Good Morning Baltimore- Chapter One

Mar 18, 2013 17:36

I do not own any of the characters/lyrics/quotes used in this story(which sucks)

“Good Morning Baltimore! It sure is a cold one today here on KBL Radio. You can expect a high of 34 degrees and a whopping low if 27! Clear skies so far this morning but you can expect scattered snow showers all day into the--”

Jack slammed down on top of his alarm clock. The cheerful sound of its hosts wasn’t always pleasant to wake up to. It was cold today, again. He’d gotten rained on last week when it was cold, leaving him with a nasty cough and sniffle. Sighing to himself he pulled himself off of his sweat soaked sheets and waddled over to his dresser. He pulled a robe onto his body to keep himself warm in his heatless house. Jack had a very low tolerance to the cold; he was never fond of it when he was sick. Nevertheless Jack continued his normal morning routine; he plugged his iPod into his stereo and began to play an assortment of Blink-182 and old classic rock tunes. He strolled out into the kitchen to make his coffee and feed his best friend Jax. Jax was Jack’s cat, ironically named after him. He had Jax since he was a little boy, his mom always used to say the cat was Jack’s so that’s how he named him. Jax, it always had a nice ring to it. As Jack walked from the kitchen to the bathroom to shower he noticed the note his Mum had left him like every day.

“Hello, love. Try not to stress out too much today. <3
                                                                                         -Love Mum”

He knew his Mum had always cared and tried to keep him as non-stressed as possible it just never seemed to work. Being the odd kid with no friends kind of sucked.

Now I’m sure some of you are thinking, oh hey another story about a loser kid who has no friends but what you don’t understand, it’s not Jack’s fault. It never was Jack’s fault, he was just different. He never knew what he was because his mother never told him.

As Jack stepped into the shower to get ready for school, he thought about his approaching birthday. How every year his Mum wouldn’t let him go to school or even leave the house. He was hoping this year would be different, maybe his Mum would take him to dinner. He wondered what turning Seventeen would feel like, if anything would be different. Something always changed about Jack on his birthdays, his face or his voice. But one thing he always noticed was a small rage fire that burned in his gut that seemed to grow stronger and stronger every year. He couldn’t contain it sometimes at school, some people just pushed him too far and he would flip out. He always blacked out of course but the subjective damage he hears about didn’t sound too wonderful. His Mum had always worried about him, hoping one day everything would be okay.

Jack sniffled again, dreading the cold he was regaining. He’d been sick a lot this month, his mom always got freaked out when he got really sick. Jack tried to push the thought of his illness out of his mind in hopes the cold would follow. He washed his hair and got out of the shower, blow drying and flat ironing the skunk on his head. He gelled the ends so it didn’t frizz if it rained, can never be too careful. He walked over to his closet and pulled out his usual dress, band shirt with black jeans and his favourite purple sweater; the colour purple had always made Jack smile. He made sure he had all his stuff and grabbed his keys off his night table and left.

Jack didn’t notice that he hadn’t felt the cold when he left, he just climbed into his car and left. He knew he wouldn’t be allowed to go to school on Wednesday so he remembered that he would need to get his assignments from his teachers. He secretly hoped he would get to go to school so people would be forced to be nice to him for a change, rather than the shitty attitude he gets.

Turning onto the highway it began to drizzle, a light and steady stream of freezing cold mush. Jack waited until he reached a stoplight to search the backseat for his large umbrella, sighing in frustration at not finding it. He slammed him hands on the front of the steering wheel and pushing his head into the headrest of his seat. He reached to turn the radio on to calm his nerves when out of the corner of his eye he saw the umbrella, sitting in the spot his eyes had had grazed multiple times. A tad confused he turned the radio on and kept on his way, not thinking twice about it.

Pulling into his parking space at school was terrible as always, douche bag kids thinking they can park like dick because they have nice cars. Even for Jack’s small figure it was difficult to get out of the car, he left a tiny dent in the door of the other kid’s car in the process of trying to get out. He shook it off and unfolded his umbrella, making the shitty walk to campus. Jack still had not noticed the cold until the warm hair from campus hit his body. He shuddered and made a beeline to his locker, shoving his bag inside and grabbing the books he needed. Jack turned to get to class early when he crashed right into none other than Mr. Rian Dawson, school’s #1 douche bag.
“Barakat, did you do the chemistry homework?” He was so brooding compared to Jack. He was muscular, but not too much. If he wasn’t so rude Jack might have thought he was an okay guy.

“Yeah, I copied it for you last night, so you don’t have to worry about that.” Jack tried his hardest not to stutter his word because, let’s face it, he was terrified of getting beat up a few days before his birthday. The look on Rian’s face shocked the hell out of Jack.

“Thanks, man.” Rain smiled to Jack and lightly bumped him on the shoulder, making Jack flinch a bit. Rian wasn’t with his friends so maybe that’s where the sudden niceness came from but he wouldn’t let himself think too much of it. Jack continued on his way to class, walking with tense muscles awaiting the pushes and shoves from his peers but none came. Jack was seriously started to freak himself out, maybe he was imagining most of this but he just couldn’t shake this feeling.
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