First Date

Apr 01, 2013 20:01

Title: First Date
Author: youmeatfood
Pairing: Jalex
Rating: PG
Summary: Alex takes Jack out on their first date together. (Loosely based off the song First Date by Blink 182)
Disclaimer: I do not own any of All Time Low however the words are all mine. Also title credit goes to Blink 182
Authors Notes: yepp ok. This just came to me and yeah idk what has happened here. Enjoy. Oh yeah, I am currently writing a fanfic and I plan on publishing the prologue on Saturday so yeah look out for that if you want.

“I’m outside.” Alex threw his phone back into the glove box after sending the simple text to Jack. He tapped his fingers along his steering wheel, nervously waiting. He saw Jack come bounding down the front steps of his house and he soon clambered into the front seat of Alex’s Honda Accord.
“Hello.” He let out shakily, staring at the beautiful boy sat beside him. Jack was wearing a crisp white dress shirt, which was tucked into a pair of black pants, which showed off his ass perfectly. Alex could tell he had freshly shaven as well. His skunk hair was styled perfectly, wispy bits covering his forehead and others spiked up all over the place.
“Hi.” Jack replied, a wide smile spread across his face. Alex was about to take Jack out on their first date and the younger male was buzzing to see what Alex had in store. The brunette started up the car, steering out of Jack’s drive way. They idly chatted, Jack trying to coax Alex into telling him where they were going. Alex profusely denied all of Jack’s superstitions, assuring him he would find out soon enough. The only clue Jack had received was to dress fancy. The drove through the Baltimore scenery and Jack could see they were surely making their way to the coast. Alex pulled into the car park for McCormick&Schmicks and Jack gasped.
“No, no, no Alex, it’s ok. Like we can go get a McDonalds or something!” Jack quickly spoke, turning in his seat and facing Alex. Alex took Jack’s hand in his own and rubbed circles around it, looking the other male in the eyes.
“No. I want to bring you here and I am.” Alex dropped Jack’s hand, heaved himself out of the door, and quickly jogged out to the other side of the car. He bowed as he opened the door for Jack. Jack laughed then, he really laughed. His eyebrows knitted together and Jack’s infectious laugh passed onto Alex who let out a small giggle. Alex tenderly took Jack’s hand. He couldn’t really believe he was taking Jack Barakat out on a date and he smiled to himself as they both walked to the entrance.
                Inside, candlelight filled the room. Waiter’s were scurrying around delicately, carrying trays of aromatic foods. Chandeliers hung low from the walls, applying little light. Tables were set out neatly, far away from each other and it gave out that romantic feel. They walked up to the front desk and Alex dethatched his hand from Jack’s.
“I’ve booked a table for two.” He told the lady behind the desk. She looked no older than 25, her hair pushed into a sleek ponytail. Her white and black uniform showed off her curves perfectly and her bright white teeth were something to be proud of.
“Name sir?” She questioned, as she looked down her computer screen, pressing a few buttons.
“Gaskarth. Alex Gaskarth.” He spoke clearly, making sure the waitress heard him perfectly, so there were no awkward moments. She scrolled down a sea of names, searching for the right one and then her eyes went wide.
“Ah yes.” She gave Alex a knowing look and Jack looked upon them, puzzled. “Let me show you to your table.” She got up from her chair and Jack took in her slim figure. She was too thin for his liking and he definitely wouldn’t date her (if he liked women that was). Alex grabbed Jack’s hand and smiled at the boy. They both followed the lady who led them into a secluded corner. There was a circular table, which was encircled with round booth seating. Alex climbed in first, shortly followed by Jack who sat next to the boy. They were handed two menus and Jack quickly flicked through, shocked by the prices.
“Alex, please let me pay for at least my side of the bill?” Jack pleaded, currently feeling rather guilty.
“No Jack,” Alex said sternly. “This night is all about you. Now please just order whatever the fuck you want!” Alex joked and Jack sighed, knowing he was fighting a losing battle.
                The two boys ordered 5 minutes later. Jack settled for the Lump Crab Tower as a starter and Alex went for the Shrimp Kisses. As they waited for their first course, the two boys chatted idly. It was strange for both boys to think they would be in this situation. They’d known each other from a young age, hitting it off straight away. They’d be best friends for as long as they could both remember and it was an unbreakable friendship. At the age of 18, Alex had moved away regrettably to go and set up his own business in New York. He left his best friend behind; leaving both their hearts broken. Both boys had  a mutual secret; they fancied the other. When Alex left, Jack was left broken, missing his other half. Alex’s decision came with many difficulties, the biggest one leaving Jack behind. Being far away from each other had resulted in their friendship being hard to sustain and their phone calls became less frequent.
