I got a crush on you 6/?

Feb 22, 2013 15:27

Title: I got a crush on you 6/?
Author: jalex_bandwhore
Rating: PG-13
Pairing: Jalex
Summary:Alex is shy, quiet and reserved but he has a secret.
A secret crush on all-state swim champion Jack Barakat.
But little does he know that this Valentine's Day will change everything.
Author Notes: at the bottom

Jack and I cuddled on the couch the rest of Valentine’s Day night until about eleven when he said he should probably go home since it was a school night. I walked him to the door, kissing him goodbye and good night.

Shutting the door and locking it, I walked back into the living room and cleaned up our mess. Tossing the trash away, and putting the dishes in the dishwasher.

I headed up to my room when my phone buzzed in my pocket, pulling it out, smirking; I miss you :(

I miss you too. I’ll see you in the morning babe.

that’s too long :(

babe, it’s only 9 hours and you’ll be sleeping like 8 of them.

but but

I’ll give you extra kisses in the morning…

Can’t I have them now?

tomorrow, I’ll give you ten extra.




I can see you in my driveway still

I sent the text and went downstairs to the living room and waited for Jack to knock on the door.

About two minutes later, I heard a knock on the door, getting up and answering it. Jack was standing there pouting, and giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes I’ve ever seen. I smirked and said, ‘Come in here, you big baby.’ He walked in the house and I shut the door behind him.

‘Do you…you want them all…all at once or one…one at a time?’

He looked up at me a little confused and said, ‘One at a time.’

I walked over to him and told him to close his eyes. He did. I smirk to myself and put a Kiss on my lips melting the chocolate on my lips, and leaned in and kissed his lips. He moans and I leaned back, he opened his eyes and said, ‘Chocolaty. I like it.’

We walked back into the living room; Jack sat down on the couch and pulled me on top of him. I blushed and moved to sit across his lap, and kissed his lips. He deepened it, pulling me closer. I’ve gotten a less nervous around him, so I run my tongue across his bottom lip, he opens his lips and I slide my tongue into his mouth. He moans softly. I explore his mouth and he licks my tongue and I moan. I pull back and he groans at the lack of contact.

‘Baby it’s just hard…hard kissing like that, I’m just getting more…more comfortable.’

I move to where I’m sitting on his thighs. I move my hand to my jacket pocket and pulling out a Kiss, pulling off the red foil and putting it up to his lips; he opens them and took the Kiss. I lean in and kiss his lips, I smirked.


‘Hmmm baby?’

‘Did you really offer to pay for my parents to go out tonight?’

‘Nope, never.’ He looked at me and bit his lip.

‘Oh my god you did!’

‘In my defense I told them I would be spending all day and night with you, if everything went well and that we would want them to have a good night out on Valentine’s Day. So no money was exchanged or mentioned in this conversation with them.’

‘How did you even talk to them without me seeing you talk to them?’

‘Um, member that day I wasn’t in study hall cause the team had a meeting?’

I shook my head yes.

‘Well only the lower classmen needed to be in the meeting and I went to their offices and talked to them.’

‘What did they say?’

Jack leaned up to kiss me and I returned the kiss. ‘Well they said that if I were to break your heart that they would break me.’

My eyes went wide. ‘Seriously?’

Jack laughs, ‘No silly, they said that it took guts to come talk to them and they respected me for talking them, and running my idea by them. And they thought I was sexy.’

I rolled my eyes. ‘So are you saying my mom hit on you?’

Jack laughs again. ‘No, that was your dad hitting on me.’

‘I’m competing against my dad?!’

Jack shook his head yes.


‘Wanna know a little secret Alex?’

I shook my head yes.

‘You’re winning,’ Jack winked.


‘You’re such a dork, Alex.’

‘I know but I’m your dork.’

‘And I wouldn’t have it any other way.’

Jack leaned up and kissed my lips, I ran my fingers to the back of his neck, deepening the kiss. He moaned softly. I slide closer to his body, pressing my body against his. Don’t look at me like that. If you were kissing Jack Barakat you would press your body against his too, but you can’t so :P

Air started running low so we leaned back, I looked him in the eyes and started blushing. ‘Sorry.’

‘You’re cute, you know,’ Jack said kissing my cheek.

‘Jack…what’s your favorite thing about me before you knew me?’

‘I loved when you got nervous you would blush and stutter.’ He looked up at me. ‘Kinda like that,’ he smirked and kissed my lips.

‘Stopppppppppp, Jack.’

‘But it’s so cute, baby,’ he kissed my cheek again making me blush more.

I looked at him and pouted.

‘Aww. Okay baby I’ll stop if you tell me what you like about me before you knew me.’

‘Ummm…. I liked you in your Jammers,’ I looked at him with a straight face.

‘Oh, well then,’ he laughed a little, ‘did you like the front or back the most?’

My eyes go wide at his question. ‘I...I...um…the…the…um…back.’

‘That’s good to know Lexy,’ Jack winked at me and I started blushing more.

Jack reached into my jacket pulling out a Kiss, unwrapping it and placing it against my lips. I go to open my lips, but he moved away from my lips and he ate it.

‘Hey! You’re mean!’ I put my hand in my pockets and found out he took the last one. ‘You’re even meaner now; you took the last one I had.’

