you longer than a day and I know that face. Something is bothering you," Jack spoke, reaching for the younger boy's hand across the table.

"It's nothing," Zack snapped, he pulled his hand away before Jack could take it in his own.

The teenager stood up and walked away from Jack.
Jack sighed. When Zack was upset about something he would turn into a rebellious teenager that denied every word Jack spoke to him.

"Zack, baby," Jack spoke after he'd stood up too and pulled the younger boy into a tight hug from behind. "I love you and I don't like to see that something is bothering you."

The younger boy groaned and leaned his head back against Jack's chest. He folded his own arms across his body and put his hands on the older man's.

"It's just..." he sighed. "It bothers me that my parents haven't tried to contact me again."

"Is that the case again," Jack said as he spun the other boy around and looked him in his deep green eyes. "You need to let them go."

"Maybe I should..." Zack wandered off. He laid his head against the older man's chest again and Jack immediately pulled him into a tight hug. "Maybe I should call them again."

"You sure you wanna do that?" The oldest man spoke while rubbing soothing circles on the other's back. He laid his head on top of Zack's, trying to protect the younger boy from the harsh outside world with his own body.

"Yeah. Just like... talk," Zack said before sighing once more.

Jack squeezed the teenage boy a bit tighter for a moment before letting go. He walked over to the kitchen table; he grabbed the phone and handed it to Zack.
He gave the younger boy a sympathetic smile as he saw him dialing the number.
Zack held the phone to his ear, biting his lip nervously. He shifted from foot to foot and had his arm folded across his chest while he waited for one of his parents to pick up the phone.

"Mom? It's Zack; please don't hang up again..."

There was a short pause and Jack could see the nerves and anxiety in the younger boy's movements.

"I-I just want to talk to you..."

"No, that's okay..."

"Tomorrow? A-around noon maybe?"



Zack lowered the phone before he had finished his last sentence completely.

"What did she say?" Jack asked as he grabbed the phone form the younger boy's hand and quickly put it away on the table again.

"She wants to talk to me, b-but not on the phone," Zack started. "I-I'm going to my house tomorrow, to talk to her and my dad."

Jack noticed the younger looked a bit uncomfortable and pulled him into a hug.

"Do you want me to come with you for support?" he requested, folding his hands together behind the teenager's back as he held him close.

"You really want to?" Zack questioned while he looked up at the older man and bit his lip.

"Yes," Jack answered, kissing the younger boy's hair. "I want to be there for you," he mumbled into his hair.

"Thanks Jack, I love you."

"I love you too," Jack said before lifting the teenager's chin up and kissing him softly.
Zack stood on his tiptoes to be able to kiss back properly.
"Don't worry about tomorrow," the oldest of the two spoke as he pulled away, holding the younger boy's face in both of his hands.

"I won't, I know you'll protect me," Zack said, smiling.

Jack smiled too before letting go of the other's and walking towards the couch.

"Wanna watch a movie?" he asked, looking over his shoulder and locking eyes with the teenager while he went to sit on the couch.

"Sure," Zack responded, dropping down on the couch besides Jack afterwards.

rating: pg-13, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat

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