Perfect Disaster (chapter six)

Mar 17, 2013 18:43

Title: Perfect Disaster (chapter six)
Pairing: Jalex
Rating/warnings: PG13/none; angst again?
Summary: Jack knew he'd met Alex for a reason.
Disclaimer: 100% fiction, I own no one, etc. Title is from Ever After by Marianas Trench and cut credit goes to Two of the Lucky Ones by The Droge & Summers Band (in other words, that one song from Zombieland).
A/N: at the bottom~


Jack sat in the car in stunned silence. Boyfriend?! On one hand, it was good because he finally found out that Alex was most definitely not straight, but on the other hand, he had a boyfriend already. Of course.

Alex patiently waited for Jack to gather his thoughts. The brunette finally stopped staring blankly at the other boy."What?!" he hissed. "Alex, you asked me out to the movies today, and you paid for my ticket, and I don't know about you, but that seems pretty more-than-friends to me. And what about that day with the guitar? What was that?" He let out a disappointed sigh. "Just, I'm upset you...led me on, okay? Because--" "Jack, wait," Alex interrupted. "Just let me explain?" The brunette shrugged and nodded.

"Okay. My boyfriend's name is Josh. Josh Franceschi. We've been...together, kind of, since high school. He was great in high school: sweet, caring..." Alex said softly, smiling to himself. "But what happened?" Jack prompted. "Well, we went to the same college, and we're roommates, but he wanted to go into engineering and I was going into a career in music. So we're at the same school, but we are at different areas, you know?"

Jack nodded, encouraging him to go on.

"But w-when we got to college, it was, like, the second semester of freshman year, and he just kind of...changed. He started sleeping around with people, and he'd come home piss drunk, and we...grew apart, I guess. He's so different now... I just miss the old Josh, you know?" Alex ran a hand through his hair nervously. "I just wish he knew how much this just hurts," he whispered.

"Alex, I'm...I'm so sorry," Jack breathed. He could never imagine anyone wanting to hurt this boy, ever, because Alex was just so kind and sweet and lovely, and he didn't deserve anyone breaking his heart.

Alex only shrugged. "It's not too bad, I guess... I mean, I still talk to him, and see him sometimes..."

"Wait," Jack interrupted. "Sometimes? I thought you said you guys were roommates?"

"Oh, yeah. He... just doesn't come home a lot anymore," he said quietly. "His parents are filthy rich, so I guess he's just staying at a few of their million vacation homes. And Josh has always been...resourceful in a way, and he's a grown man, so I know he's doing fine, I just... miss him. I just want to know he's okay, and that he still loves me, and hopefully he'll change. He...he just needs t-time to settle into college." Alex glanced out the window at the setting sun, obviously trying to hide the tears that were brimming in his eyes. Jack wanted nothing more than to reach out and kiss him and make him happy, but instead he was left sitting with no words coming out.

"Alex... I don't mean to pry or anything, but he...just doesn't seem like much of a boyfriend," Jack said slowly.

The dirty blonde glanced back at him before returning his gaze to the window. "I know, and I don't really count us as together anymore's just complicated, I guess. It's like we're on a break, or like, on hiatus or something."
Jack fell silent for a moment, then spoke again, choosing his words carefully. "Then, um, what...what about this?" he asked, gesturing between the two of them. "I mean, I don't wanna pressure you or anything but that day with the rhythm guitars, it was...nice, being close to you, b-but if you have a boyfriend I understand, I'm just..." He sighed. "For a songwriter, I'm not very good with words," he said apologetically.

Alex laughed. "No, it's fine, Jack. And I don't know...I led you on, you could say, and I'm really sorry for that. It's just, I really like being with you, and whatever this is..." He tentatively reached out to take Jack's hand in his, smiling when the brunette laced their fingers together. "Look, I know I was an asshole with this whole Josh thing, and it's a mess, but I...I want to be with you, and Josh isn't even in the picture right now, so...we should, um, keep hanging out and stuff? I mean, if you want to?"

Jack giggled. "Yeah, I do," he murmured. He smiled at the grin that broke over Alex's face as the dirty blonde whispered "Okay."

Sorry this is late, again :c I haven't had a lot of motivation to write lately bc of personal stuff going on so I'm sorry this chapter isn't the best, but I wanted to put this one up because it answers a lot of questions and yeah. Also I'm leaving for Florida for spring break this Friday and I won't be back for a week, so there probably won't be an update for two weeks or so, sorry D: I still love you guys though I promise :) -Clare

rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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