                Alex returned to Baltimore 6 years later. It wasn’t going well for him in New York and he had been offered a place at a local corporative business. By this time, Jack and Alex had completely lost touch and Jack was working at the local newspaper offices, writing a weekly column. As if by luck, the pair bumped into each other one day. As Jack was taking a walk down the bustling streets, Alex was jogging in between the morning traffic, running late for work. Jack saw his figure coming towards him and he knew he noticed it from somewhere. They caught eye contact and Alex stopped instantly. They were both shocked. Wandering up to each other, all their old feelings came rising to the surface again and both males engrossed the other half in a tight hug. They exchanged numbers, claiming they must catch up and that night, Jack was round Alex’s house, watching reruns of the big bang theory.
                It had taken Alex a good 3 months to ask the boy out on a date. He nervously stood in front of Jack, Sebastian tugging on his lead. He’d ran his hand through his hair and asked the boy if he wanted to go on a date. He mumbled the words out, meaning he had to repeat them. Jack couldn’t believe his luck. He nodded and shouted the word “Yes” repeatedly. Here they were and Jack couldn’t envision anything more perfect.
                Their dishes soon came and Jack almost didn’t want to ruin the perfectly laid out meal. However, the aromas soon hit his nose and he dug right in. The avocado and mango went brilliantly together, something Jack never thought would. It melted in his mouth and the crabmeat was so delicate. It was the best starter he had ever tasted in his life and he could quite easily eat 50 more. Alex was enjoying his starter just as much as Jack and he striked up conversation with Jack about his future. Their plates were taken away when they had finished and another bottle of wine was brought out. The mannerisms of the waiters were exceptional and no customer was left waiting. They had a systematic routine and Jack admired how hard working they were.
                There main meal was brought out around 15 minutes after they had finished their starter. Jack’s Cedar Roasted Atlantic Salmon was piled high and he cursed himself for ordering a big starter. The roasted vegetables on the side were perfectly crispy and he rubbed Alex’s hand, just as a little thank you. No words needed to be said about how each other felt. This night had been long awaited for the both of them and they were grateful it had finally come about. They tried a bit of each other’s meals and Jack wished he had now ordered the Parmesan Crusted Flounder. Alex smirked at the skunk haired boy and Jack’s heart started racing. Every now and again, a waiter would ask if they needed anything, wine, water, even a cushion. Although Jack knew it was all part of the surface, Jack wished they would just leave him and Alex alone.
                The end of the evening came all too soon for Jack. Dessert was done with and Alex went up to the desk, not wanting Jack to see the price. He came back and helped Jack put on his jacket like the gentleman he was and led him outside. Instead of taking a right into the car park however they took a left, heading to the beach.
“Alex where are we going?” Jack asked as they trudged along the beaten paths.
“To the beach!” Alex exclaimed, delighted at the prospect.
“’s 9pm Alex?”
“Yeah..and?” Jack just followed suit and they soon made it to the sandy beach. The moon glistened in the reflection of the sea and Jack could faintly make out candles, lots and lots of candles, with a few blankets.
“Please don’t tell me you’ve done this?” Jack said. He felt spoilt and he also felt bad, not doing anything for Alex.
“Come on.” Alex yelled, pulling Jack behind him as he ran towards the layout. As they made it, there Jack began to notice all the little bits. Sea shells were layed out in a heart around the blankets and so where the candles. A little refrigerator box held multiple cans of beer and Alex cracked two open, handing one to Jack.
“How romantic.” Jack teased, taking the beer into one of his hands. Alex scoffed and they settled themselves down on the blankets. Jack curled into the boys sides, not caring about his actions; no one was around to see. They listened to the soft sea breeze and the waves hitting the sand before gliding back out. Jack laid his head on Alex’s chest and quietly listened to his heartbeat.
Thump Thump
Thump Thump Thump.
“Your heartbeats getting faster.” Jack whispered.
“It’s because of you.” Was Alex’s corny response. Jack smiled up at the boy, a wide, happy grin. Alex smiled back down at him and ran his hand through Jack’s hair.
“When you smile, I melt inside.” Alex spoke quietly. Jack couldn’t quite believe his luck to be honest. He never thought he’d be here lying like this with Alex. He’d given up hope ages ago. Lost in a daydream, he didn’t notice Alex climbing on top of him till the last moment.
“What are you doing?” Jack was extremely startled, his arms restrained from Alex’s weight upon them.
“I’ve always dreaded the thought of our first kiss.” Alex spoke clearly now. “But I don’t anymore. I just really want to kiss you.” Alex finished. Jack leant up into Alex’s face.
“So do I.” He breathed onto the boys face and then their lips collided. None of them was sure which one initiated it, all they cared about was what was currently happening. Alex’s lips tasted of peppermint, coffee and chocolate, all in one. Jack pined for more of the taste and entwined one of his arms from Alex’s grip. He grasped the brunette’s neck and pulled him closer into him. Alex licked Jack’s lips, begging for entrance and Jack granted him permission. They were both so engrossed in the moment, not giving a damn about anyone else. It was all they had both ever wanted and more and they both felt warm, delighted. Alex pulled away, before pecking Jack’s lips once more.
“Let’s make this last forever.”

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, standalone, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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