I Can't Do The 1,2 Step 8/16

Oct 14, 2009 15:13

Title: I Can't Do The 1,2 Step
Author: desperate2break
Rating: G
Pairing: Caleb Turman/Zack Merrick
Summary: Caleb's getting married to a woman. He loves her. But then he meets Zack and has to relearn the definition of love... 
Warnings: Graphic language use, sexual scenes, angst, humour
Disclaimer: Own everything in the world cuz I'm the Queen of Everything. Seriously. No wait, I DO own Kate
POV: Third
Author Notes: I had the day off today to just work on my assignments. I'm done so guess what that means!!

           Caleb, like every day when he's getting dressed in the morning, leans against his bedroom window and stares. Because every day, there's a reason for him to stare.
He pulls down his shirt and adjusts his cufflinks one more time before leaning his forehead against the glass and sighing. He runs a finger down the cold barrier, outlining Zack's form in the next garden. Zack knows he's there - he always knows. And he always waits until Caleb is in agony before he turns around and waves.

Usually Caleb counts to twelve and Zack turns around. Today he counts to twenty and nothing happens. He feels like throwing his shoe through the window, at Zack's bare back.  He can't, because he has double-glazing and he can't spare any unnecessary costs because of the Wedding From Hell™.   Besides, he doesn't want to hurt Zack; just get his attention.

Zack shakes his head and pauses for a while, then continues murmuring to himself and kneels down to get a better look at the weeds sprouting from the corner of his garden. How the hell could they have grown like that in just a week? What are they on, steroids or something?
Then he emits a low laugh, mocking himself. What a strange individual he could be, caring so much about plants. Then again, he corrects himself, weeds are tricky little motherfuckers. He grins to himself because he knows Caleb is watching, waiting for his good-morning wave and smile. He loves making him wait, loves the relieved expression on the redhead's face when he eventually gets some attention.
Zack slowly turns about 180 degrees, then stops and passes a hand over his head, acting as though he's trying to figure out what to do next. He knows Caleb is getting frustrated.
But when he turns around to grin at the redhead, the window is empty. He frowns.
      Then he jumps at the sound of the doorbell.

'Yeah -?'   Only the word never leaves his mouth because Caleb is grabbing him and kissing him so hard he can't breathe.

'All I fucking wanted was a fucking smile,' Caleb snaps, gripping Zack's shoulders. 'Now I'm late for my meeting.'

Zack laughs weakly, watching the redhead walk away. He'll pay him back later.


'You're late,' John says in a sing-song voice, lounging in his chair.

'Don't remind me,' Caleb drawls. He pulls out a chair beside his friend and eyes the diner's walls. 'Where's Kate?'

'Also late. Rian couldn't make it - he says he's sorry and he will make it up to you.'

'And Alex?'

'Who knows? Probably stalling in his car in the parking lot.'

The two rise to look out of the window and sure enough, Alex's banger of a Honda Civic is in the parking lot with him crouched down low inside it.

'I can't believe you guys,' Caleb mutters under his breath.

'You guys?!' John demands. 'Are you fucking kidding me? I'm here, aren't I?'

'Yeah but not by choice.'

'Please, Caleb. If anyone was here by choice it would be Kate, sat here alone. But we're doing it for you. Now shut up and appreciate it, fag.'

'That's just it though,' Caleb says, ignoring the "fag" comment. 'You're here for me; not Kate. What have you got against her, huh?'

John lolls back in his chair and plays with his cufflinks absent-mindedly. He eyes the ceiling and then makes contact with Caleb's irises. 'Nothing, really. Now that I think about it, she's....I don't hate her. We don't hate her. She's just...'


'Boring. Nondescript. Childish. Too loud. Obnoxious.'

'Hey guys; who're we bashin'?' Alex asks brightly, looking around and growing ever more cheerful when he sees that Kate is absent.

'I'm trying to explain to Caleb why we dislike Kate. Or rather, why we think she's wrong for him. I've already said loud and obnoxious.'

'Don't forget how she always squeals when she sees him,' Alex inputs, immediately breaking off a piece of John's toast and popping it into his mouth. He removes his suit jacket and grins, obviously enjoying himself.

'Oh and the way she calls him "Cayley".'  John and Alex exchange looks, then screech simultaneously:


'Alright,' Caleb concedes, hoping to silence them.

'And her fuzzy toy that she put on his dashboard,' John contributes.

'And the way she never lets us see him apart from Friday nights - and he's not allowed to come home drunk,' Alex adds.

'Oh yeah -!'

'Alright!' Caleb says, louder. 'I get it - you don't like Kate. But, and listen, but she - for some unknown reason - seems to like you guys. She thinks you guys are good for me. I disagree. However, I would really appreciate it if you could be nicer to her.'

John raises an eyebrow and Alex slumps down in his seat. 'We'll try.'

But when Kate arrives, she squeals her nickname for her fiancee and the two men exchange looks.

'Cayley,' they mouth at each other, smirking.

Caleb sees but, for some odd reason, it doesn't bother him any more at all.

That night they lie in bed together. In Zack's bed, to be precise. Caleb is asleep after their argument over closing the curtains - Caleb wanted them closed; Zack can't sleep in total darkness.
Right now, moonlight streams in through the window and Caleb's slumbering features are bathed in its milky glow. Zack watches him wordlessly, anxious of disturbing his peace. He looks pure, beautiful.
Zack releases a slow breath; he's never been so happy in his entire life, and all because of this man - this man who doesn't even know how special he is. Zack's finger traces every contour of the sleeper's bare chest, every line of his torso, every curve of his joints.
Not for the first time, he wishes time would stand still.
         Then he remembers their morning routine and his smile fades because in the morning, things are not the same. When they are at work, when he is with her, things are not the same. Caleb forgets about Zack in the morning.
No he doesn't, Zack argues within himself. He thinks of me and he smiles when he remembers.
But does he? And even if he does, Zack knows it means nothing because this time next month, Caleb will be on his honeymoon with the woman he loves. He won't give Zack a single thought and he won't even feel guilty.
         Good, Zack thinks. At least then he can get on with his life. Zack tries not to shudder as tears course down the corner of his face, seeping onto the pillow. At least if Caleb doesn't remember him, he can have a chance at happiness; at a full life.

Zack presses his lips to the redhead's cheek gently and turns onto his side.
He hopes desperately that Caleb will forget, because he knows that no matter how hard he'll try, he won't.

rating: pg-13, chaptered: i can't do the 1 2 step, author: desperate2break, pairing: zack merrick/caleb turman

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