Set You Right - Chapter Three

Apr 27, 2013 19:35

Title: Set You Right
Author: youmeatfood
Pairing: Jalex
Summary:  There’s a new arrival at Taburdary Boarding School. He’s bodacious, a dynamo and above all, a risk taker. Everyone’s in love with him; minus one. Alex Gaskarth believes this boy to be a pretentious, arrogant snob and will do anything to get him out of his school.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character’s mentioned, only the teachers.
Dedications: To my two beta’s (1) (2).
A/N: at da bottom


Jack finally pulled his dark blue blazer on over his white long-sleeved shirt. Both items of clothing bared the school’s logo. The tie was blue and yellow striped and Jack struggled as he tried to do up the tricky knot. He’d only ever worn a tie once before to a wedding and his mother had done it up for him. He tried tying it up in intricate ways but it never came out right. He settled for just slinging it round his neck, hoping he’d get away with not wearing it in the correct manner. Jack stood back, admiring himself in the unclean mirror, fixed to the wall. Standing at just over six foot, Jack was a lanky kid. Many a time his mother had tried to fatten him up, claiming her son was too thin. He found his height awkward; always towering over people but it is something he had got accustomed too. Jack’s sleek black hair fell over his forehead, some of it spiked all over the place. His deep brown eyes, provided to be a boring feature and he cursed his parents for giving him this boring eye colour. Jack’s eyebrows did him no favours either. They were wild bushes upon his forehead and he never plucked them, claiming it was too feminine. His nose was slightly crooked and odd shaped and was always a target for teasing. His skin was tanned slightly and Jack always preferred when he wasn’t as pale as a ghost. Jack didn’t think he was unattractive, he didn’t think he was hot however. He knew he was ok looking to get by in life.
                Rian came stumbling out of the bathroom after having showered. He looked at Jack puzzled, not expecting him to be up yet.
“Time-zones.” Jack spoke, knowing what Rian was thinking. Jack looked upon the muscular guy curled up beneath the sheets besides him. He was completely out of it, ignoring the alarm that went off in their dorm.
“Shouldn’t one of us wake him up?” Jack questioned Rian, who was currently easily putting on his tie.
“If you wake him up, it will be the worst decision you’ll ever make.” Rian mockingly said. Jack settled back down on his bed, grasping his iPod from his bedside shelf. He placed one headphone in, letting the other dangle. He put his iPod on shuffle and didn’t really pay attention to what came on.
“Hey Rian, do you know where I can get my timetable from?” He asked, suddenly realizing he had no idea what lessons he was meant to be attending today.
“From the students’ office. I’ll show you on our way to breakfast.” Rian replied, smiling at Jack. Beside Jack, Zack began to stir, mumbles escaping his mouth. Jack could just make out the words “how long have we got?” and he whispered half an hour to the boy. Zack shot up, stumbling quickly into the bathroom. Jack assumed he was eager to shower before lessons.
“Daily routine.” Rian stated and a small laugh escaped Jack’s lips. The two boys idly sat there, talking about what the day held for them and as Zack came sauntering out of the bathroom, they shared a knowing glance. Yet again, Jack watched, amazed as the boy did up his tie without even looking. There was a sharp knock on the door and Jack lifted himself off the bed to go answer the door. He pulled open the door and his face fell.
“Morning Jack.” The sickly British accent spoke and Jack groaned inside.
“What do you want?” Jack asked, leaning against the doorframe, crossing one leg over the other. He noticed the way Alex’s uniform was so neat and didn’t hang from his body. His shirt was tucked iun tightly, with a black belt holding it in place. His blazer was the perfect size for his torso and his shoes were as black as the night sky. His head body bang shone brightly in the dim light. It bared the same colours as their ties. Jack pulled his tie from around his neck and wrapped it around his wrist, playing around with it in his hands.
“I have to take you to collect your timetable and then down to breakfast.” Alex stressed
“Rian was going to take-“ Jack began but Alex rudely interrupted. “Does Jack Barakat not understand the word have? Trust me if I didn’t have too, I wouldn’t.” Alex mocked. The black haired boy slammed his head against the doorframe and counted to 10. Alex was purposefully winding him up. Alex knew that Jack was a time bomb, waiting to explode and he knew that if he could get him to step one foot out of line, he’d be out of this school as quickly as he entered.
