Holding On To Keep This Strong (Ch. 16)

May 27, 2013 21:01

Title: Holding On To Keep This Strong

Pairing: Jack + Alex = Jalex

Rating/Warnings: PG-13

Summary: Alex is starting his first year of teaching and Jacks going into his senior year...Simple life transitions are giving them both more than they'd ever bargained for.

Disclaimer: I do not own the lovely boys mentioned.

Previous Chapter
Alex put the potato salad he'd just finished making into the refrigerator. With Kyle down for the count on helping Alex had a much bigger load of cooking than he'd hoped for. But he refused to be the dick who made Kyle do anything while he was freaking out over Travis coming over yet again for dinner, besides Kyle wouldn't be any help in the state he was in anyway.
"Dad, do you need any help with anything?" Alex called over his shoulder to his father who was sitting in the dining room.
"I'm fine, if you'd like you can put the steaks in the oven though."
"Why can't we just make a turkey?"
"They're too damn overrated for one day. Besides its too late to go out and buy one."
"Whatever." Alex mumbled as he pulled the steaks out of the fridge. "How long do these cook for again?"
"An hour and a half on three fifty. Or you could use the grill and get the baked mac n' cheese started."
"Dad, its freezing outside. Why would we use the grill?"
His father shrugged and got up to meet him in the kitchen. "Just put it in the oven then and I can start boiling the pasta."
"Kay." Alex mumbled back and put the steaks on the pan his father had told him to earlier that day. "After that are you good in here or do you need more help?"
"I think everything just has to be cooked after this so its fine if you want to go spend time with Kyle."
Alex smiled and let out a small laugh. "No, I kind of just wanted to call my boyfriend. I promised him I'd call and I really don't want to catch him during dinner or anything. You know I actually do enjoy spending time with you."
"Go ahead. I've got the rest of the week with you, don't worry about not spending enough time together."
The teacher nodded and rolled his eyes at his dad, it was pretty clear where Alex had gotten his usual temperament from.
He made his way upstairs to his childhood room to retrieve his cell phone, not expecting to find Kyle sitting on the floor hugging his knees to his chest tears running down his face.
"Hey Ky...whats wrong?" Alex said softly, nearing his friend who sat in the middle of his room.
"I-I, I have to break up with Travis tonight." He managed to get out, his voice dropping down to a whisper. "A-Alex I'm scared."
"Why are you scared?" He sat down next to his friend and draped an arm around the platinum blonde's shoulders, pulling him into his side.
"He..." Kyle shook his head and pulled away from Alex, letting his arms fall from his knees. The blonde stayed still for a few moments, gathering himself, before raising his pale yellow shirt up just slightly so that Alex could get a glimpse of the purple-yellow bruises on his side before letting the fabric fall. "It's been like this for awhile now...since I left your place."
Alex could feel his jaw go slack, connecting the dots in his head before speaking again. "That bastard! Thats it Kyle, I don't care how much you don't want me to get involved but I am. I'm not letting you get hurt again, physically or emotionally."
Kyle didn't say anything back, he simply wiped his tears with the back of his hand and got up from where he was sitting.
"Hey...why didn't you tell me before?" Alex asked a few moments later after Kyle had pulled out a change of clothes.
"I dunno...I wanted to, I wanted to call you the first time but something just wouldn't let me...and then it just started to get so bad that I didn't even know how to explain it."
"Wait...so that broken rib you told me about last month, it wasn't from boarding was it?"
"Actually that one was a skate boarding accident...I dunno, I never thought he'd do something like this though...he's not even remotely close to the person he was when we first started." Kyle sighed and turned to face Alex. "I tried breaking up with him before...I met this guy at a book store on campus and he saw me talking to him...we had the biggest fight afterward and since I haven't even bothered with ending things, but now I just can't take it."
"Well...I'm here for you when you need me. And trust me tonight there will be no bullshit coming from him."
"Thanks Lex...uh, I'm gonna go help with the food, I'm sure you didn't come up here just to talk to me."
Alex nodded and smiled sympathetically at his best friend. Alex didn't even get a chance to think by himself, his phone ringing right after Kyle left the room.
"Hey babe, its me." Jack sounded on the other line, seemingly happier than he'd been the night before.
"Oh, hey Jack. How're things at home?"
"Really good actually...well for now anyway. I'm going to my dads place for dinner. I haven't told my mom about it yet but I'm pretty excited, my brother is back from New Zealand too and Zack is coming with me instead of staying with our families. Anyway's how're things at your dad's place?"
"They're okay...I'm probably going to kick Travis's ass when he gets here but other than that things are good."
"Why would you beat Travis up? Isn't he Kyle's boyfriend?"
"Yeah...things are complicated right now, I'll talk to you about it when I get home, okay?"
"Okay. Call me later tonight though?"
"Course, I'll call around ten."
"M'kay, I've gotta go now. I love you Lex."
"Love you too Jacky. Talk you you later."
Alex hung up his phone and  threw it onto the bottom bunk of his bed. Sure today wasn't off to the best start but talking to Jack made it much better.
