If You Don't Have a Hand To Hold

Oct 05, 2013 15:44

Part 3
Cant fall asleep as I think of you...

Pairing: Merrikat
Author: sorry_n0tsorry
Rating: NC-17 (this chapter PG-13)(for future chapter)
Disclaimer: I do not own Zack Merrick or Jack Barakat. AU fic.
Summery: Zack is a lost teenager who needs a home, Jack finds him.

A/N: Some serious feelings in this chapter. English is not my first language. So sorry for any grammatical/spelling errors. Please comment and let me know if this is worth to continue.
my tumblr: http://sorry-n0ts0rry.tumblr.com/


Zack was laying awake on the couch in Jack's living room. He was still thinking about what had happened that day. It was already 2 AM but the young boy couldn't clear his head.
He lay tossing and turning on the small sofa, sighing and groaning because the thoughts were consuming his mind.
A lot had happened and Zack was struggling with his feelings. The thought that his own mother didn't want to talk to him and probably hated him made him extremely upset. But an other thing he was thinking about was bothering him even more.
The older man was constantly on his mind. The way Jack had complimented him when they went out shopping made him blush just thinking about it. And Jack had said that he could stay with him forever, or at least as long as he needed to. Which was in Zack's opinion close to forever.
And Zack was almost sure the older man had been watching him while he spaced out during breakfast.
But he also knew he couldn't start a relation with Jack, there was this huge age-gap and he only knew him for a bit more than a day. Plus his parents would be mad or extremely disappointed if he started dating a 9 years older man.
Zack groaned, his head was a mess and he couldn't calm his thoughts so he could finally sleep. He really wanted someone to hug him right now.
But there was one other thing that was wandering through his mind; did he have to go back to school?
Zack hated going to school, he'd skipped class a lot and he didn't have much friends. His only friend was a guy called Jeff, they used to hang out all the time when both of them skipped class, but Jeff moved to another city. Zack had never spoken him since.
Since his parents kicked him out he hadn't gone to school at all, and he kept his fingers crossed he would never have to again.
Zack just hoped Jack wouldn't bring up the subject of school.
The older man had promised him he could stay with him, so in his own opinion Zack didn't really need school anymore.
Jack. Jack had promised him that.
Jack. The person who was constantly on his mind, Zack's thoughts just kept wandering off to the older man.
He groaned again, he really needed to clear his mind.
Zack eventually decided to stand up.
He walked over to the bathroom, splashed some water in his face after he'd drank some of the liquid. He looked in the mirror, his eyes were red and his face was pale due to the lack of sleep.
It was almost 3 AM now.
The teenage boy groaned once more. He only saw one last option.

Quietly Zack walked towards Jack's bedroom door. He gently knocked on it before stepping in.
Jack was still asleep in the big double bed which was standing in the middle of the room.
"Jack?" Zack whispered.
The older man didn't wake up.
"Jack?" Zack spoke a bit louder.
Jack woke from his slumber and rubbed his eyes. "Zack?" he asked, sounding very sleepy.
Zack shuffled closer to the double bed. "I can't sleep," the teenage boy said.
"What's wrong?" Jack asked as he rubbed his eyes again, sounding the slightest bit concerned.
"I'm overthinking... You know, I-I just... My head is a mess," Zack tried to explain.
"Hey, come here," Jack said while he gestured for the younger boy to climb underneath the blankets next to him. "Are you thinking about your parents again?"
Zack nodded.
Jack hugged him close. "Don't let them upset you so much. I'm here for you okay."
Zack snuggled further into the older's chest. "Can I stay here for the night?" he asked quietly.
"Of course you can," Jack said, closing his eyes while he positioned himself comfortably, now spooning the younger boy.
"Goodnight," Zack mumbled, a smile on his lips.
"'Night," the oldest responded.
Zack felt save with Jack pressed up against his back, quickly he drifted off to sleep.
Jack knew he shouldn't get too attached to the younger boy. But the couldn't deny the warm feeling he got when Zack was laying in his arms. Also with a smile on his face, Jack fell asleep again.


The next morning Zack woke up first. He tried to stretch but found himself locked in someone's embrace. The teenage boy's head shot to the side, his eyes met with the sight of Jack's face. The older man was still asleep. Zack smiled to himself.
He felt protected from the world while he was laying next to Jack like this.
The older's face looked very relaxed, he was breathing quietly through his mouth, letting out soft snoring noises. Zack could see Jack's lips slightly moving, he was probably dreaming.
Zack wished he was a bit older so they could be together without people making a fuss about it. Jack just seemed so perfect in his eyes and age is just a number, right?
The teenage boy snuggled a bit further against Jack, surrounding himself with the older man's warmth.
Zack studied the other male's face, all he really wanted to do was kiss Jack's red and soft looking lips.
Zack bit his own lip. Should he just do it? What if he woke him up? Would Jack mind? One small kiss couldn't hurt, right?
Zack just decided 'fuck it' and took the risk.
He slowly leaned in and pressed his lips softly to Jack's slightly parted ones.
The teenager felt butterflies in his stomach, a red blush creeping up his cheeks.
After a few seconds Zack pulled away, he hoped the other man didn't wake up, so he wouldn't notice.
But then Jack opened his eyes...

rating: pg-13, pairing: zack merrick/jack barakat

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