“We’ve got 15 minutes till breakfast. Come find me then.” Jack said. He began to shut the door on Alex, but the head boy quickly put his foot in the way and shoved the door back open.
“Now.” Alex spoke sternly. Jack had to stop himself from screaming. He yanked on his converse vigorously, them being the only black shoes he owned. Rian and Zack looked on blankly. They both knew if that they tried to stop Alex, he’d probably tell on them. Jack slammed the door, nearly pulling it off his hinges. People lingering in the hallways looked on, shocked by the sudden noise.
“Lead the way then.” He said sarcastically.
“I can’t walk down the corridors with you looking like that!” Alex said, disgusted at Jack’s manner.
“What the hell is that meant to mean?” Jack questioned.
“Have you seen your tie?” Alex questioned, raising one eyebrow at the younger male.
“Yes..and your problem is what exactly?” Alex stepped closer to Jack, a needle’s length between them. Alex snatched the material from Jack’s hands and grasped the slick material between his fingers. He slung it over Jack’s neck. The black haired boy stumbled backwards, the close proximity making him feel uncomfortable.  Jack looked down, cross-eyed as Alex began to loop the material together. He watched as Alex’s dark eyebrows furrowed together, his tongue stuck out as he concentrated on tying Jack’s tie. Jack could feel his sweet breath on his face, a lingering scent of mint taking over Jack’s senses. Jack took this close proximity to admire Alex’s facial features. His teeth were a bright white, his hair a mild brown. Every time looked upon Alex’s hair it infuriated Jack. It was always greased back and Jack was dying to see what his natural hair was like. There was nothing really appealing about him and Jack looked back down. He fumbled with his own fingers and tried to resist the urge to run his hands through Alex’s brown hair, tousling it up. Alex finally pulled the material tight, took a deep breath and stepped away from Jack.
“My problems fixed now.” Jack mumbled a quick thank you and followed Alex to the main schooling building. He watched as other boys were making their way across the fields from the other dormitory houses. They all looked eager for the new schooling year to begin and Jack pondered as to whether, like him, they had been forced here, or it was their own choice. Alex faintly held the door, waiting for Jack. The sweet summer air reminded Jack off home and he quickly shoved those thoughts to the back of his mind, hoping today would be a good day.
“Stop dawdling.” He groaned and Jack just scowled at him. Next door to Mrs Flynn’s office was another door upon which Alex knocked on. Jack faintly made out a muffled “come in” before Alex was entering into the room. Inside there was a woman sat at a desk, a stack of paperwork piled to her left side.
“Oh Alex. Hello! What can I help you with?” The cheerful woman spoke fast, standing from her desk and embracing him. Alex grimaced at the woman’s happiness to see him. Her skirt was pulled up high, resting underneath her breasts (or what she had of them).  Her white blouse had various ink and tea stains on it and her wrinkly hands, with their chipping nail polish, needed some moisturiser. Most women look a lot younger than they truly are, but this extravagant woman, didn’t have that gift.
“We’ve come to collect Jack’s timetable.” Alex told her.
“Oh the new American.” She said, her voice dropping instantly. “Trouble makers those ones are. I hope you’ve got your eyes on him Alex.” The old woman walked over to a filing cabinet, searching through the folders.
“Yeah. He seems to be quite raucous.” Jack found it incredibly rude that they seemed to be talking about him as if he wasn’t in the room. He quickly cleared his throat, informing them that he could in fact hear them.  He was shot two evil glares before the lady shoved his timetable into his hands. He quickly scanned it, making sure he had all the classes he had requested. To his dismay, he had PE first period on a Monday. Thankful that the first day of term was on a Wednesday, he made a note to find a valid excuse not to do PE, before Monday. Jack lingered by the door as Alex said his goodbyes to this woman. She hugged him tightly and he back and she smiled at him. She looked like a proud mother, sending her son off to work at NASA or some high corporative business. Jack took note that they were quite close. It was an unusual relationship for a receptionist and a student to have. Alex led Jack back out of the room and they made their way to the canteen.