"Mom, can I talk to you?" Jack shouted as he bounded down the stairs of his home.
"Yeah, what's up honey?" His mother asked from where she sat on the couch cuddled into Bille Joe's side.
"Uh...I'm gonna go with David to Dad's place tonight."
His mother cocked a brow and turned to face her son. "You're doing what?"
"I'm going to Dads place...sorry but I haven't seen him in almost a year and it'd be nice if I could just go see him without getting crap from you."
"No, no I'm not having it. You're staying home with us, it's bad enough that your brother refuses to come over b-"
"Stop it! You're so selfish mom. If you had of paid us any attention you would have known that neither of us wanted you to get married again, at least not to him. David doesn't want to deal with this and he was lucky enough to get away. It's not my fault I'm stuck here. But tonight I'm not doing it, I'm not sitting here with what you call a family feeling like shit all night."
"Don't you talk to your mother like that." Billie Joe cut in making Jack roll his eyes.
"Don't try and parent me. Damn it, this is such bull. You're a complete ass to me when my mom isn't around and now you're trying to act like an authority figure. Well you can shove it."
"Jack!" His mother shouted, standing up from the couch nearing her son. "That is enough, you're going upstairs and getting dressed right now. You're staying home and that's final."
"Fuck you both!" Jack shouted and turned on his heel to leave the house, but stopping himself to sneer at his mother. "I really expected a lot more from you mom." With that the teen stormed out of the house, grabbing a jacket and his car keys off of the wall shelf next to the door.
Jack parked his car in front of his father's apartment complex and let out a heavy sigh. He really hadn't expected for things to go that badly with Billie Joe and his mother, but it wasn't like he could change anything now. So he got out of his car and shut the door behind him, making his way into the building.
Once he was up to his Dad'a apartment he had to take a moment before knocking on the door, signaling that he'd made it up. A few short moments later the door opened revealing his father. Jack smiled and wasted no time wrapping the man in his arms, holding back tears of happiness and excitement.
"Hey Jack-a-roo!" The teenager's father said once his son let him go, he smiled wide obviously taking in his son's changed appearance.
"Hey Dad." Jack laughed, finally walking into the small apartment. "I haven't seen you in forever." He smiled lightly, down casting his gaze.
"I know...that's my fault, I should have tried harder to get your mother to let you visit on Christmas b-"
"Wait, you tried to get me for Christmas last year?"
"Yeah, your mom didn't tell you?"
Jack shook his head and frowned. He honestly wasn't surprised that his mother had kept his father away for so long...but she'd known how badly he wanted to visit last year. He asked about it from the summer until Christmas day came until he'd finally lost hope. The fact that he was being held back by someone who claimed to love him and do only the best for him that she could...well that stung.
"Whatever, I'm here now."
"That's the spirit, come on David's in the kitchen."
"Awesome." Jack mumbled as he shuffled his way towards the sound of clanking pots.
The teacher groaned and got up from where he sat on the floor of his room and made his way downstairs where Kyle was calling him.
"What's up Ky?" Alex muttered once he was in the kitchen. Kyle was pulling something out of the oven, rolling his eyes before responding.
"Can you get the door when the bell rings. Travis said he'd be here soon." Alex nodded, noticing the obvious drop in Kyles voice at the mention of his boyfriend.
"Lex, don't start that. Don't act all weird cause you know about it."
"Okay, sorry Ky. I'm just...I don't want him here, around you."
Kyle smiled lightly and walked across the room to hug his friend.
"Know what, it's okay for you to be all weird." Kyle paused and pressed his lips onto his best friend's cheek. "It just lets me know you care...thanks for caring more than anyone else has."
Alex only wrapped his arms gently around Kyle's waist. Maybe he was over protective of Kyle most of the time but it was nice to know that the younger man appreciated it. Although he wasn't sure how he'd behave when Travis arrived and how much Kyle would appreciate him then. Of course he'd try to behave himself but when it came to the few friends he had, Alex wasn't taking anything. So maybe it wouldn't be all that easy to control himself, but for Kyle's sake he'd try.
"So how's New Zealand?" Jack asked, sitting at the small dining table in his father's apartment.
"Its nice, I'm thinking about coming back though...I've got a girlfriend now though so leaving isn't as easy as it would've been last year." David replied, smiling at the mention of his girlfriend.
"Well I didn't know you we're dating anyone?" The boy's father said, grinning teasingly.
"Yeah, I actually wasn't really planning on telling you guys about her." David laughed. "What about you Jack? How are you with the ladies right now?"
Jack squirmed in his seat and frowned, unknowingly showing his discomfort at the question.
"Is something wrong Jack?" His father asked, concerned.
"Uhm, no...I've just been meaning to talk to you guys about that...uh, I'm kind of not dating girls or interested in them for that matter." Jack could sense the pairs of eyes looking at him with a foggy confusion, seeing what he was trying to say but not making the connection. "I'm...dating guys I guess, and uh I've got a pretty awesome special someone right now."
