Set You Right - Prologue

Apr 06, 2013 17:08

Title: Set You Right
Author: youmeatfood
Pairing: Jalex
Summary:  There’s a new arrival at Taburdary Boarding School. He’s bodacious, a dynamo and above all, a risk taker. Everyone’s in love with him; minus one. Alex Gaskarth believes this boy to be a pretentious, arrogant snob and will do anything to get him out of his school.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the character’s mentioned, only the teachers.
Dedications: This chapter goes out to Jamie, for without her, this fic would never have got to where it is today. Also to my two beta’s (1) (2). Without them this whole fic would be a tragic mess.
A/N: Ooook..this feels weird.. this is my first proper fic I guess. I hope you all enjoy it. Updates will come every Saturday so yeah..oh and if you want my tumblr just message me!!:-)

“You’re going to England Jack, and that’s that.”
Jack sunk slowly into the back of the armchair he was resting in and ran a hand through his slick skunk hair. One stupid mistake on his part now meant he was being forced to attend a boarding school in England. His parents were adamant about it. There was no point him putting up a fight. Jack was known for being reckless at his current school. The kid everyone feared. He was no bully; he just gave of this fearful persona. After last night, Jack Barakat was about to go down in Baltimore history.
It was a Saturday night and his parents were out for the weekend. Jack had taken full advantage and thrown the biggest house party Baltimore had ever seen. He’d been planning it for weeks and over four hundred people turned up. His house was crammed; body’s rubbing against each other, their want for each other seemingly obvious. Shots were being taken as if there was no tomorrow and beer kept on appearing out of nowhere. Music could be heard for miles, a hired DJ commanding the audience to move. Naked girls were filling the outdoor swimming pool and guys cheered as they overlooked the scenario. People were losing all their inhibitions and he was responsible for it all. Jack felt powerful; he felt like he had achieved something. Ladies were grinding all over him and the alcohol made him even more confident. He distinctively remembers making out with a seriously hot blonde girl. She was dressed in the tightest black dress that Jack swears he had ever seen and her peroxide blonde hair was curled lightly. He had her pushed up against the kitchen counter. His lips were exploring her body, leaving territorial marks. A crowd had gathered around them, cheering and lifting their drinks up. Jack kissed her once more on the lips before winking at her and walking away, leaving her pissed off and horny.  That’s the kind of asshole he was.
Five am and the party was called to a halt. Police rode in, teenagers dispersed and Jack was left to clean the mess up. His head was ringing, the alcohol and drugs finally taking over his mind. He trudged upstairs, ignoring the mess that was left behind and swayed into his bedroom, collapsing onto his bed. Sleep overtook and he drifted off into a sweet slumber. Upon awaking at 2pm the next day, Jack groaned to himself. Sunlight was seeping through the curtains, blinding him. His parents were due home in an hour and as he looked at his surroundings, he thought he was going to be sick. He reluctantly got out of bed and crept downstairs. No carpet was to be seen as red cups were strewn all over the floor. Dispersed pieces of clothes were left all over the place and he reminded himself never to sit on the sofa again. Jack quietly cursed himself as he realized he would never tidy this all up before his parents got home.
Furious was an understatement. From dropping their suitcases on the floor, the Barakat’s were shocked. Shocked by the state of their house and shocked by the fact their son could stage something like this. Mr Barakat was the first to speak. Screaming, shouting at his son, letting him know how ashamed he was of him. How he would be paying for the damage until he was nothing more than a pile of bones.  Mrs Barakat stood there, her arms crossed against her chest, lost for words. He was sent upstairs, to his delight, whilst his parents talked about his punishment.
Jack yanked a towel out of the cupboard and undressed himself with great difficulty. The over-riding pain in his head was so apparent it was causing Jack to be a shaking mess. This was the painful result of twelve shots and ten beers in a period of seven hours. He stepped inside the shower and the steaming hot water was a miracle to the boy. It beat down upon his body like rain in a draught. He repeatedly ran his hands through his hair, massaging the shampoo in and trying to get rid of this compelling agony. He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked down the hallway back into his bedroom. His room was left unscathed, thankfully and he quietly prayed no one had entered into his parents room.  He ruffled his hair with his towel and let it dry naturally. He pulled a t-shirt which was slung on the back of the chair over his head and tugged a pair of grey jogging bottoms on.
Jack nervously stood at the top of the stairs, trying to waste time. Downstairs there was no noise. His parents had finished discussing his fate and frankly, Jack was scared. He was ready to retreat back to his bedroom when his mother appeared at the top of the stairs. She had a solemn look on her face and signalled for her son to walk downstairs. He trudged downstairs, not in any rush. He settled down in his wide armchair and slung his legs over the side. All he wanted was to walk into the kitchen, grab any sort of drug he could find to make his head feel better and go back to sleep. He was not ready to have his father shout at him.
“So?” Jack questioned, a smug look on his face. He knew what to expect. Grounded for x amount of days and he’d have to clean up his mess and probably pay his dad for some of the damage.
“Don’t give me that look Jack.” His dad sternly spoke. He was leaning forward, trying to gain eye contact with his pretentious son.
“Can we just get this over and done with?” Jack questioned, folding his arms across his chest.
“Jack you’re going to boarding school in England.” His mother quickly blurted out and Jack sat up straight.
“Pardon?” He asked, a shocked expression spreading across his face.
“Your mother said that you’ll be attend-“ His father began, but Jack was quick to interrupt him.
“I heard what she said! I’m not going! You can’t make me!” He shouted at his parents, causing his head to start ringing even more.
“You’re going to England Jack and that’s that.” His father spoke sternly and it finally sunk in. Jack was about to pay the consequences for his actions, properly this time.

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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