“What have you got first period?” Alex questioned.  “So I can take you?”
“I have Spanish class first.” Jack informed him. “It’s ok. Rian or Zack can show me. We wouldn’t want the head boy to be late to lessons now would we?” Jack teased, grasping the opportunity. Alex shot him a glare.
“Oh no it would be my pleasure to show you the way.” Sarcasm riddled out of the brunette’s mouth, holding the word pleasure on for too long. They entered the canteen and both went their separate ways again. Rian had saved him a seat yet again and Jack threw himself next to him. Rian snatched his timetable out of his hands, checking to see what lessons they had together. A wide grin spread over Rian’s face and Jack acknowledged that they probably had many lessons together (which he was thankful for.)
                An array of food was layed out at the front of the hall. Boxes and boxes of cereals were towered upon one another and stacks of toast were piled high. Bowls of fruit were scattered around and all different kinds of juices were stood at the bottom of the long table. Jack was thankful there was a wider variety of food on offer as after last night’s meal, he was left quite hungry. He settled on a bowl of rice krispies and aimlessly made his way back to his table. By now a small gathering of people were sat around Rian and Jack’s table. He pushed his way to his seat and settled down. A relatively short guy with matted brown hair situated himself next to Jack.
“Josh. Josh Franceschi.” He said, doing a small waving gesture. He smiled heavily which made Jack feel awkward. He had a nice accent Jack thought however and much preferred it to everyone else’s.
“It’s nice to meet you, I’ve heard a lot about you.” Jack winced as Josh used that phrase. A lot of people who he had conversed with him mentioned that they had “heard a lot about Jack” that he was now becoming eager to know what so interesting about him.
“What kind of things?” He questioned the boy. He looked a little younger than Jack, by around a year he presumed.
“Well, is it true that you took your school flag down and replaced it with some old underwear?” Jack’s face lit up with that memory. It earned him a week’s worth of detentions but the look on his old head teachers face when he finally saw it was something Jack would never forget.
“Yeah, I guess it is true.” Jack confirmed, trying not to sound too cocky. Assuming the entire school body had checked out his Facebook, he didn’t press on to find out how Josh had acquired all these details.
“Cooool.” Josh expressed. They both sat there, comparing reckless stories and Jack admired the guy. Half of the stuff, he had done, Jack would never dream of achieving. He could tell that Josh and himself would become great friends.
“Why did you get sent here then?” Josh enquired.
“House party gone wrong.” He responded. Jack was going to save that story for another day. “Yourself?”
“Locked my cat in the washing machine...and then turned it on.” Jack gasped as he pictured the cat squealing. Then he laughed and he couldn’t stop. Others had been listening to their conversation and joined in with the laughter that was echoing around the hall. They earned themselves some dirty glances from teachers and other pupils but Jack really didn’t care. He was always one to love attention; revelling in it. Jack noticed a short plump woman looking directly at him.  Her lips were pursed together and her wrinkles did her no justice. Her eyes were squinting, glaring right at Jack. He turned to Rian, interrogating him on the grey haired woman.
“What’s her problem?”
“Oh what, Miss Beck. She’s apparently worked here for over thirty-five years. She’s the strictest teacher at the school; get an answer wrong and you’ll never hear the end of it.”  Rian continued to give extra details about her. He told the story of when she gave a boy a detention because she didn’t like his handwriting. He then continue with the story where he’d made a first year write out one hundred lines stating the words “I will never fart in lesson again.” She came across as one of those women who knew what she wanted. “And luckily, you’ve got her period one today.” Rian mocked and Jack slammed his head onto the wooden table. Today was going to be difficult.

A/N: hello yes favourite chapter so far so yeah i hope you like it as well yay and all that jazz

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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