"Wait...like how long have you known?" David asked looking rather relieved now but also upset.
"Since before Mom and Dad split..."
"Why'd you wait so long to tell us?" His father wondered aloud.
"Cause the night I wanted to you and Mom told us about the divorce. After that I just didn't know how..."
"Does Mom know?" David asked, no longer slouching in his seat but sitting upright.
"No...and after how she acted tonight about me coming over...I don't even want to tell her."
"Well you don't have to and you shouldn't have to. Your brother didn't have to come out as being straight so why should you?" Jack's father smiled, showing a lot more acceptance than he'd get at home.
"Thanks dad." Jack mumbled, avoiding both his brother and father's gaze. Yeah, he'd just come out like he'd wanted to for three years...but not the way he'd wanted to before. Not with a full family, not with the support from everyone he wanted support from, so yeah it was a little bitter sweet.
"So, you're dating someone?" David asked looking rather proud of his little brother.
"Something like that..." Jack hesitated and bit his lip. "I just really like someone right now." Jack smiled lightly. He'd decided to leave out actually being in a relationship, sure he did want his family to know but he'd rather not answer that many questions about Alex. Besides they'd all figure it out by graduation in seven months so why rush it?
The door bell rang much earlier than Alex had expected. The twenty three year old stood up from where he'd been sprawled out on the couch to answer the door.
"Hey Alex." Travis greeted him from the other side of the door still standing outside. Before Alex knew what was coming over him, his hands were balled into fists  and one was traveling through the air to meet dead center on Travis's nose. The ginger stumbled back a few steps, his hands immediately flying up to his now bleeding nose. "Woah man! What the fuck?" Travis shouted, finally regaining his balance.
Alex didn't bother to respond with words, he stepped out of the door and shoved Travis back.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Travis shouted again, shoving Alex right back. Alex raised his fist again this time directing it into Travis's gut, repeatedly punching him down to the ground, not stopping even when he was on top of the ginger, bloodying his fave to no avail. Even when Kyle's footsteps sounded, his sneakers slapping down onto the pavement Alex didn't stop. Kyle's shouts of protest and attempts to pull the other man off of his boyfriend didn't change a thing if not only fueling Alex's anger even more.
Eventually Kyle's efforts finally paid off and he was able to pull Alex up and hold onto his wrist tight enough to get him to snap back.
"Lex...what're you doing?" Kyle whispered, his lower lip trembling. "Don't do this okay...you're better than that, you're better than him." Kyle kept a hushed tone, barely glancing down at Travis. "Just...go inside okay? I can handle things from here."
Alex nodded and looked down at Travis, finally realizing just how much damage he'd done, not just physically on Travis's part...but to Kyle and how much messier he'd made things. "I'm sorry." He said, his voice muffled as he quickly turned on his heel and went into the house as quickly as possible.
"What the hell was going on out there?" Alex's father asked, standing in the hall that lead to the front door.
"I-I just..."
"He wasn't ever good enough for Kyle anyway, Bud. I'll go clear a place from the table, eh." His father looked to him sympathetically before turning around to go into the living room.
Alex lay on his back in his bed, staring at the screen of his cell phone, contemplating on calling Jack or not. If he was being honest with himself he knew it was a terrible idea after everything that had happened that night, but he was longing to hear the boy's voice. He settled on putting his phone away and going downstairs to apologize to Kyle once more.
"Hey Ky..." Alex said weakly smiling at his friend once he was downstairs in the living room.
"Hey Lex." The peroxide blonde smiled and patted the seat next to him on the couch, motioning for Alex to join him. So he did, bringing his knees up to his chest once he was on the couch. "I just wanted to say thank you...I mean you shouldn't have beat him up like that but...I still appreciate it y'know? He deserved that and more...and you actually made it easier to break up with him." Alex cocked a brow at the other boy but let him continue. "I dunno, I felt like I should care for him and help him get cleaned up or whatever, but seeing him like that reminded me of how he'd hurt me the exact same way...Just, thanks. But don't ever do anything like that again, you were kinda scary Lex."
Alex nodded and draped an arm around Kyle's shoulders. "I won't...I'm still really sorry though, I kinda over reacted once I saw him."
"Yeah, just a little bit." Kyle chuckled, nudging Alex's side.
The teacher leaned back into the couch happy that everything was resolved. But no one could blame him for wanting the week to be over already so he could go back home where things were peaceful; and where Jack was. Luckily he'd only have to withstand another few days before getting back to his daily life that he'd grown used to.

A/N: 1.) This is not my best. My friends and I started a band and video blogging (you can look at our youtube here - yes. shameless self promotion) so I've basically just been writing lyrics and skits/video ideas instead of stories all week. 2.) I updated on mibba yesterday but not here so I'm sorry about being a butt. 3.) I hoped you liked the chapter though.

pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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