‘I sowwy Lexy. How can I make it up to you?’ Jack pouted.

‘First of all awwww and second…ummm…I demand kisses. Lots and lots of kisses, mister.’

Jack leaned in and kissed my lips, only to deepen it a moment later, pulling me closer against his body. I wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back just as much. He ran his tongue over my bottom lip, I opened my lips, letting his tongue explore. Gently running his tongue over mine, I moaned at the contact. He ran his hands down my sides and put one on my lower back pulling me even closer if possible.

‘Lexy so sexy,’ Jack mumbled against my lips.

‘Jacky so…’ I struggled to find something to rhyme with Jacky. Jack just laughed a little and kissed my lips.

Forgetting about trying to rhyme, I kiss him back. He nipped at my bottom lip and sucked on my tongue, I moaned. Jack kissing my lips, then he leaned back and looked at me, smirking. He leaned back and kissed my neck earning another moan from me. Jack would nip at my neck then smooth over the spot with his tongue and kiss it. I lean my head up giving Jack more of my neck to work on. He kissed down my neck, down to my collarbones.

Jack kissed my collarbones and I ground my hips across his crotch moaning at the feeling. I did it again. He moaned at continued working on my collarbones, nipping softly at them and smoothing the area. I continued to grind on his lap and moaning softly. ‘Jacky.’

‘Don’t stop Lexy.’ Jack moaned back, kissing my neck again.

When Jack said don't stop, something in me click and I realized what I was doing and started to push Jack away.

'What's wrong baby?' Jack said as I pulled away from him.

'I...I...ca...can't do...do this.'

'Alex breathe baby, you're scaring me. Do what?'

'This,' I motioned to me sitting on his lap.

'Baby, calm down. I'm not going to force you into anything I promise. I should of stopped you, I'm sorry.'
Wait why is he apologizing when it's my fault
'babe please look at me.'

I slowly looked up at him, biting my swollen bottom lip. ‘I’m sorry.’

‘Why are you sorry baby?’

‘I should… shouldn’t hav…have lead you…you on. I know you…you want…want it.’

‘Baby, I only want it if you want me to have it. I know we should have stopped. I’m sorry.’

My phone started buzzing on the side table and I leaned over to get it. It was a text from my mom;
Hi honey, I just wanted to let you know we’ll be back tomorrow morning around 11. I hope you had a good Valentine’s Day. Love you.

Jack looked at me, ‘Is everything okay babe?’

‘Yeah it was just my mom saying they were going to be home tomorrow around 11.’

‘Oh, okay.’



‘Would yo…you…um lik…like to stay…stay the nig…night?’ I looked at Jack blushing.

Jack looked up at my question and smiled. ‘I would like that Lexy. But where am I going to sleep?’

‘In…in my room.’

Jack raised his eye brow at me and I blushed and looked down at my fingers, ‘I…I did…didn’t mean it…it like that.’

‘I know,’ he smirked, ‘I just like seeing you blush it’s too cute.’

I hit his shoulder and pouted.

‘Baby, don’t pout or I’ll kiss it off.’

I continued to pout and he nudged my cheek with his nose, and leaned over and kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back.

‘Yes Lexy.’

I looked at him confused.

‘I would like to stay the night with you, lemme just text my parents and tell them I’m staying at Matt’s.’

‘Why Matt’s?’

‘I um haven’t told my parents about you yet. I planned on telling them when I went home but since I’m not going home tonight I can’t really tell them.’


‘Lexy, you kinda have to get off of me if you want to go to bed.’

I blush, ‘Sorry.’

‘It’s okay baby.’ Jack kisses my cheek.

I get off his lap and stand up stretching, my shirt rising up on my stomach exposing my hips. I looked at Jack and he was looking at me biting his bottom lip. I start blushing, and held out my hand for him to take. I helped him up off the couch and we held hands as we walked upstairs to my room.

I walked over to my closet and got two pairs of sweats and handed one to him, ‘You can change in the bathroom if you want.’ He took the sweats and walked into the bathroom, shutting the door. I pulled off my skinnies and pulled on the sweats and took off my jacket tossing it on the computer chair.

I walked out to the closet with all the extra pillows and blankets, grabbing two pillows when I felt two arms wrap around my waist. ‘Hi baby,’ Jack said and kissed my neck. I turned around in his grip and smirked, ‘Hi Jacky.’ He lets go of my waist and took a pillow from me, grabbing my hand with his and we walked back to my room.

I tossed my pillow on the bed and he tossed his too. ‘Wall or?’ I asked.

‘I don't care babe, sleep where you normally sleep.’

I climbed on the bed and moved the blankets and pillows so Jack and I could sleep on my bed. I lay down by the wall, and looked back at Jack. ‘Get in here silly.’

Jack climbed onto the bed and snuggled up close to me. He kissed my neck and wrapped his arms around me.

‘Night Lexy.’

‘Night Jacky.’

A/N So, I decided to turn this into a chapter fic.
I would of had this chapter up on the 15th, but I had no idea if I wanted to just end it with an epilogue or wanted to do another chapter fic. Thanks for all the comments so far. ♥

pairing: jack barakat/alex gaskarth, rating: pg-13, pairing: alex gaskarth/jack barakat

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